
That's where in my view if we react and get angry, we only play right into the game. In one sense even seeing it as their intended goal I think takes us down the same path too, when their is still a possibility that it is simply a case of their own blind triggers at work in them. I think that's the case for all so called "conspiracy theories" in the sense that judging the intentions of others creates the antagonist within ourselves and thus gives us the very same divisive effect. Plus, I can tell you firsthand that all throughout media these tactics are used to pull in eyeballs to sell sponsors and their products to; and let's face it, money does blind human nature from the truth. To me all of this that we see shows just another sign that this entire debt-based global financial system is coming close to running it's course at the end of it's cycle.

This is all where I believe each one of us has an opportunity to overcome our current state to decide for ourselves what it is we really want. It all starts with us. It starts with where we choose to focus our thoughts and emotions on. If we really want peace, as Gandhi said,

"we have to be the peace we want to see in our world."

Being something we have not really been before requires us to think outside the box. That's really where I want to take this post conversation, even if I do a second part at some point, which would dig in deep to the past and how we got here. The first day of feedback on this post had a lot of activity, but the second day, which was the actual date of the title, seems to have completely died off. I guess it would have been better to have done it a week in advance.

You highlight good points @positivesynergy.

I really don't know why it is that the activity died down. This is a very good post! I'll try and draw some more attention here to see if we can't make it take off.

I see steemit kept crashing the last several hours or so with a network error every time I try to comment here. It seems yesterday, the day the Astrologers predicted on this post, many things have gone haywire on computer systems. A lot of friends have told me of malware issues. Even my car computer changed an hour ahead on it's own. Firefox would not work on any site until Avast was updated. Google, Facebook, Twitter have all had issues. It seems connected to EU's new GDPR data protection law, which is effecting the world, that is supposedly going into effect over the next week is tied into it all, as even Windows is warning it wants to do a huge update/reconfigure that will take a lot of time. My email inbox is full of TOS updates to dozens of services and sites. It looks like we are off and rolling into this new window of time. nOt to mention the crypto markets all sold off yesterday.

It's exam season for UK universities so I've been so busy! I don't intend on being quite so lacklustre in my responses in the future!

It's a vicious cycle, distrust of established global narratives through a belief that they are inherently geared toward individual preservation and inequality has the effect of dissolving these narratives - that's a good thing. It's quite possible, however, that without a unifying 'enemy', and with distrust of cultural rules or truths, we are left with infighting. It's the final stopping call of postmodernism in a sense.

Following the archaeology of this phenomenon is something that is universally useful though. Honestly, this 'ramping up' effect you've noticed I think started with the establishment of the American war economy in the 1930's/1940's - The GDP of the US rose from 6,000,000,000 pre-ww2 to over 300,000,000,000 post. From this point, American history very much becomes a story of war and subversion. The individual, me and you, the average person, are rarely filled with hate. Within our small communities and friendship groups, we cooperate and evolve. I just have this impossibly strong suspicion that global economics dictate that international relations must always be adversarial. I was recently talking to a friend of mine, who is studying for their PhD in Chinese/US relations and their likely evolution. His conclusions are hopelessly dark but I would like to introduce them into this conversation because I think from them we can begin to build the parameters of our future dialogue.

He stated rather firmly that Chinese expansion and growth is incompatible with the current US-centric global economic and political climate. As China develops it will encroach on US profit, that's not a contentious argument, as the world starts to move toward the Yuan the US will simply be unable to support itself. It has become a country of entitlements and services. Simply - it is very expensive to give 300 million people the 'American Dream'. China's expansion can be contorted into an assault on this dream and from that it is easy to see how the next 'red threat' can be born.

I know, this sounds unlikely but a cursory look through American history shows a pattern. Macarthyism didn't die with the Soviet Union.

Perhaps this is why I value platforms such as this so heavily. I love your comment on it starting with us. Certainly, this rings true. Nazism could have been stopped with one well placed and passionate objector early enough in its historical trajectory. I fear I've rambled a bit, but I'm halfway through a several thousand word essay on the logistics of evidential admissibility in rape trials, so forgive if I'm writing literally anything to procrastinate from that.

You know, you saying that actually set me off on an interesting train of thought. We often forget that we are responsible for making the world, as much or even more so than it is responsible for making us. Again, bringing this back to environmentalism - it is so easy to project you most lofty ambitions onto a governmental body, whilst simultaneously asking for a plastic bag to carry the single pear you bought from the shop. To me, the simultaneous externalisation of responsibility, the erosion of grand unified truths, the adversarial nature of global economics and subversion of truth for finance - have lead me to draw similar conclusions to you. We are, as we stand here today - The most powerful human beings to ever live - and a significant reason for it - as inconspicious as it might seem, is platforms like this.

I'm not going to read that back - but what I will do I reply something perhaps a bit more relevant down the road. Please do a follow up though! I'll try and engage a bit more with your points next time instead of just sounding off - again, rape law is sad and mandatory, global collapse is sad and optional - it's a law of exam procrastination that what needs to be done will always come after what wants to be done.

Have an awesome day

Brilliantly said, @castbythecoast. I would certainly be interested in hearing what your friend would have to say who is studying for their PhD in Chinese/US relations and their likely evolution. I agree that Macarthyism didn't die with the Soviet Union. It's just evolved, much like the Roman Empire has many times over and appears to be nearing an end in it's current mask of the United States.

I wouldn't be surprised, though, if they are planning to shift the narrative towards a more unifying 'enemy', such as Wernher von Braun had supposedly mentioned the last option or phase would become a fake alien invasion to unite the world "against". Of course some could say it is the divisions of "alien immigrants" at this point. Still there is some evidence of von Braun's idea beginning to take shape.

As you said,

"We often forget that we are responsible for making the world, as much or even more so than it is responsible for making us."

This I believe to be a part of what life on earth in this current stage is so much about. It seems to be reflecting back to us our very nature at this stage of development to help wake us up and make the necessary changes within in order to evolve through it all to some sort of next stage of human development or evolution. There's so much more to ponder here and continue with this conversation, but I too must be pulled away now to other responsibilities.

Have an awesome day and weekend, my friend.

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