Cloud mining experiment: FLEEX - Mining without investing money - Part 2 1/2
While collecting data for part 3 of my cloud mining experiment, I decided to write something about the cloud mining site FLEEX.
I stumbled over this site a few weeks ago - please note, that I do not suggest to invest any of your money here!
This is a fairly new mining website which offers 100 Gh/s for any new registration. I made use of this and registered.
With the free 100 GH/s you can immediately start mining without spending any money. The free Gh/s can be distributed between mining Bitcoin, Dodgecoin, Litecoin or increasing your hashpower in percentages.
I decided to go 90% for Dodge and 10% for hashpower increase:
As you can see, I mined 112.9 Doge and increased my hashpower from 100 Gh/s to 102.6 Gh/s.
This is not much, but for free its ok. Payouts are possible from 1000 Doge.
It will take quite a while until I reach the minimum payout amount - if ever, since this is a fairly new service and I doubt that it will exist for long.
Check it out with the free 100 GH/s as I did - but again: I do not suggest investing real money into it!
I also suggest not to use your main email address, because i don't know if you will get spam mails.
Until now - everything went as is should without spam.
Here is the link to the webpage: