Wall Street Shill Mike Novogratz, Late To The Crypto Party, Acts Like He Knows What's Going On
I’ve been involved in bitcoin since 2011 when it was just $3. Many of my friends were in earlier in 2010. At the time, it actually felt like I was late to the party.
We all jumped on board as soon as we learned about cryptocurrency and what was happening, because we knew a censorship-free digital money held the potential to eradicate the tyrannical central-banking monetary system, as well as its crony capitalist monsters like Goldman Sachs.
But, now in 2018, a bunch of Wall Street deadbeats have finally seceded that crypto is unstoppable and are predictably pouncing on it to retain their ill-gotten gains.
The latest newb is Mike Novogratz, or Novo-ratz as I call him, former Goldman Sachs hack who recently took to Twitter to pretend he knows all about what Bitcoin is and should be:

Funny how those so late to crypto either don’t understand or are trying to redefine what its original purpose is.
Go check Satoshi’s whitepaper---where does it say anything about being “digital gold”?
Nowhere! But it states quite clearly that Bitcoin was intended to be peer-to-peer digital cash.
Newcomer Novogratz is either delusional or manipulating public opinion to suit his agenda---after all, he’s on record calling crypto “the largest bubble of our lifetimes” and that he plans to capitalize big time on its downfall:
“Prices are going to get way ahead of where they should be. You can make a whole lot of money on the way up, and we plan on it.”
Meet The Wolf of Bitcoin:

Keep in mind, this is the same guy who fled from Fortress Investment Group after 2 years of losses.
Salty Mike’s net worth reportedly plummeted from billions to under $500 million by 2012.
And now, he’s set his sights on cryptocurrency with his new Galaxy Digital Assets Fund which, as Bloomberg reports:
“...the fund marks a comeback to professional money management after humbling losses at Fortress and almost two years of self-imposed exile from Wall Street.”
Why should anyone listen to this sore loser?

When he’s not fleeing Wall Street to find a short-term bailout in crypto, the poser is spreading utter distortions and lies on Twitter.
The fact of the matter is that this is just a continuation of the “inside job” takeover of bitcoin to ensure it can never be used as digital cash… thus saving the communist-style central bank monopoly on currency.
Well, I’ve got news for you Novo-ratz. Establishment bandwagoners like you are now the small fish swimming in our ocean. And, while you may have the Wall Street Journal and Rothschild-owned Economist magazine to sow your propaganda, no one important reads those rags anymore.
If you think you can just waltz into the crypto space and start acting like you are the boss in a game you know nothing about, you’ve got another thing coming.
I’ve seen the Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index which Novo-ratz is involved in. It is essentially a list of The Dollar Vigilante’s top 10 portfolio picks from our newsletter (subscribe HERE) over the last seven years. I wouldn’t be surprised, at all, if he’s a subscriber and is just copying our picks.
Copy away… but don’t think for a second you are going to show up to the party seven years late and start telling us what to do.
This ain’t Wall Street, Mike. It’s actually the exact opposite.

It is funny how Bcash proponents never come with strong arguments but only point to how long they are already in Bitcoin. I see way more value In what someone say who is one year in Bitcoin based on arguments than someone who is 5 years in Bitcoin without arguments. I have never seen a strong argument from you to support your FUD about Bitcoin and I don't give a f*ck how long you are in already. Warren Bufet and Charles Monger are way longer in finance than you, lets listen to them! LOL
Btc holders attacking bch is just embarrassing themselves.
The Wolf of Bitcoin double middle finger is great! I hate Wall Street and the criminal central bankers as much as you, but don't you think having these guys tweet about Bitcoin is a good thing? How would someone benefit from the fall of Bitcoin anyways?
I am sure you have many advantages of the given cryptocurrency. I also have felt the benefits of Bank bitcoun fari this. hope you always succeed
Thanks for sharing. I've smashed the upvote button for you! Bless him, the moron is trying....
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I have learned about cryptos since ending of 2017 and I will be here with my investment with BTC. Thanks for sharing
Yup. Trying to shut the stable door after the stallion has well and truly bolted.
The real idea of crypto and blockchain is to introduce maximum possible transparency in to the system.
you guy very very great
These people are really starting to get obvious with their fear of loosing their money against crypto. They tried to throw black propaganda about Bitcoin before and they're still doing it again. Maybe he doesn't even know what a "whitepaper" is! Let's be careful with trusting the rich because they're just too greedy in nature.