Dan Larimer on the Future of EOS and Decentralized Applications

Back by popular demand on TDV, I recently interviewed Dan Larimer to ask him about the status of his EOS project and the future of its decentralized applications.
Many of our subscribers had requested that I have Dan back on after the price of EOS dropped significantly since our last interview.
Dan speaks about delegated proof of stake and how it could potentially lead to EOS becoming one of the most agile platforms in existence. For that reason, Dan believes EOS will achieve great success in the future.
He also talked about the importance of decentralization and how EOS will be more than 2x as decentralized as bitcoin and 5x as decentralized as Ethereum.
EOS is currently trading below the value of the funds it has raised to date in its ICO, which is usually a good indicator that there is lots of potential upside ahead - especially in a project that looks fundamentally sound and has some of the brightest minds in crypto working on it.
After all, Dan was around and discussing bitcoin with Satoshi Nakamoto before it even launched.
To hear all the specifics regarding this aspect and more, you should definitely listen to the entire interview.
And to get all the latest, most up-to-date information about the crypto space and updates like this video before everyone else, subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante where subscribers get access to all exclusive information, like this interview, first.
And, Dan Larimer will be one of many great speakers at Cryptopulco, part of Anarchapulco from February 15-18th followed by the TDV Internationalization & Investment Summit on February 19th. You can check out all those events and register now at Anarchapulco.com.

Thanks a lot for sharing these extra words of knowledge about EOS. It entices me to invest into it even more now too! Thank you!!!
Namaste :)
Awsome, Im a bug beliver on eos.
Me too! :P

Lol nice one
One should be careful with EOS because they don't actually guarantee that their tokens will be convertible to real EOS.
I highly doubt that, they can't raise millions of dollars and not give anything back. They don't guarantee anything because it will be considered as security, its for legal purpose. I don't worry about that because I know for a fact, EOS team are not scam artists.
What I worry is, how successful the project will be. There is no guarantee they will be able to achieve what they plan to do. They might fail, beaten up by competition, you name it. There is risk involved.
For your great response to that lame FUD attempt of stating EOS won't garuntee their ERC20 tokens will be convertible to EOS is just rediculous... I mean why would they raise all this emoney and then not give out the tokensona network they are creating? hah they would just piss off all of their paying customers and sabotage themselves by ripping off every single person who believed in them? I think not! That would make no sense...And if @arbokinvestments thinks that EOS could bea scam he should leave steemit right now because same guy making EOS made Steem so why are you eve here? I dont think thats what youre saying but it is what youre implying! i DO understand WHY you think that should be a red flag but they HAD to say that stuff for legal purposes, its not any sort of red flag to someone who is actually in the know about this stuff.... I upvoted your 72 cent comment at full power up to get your comment at 86 cents so its one step closer to $1!
EOS is the future! here is my current EOS stash, about to buy some more EOS and then more Golos today...

Ive been buying up EOS since its been 50 cents and now i have 244 EOS and am about to buy some more so ill have 300 and soon 50 and eventually 1000 and I will be a King when EOS is where Ethereum is soon, and imagine having like 1000 Ethereum with ethereum at 300, but EOS wil go to $1000 and beyond, EOS are going t be like $1000 Bills.... but justimagine them as even $1 bills and getting em at 50 cents whata steal! I get the best feeling out of owning EOS and the logo looks the coolest
Nice interview
Thanks for the update. I haven't been hearing much about EOS lately (I guess it's been eclipsed by Bitcoin 6K).
Thanks for the interview - I'm still unclear of exactly what the value of EOS tokens will be on the blockchain once it launches - Anyone got a direct link to a brief explanation of that side of the equation? Or is it undefined?
Besides for it being used as a currency to trade, the coins will also be used to secure the network by staking them in the EOS wallet in exchange for a return % of the block rewards generated every block cycle. EOS holders will also see value when projects built on the eos.io software distribute some of their new tokens through an airdrop using a snapshot of your wallet.
Thanks for your comment. It's the finer points which I don't really grasp (due to having been too busy to read the whitepaper in full). If rewards are generated with every block (similar to Bitcoin) and the network is doing the 'mining' and the 'rental' of the hardware is paid for by the wealth stored in the wallets - then I can understand that the return on the investment in the wallet would be paid out to the wallet owners. This part of it sounds like a large scale, organised network of miners - similar to a mining pool. Do people who use their hardware as part of the EOS network (used for processing transactions) also get paid - like a miner would in bitcoin? Does every user of the network dedicate part of their computer to processing transactions?
I probably need to watch Dan's technical presentation again now that I have a better understanding of blockchains and steemit in general.
Yes, the delegates (or block producers) are getting paid like a bitcoin miner would. The top 21 in each block cycle are the only ones getting paid (for that block cycle). None of the other delegates or any of the people staking coins get paid by this method.
The active block producers that received the rewards have the option to do whatever they want with the generated revenue. Most of them will have written proposals offering profit sharing for each wallet holder that voted for them as a block producer, some public some private.
No, not every user's computer is dedicated to processing transactions, just the nodes. The users can stake their coins, and still get paid without having to use the computer power and electricity to compete for the block reward.
Reviewing Dan's presentations and interviews is something I've spent over 100 hours on in the past few months. It's exciting because each and every time I do, something becomes clearer to me.
Wow, ok - I imagine after 100 hours you have a good understanding of it all! I will definitely watch again - thanks for the answers.
thanks for your opinion.......
Hey @dollarvigilante - I'm looking for support as a Steem Witness currently, I see you are voting for TeamSteam, who is someone who posts about similar topics to me - It'd be really helpful if you'd add me to to your witness vote list.
My witness application post is here.
eos numbers and funds are still so confusing.. all I can get from the interview regarding eos funding is that they have enough and there is room for Dan to achieve the project's purposes, but he almost feels like Wenger to me.. sitting on money reluctant about talent, instead of assuming risks and going for the best talent in order to achieve his goals faster!
EOS is a long term hold. Not one of these worthless Alts which offer nothing new, EOS has a real use case and should add real value. Having said that, I feel it has been overvalued in the past
Great stuff as always, Jeff. I have slowly but surely added to my EOS position.
I was pretty stoked to hear you are speaking at the Texas Bitcoin Conference. Then I found out its $400 to attend. Holy Shit. Its cool and all but just not something I could swing right now. If you need a bodyguard while you are at the conference let me know! LOL