Bitcoin To Replace The Dollar And Gold? Jeff Berwick On Crush The Street

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I just did an interview with Crush The Street about how well this year’s Anarchapulco conference went, as well as the status of the cryptocurrency markets.

Before I even knew about bitcoin and cryptocurrency, I said the market would provide a solution to the disaster that is the current fiat-based monetary system. Not long after making that comment, I learned about bitcoin and knew it was part of the solution and immediately became a proponent of it.

One of the things we talked about is the rift that exists between the sound money/gold bug community and the cryptocurrency community and gold’s relevance in the 21st century.

I point out how many people who are proponents of hard assets like gold and silver have become so jaded and in a way beaten down after years of market manipulation, government threats and ownership illegality that even despite their understanding of Austrian economics to varying degrees are still extremely skeptical about cryptocurrencies.

Additionally, we made mention of Venezuela’s new petro cryptocurrency, and on a more personal level, how to overcome depression and the keys to happiness.

I felt particularly “on” in this interview and fell into flow state. I think it is one of my better ones.

To view the entire interview, you can click the link below:

The next issue of the TDV newsletter has been delayed by a few days as a flurry of new, very important information has been coming in.

We are all working on it now and it will hopefully go out tonight. You won’t want to miss many of the insights that most people are unaware of that I think will rock the crypto market in the coming days, weeks and months. You can get access to it as soon as it is available HERE.


Thanks for the video. I wonder when the paradigm will shift with the gold bugs to buy crypto. There is so much manipulation in the gold market. Also, the government making owning gold illegal for 40 years from 1934-1974 doesn't help anything. I personally own both to diversify risk. I like your consistent thoughts on happiness and dealing with depression. I like how open and authentic you are Jeff. As you always say, if you're thinking or feeling something just say it. Glad you're doing better. Cheers.

it is good that he is saying it and most especially with the look of things, bitcoin and cryptocurrency is sweeping the world and many people are latching on it. It is possible that bitcoin will have effect but i doubt if it will replace dollar as that remains the legal tender of US
thanks for the post though

Since the gold standard took hold in 1971 people have seen that it’s not the be all and end all. It’s time for something to replace gold, and blickchain technology seems like the best option for security and viability.

Gold standard ended in 1971. The Fed stopped backing the dollar with gold, Saudis forced countries to buy oil with dollars, and the rest of the world decided to go along.

I can't imagine of all pressures @dollarvigilante took from powerful elites, but I believed you have a tough mind to survived from depression. :)

yeah we all have a lot to look forward, just think that soon as the banks picked up Poloniex they started holding Steem hostage is a sign they want you to sell off for a loss for their profit.

Great interview! Loved the video...

Owning metals has been tough over the past 6 years for me. I got in for all the right reasons, only to learn of all the manipulation over time. I had to ride the back end of a cycle to truly see the stranglehold the banks have on the metals market. I wish I spent my early days investing in bitcoin instead of metals, but I’m glad to be here none the less! Thanks for all you do for the crypto market and for Steemit! I appreciate the post!!

Bitcoin Cash.jpg

Jeff the vigilante :) Thanks again for all you do

Just hodl.. next years will be great for crypto

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