Are Politicians Humans and Why did Bitcoin Crash? [VIDEO]

in #bitcoin5 years ago


When we tell our kids there’s no such thing as monsters, perhaps we’re overlooking the closest thing.

I don’t think it’s controversial to say that at the highest level, the government’s goons are like actors, playing a role of ‘empathetic person’.

They may not exactly be reptilian shapeshifters, but the US mafia is predatory and in many ways, even more so today than twenty years ago. President Cheeto has essentially changed nothing as Celebrity in Chief, just like Obomber!

Yet, politics is not just a big scam akin to "reality" TV or "professional" wrestling… it actually kills way more people.

I recently joined Lior Gantz of the Wealth Research Group on the Titans of Industry show. He had some important questions for me about the current state of government, central banks and macroeconomic markets.

Gantz and I discussed a cashless society, negative interest rates, why fiat money is ludicrous, precious metals and the hard asset bull market!

We also covered Drumpf’s latest trade tariffs, asset seizure, indoctrination, social media corporations and the CIA, and Anarchapulco 2020.

Check out the full show:

So what caused the recent crypto dip? I explored this with Lior in the video above.

From blockchain technology to philosophical enlightenment, the evolution of mankind requires a variety of solutions.

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Our battle is not against people, but against ideas, and history will prove to be on our side. In the end, freedom trumps slavery!

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I don’t know if they are human or not, but one thing I’m sure off is that they are lying bastards. Cheers mike

Well... yes, they are human

However, a psychopath is a human.

A person who has been raised to be the top person at a corp, CEO or govern-cement; a person who has been raised on occulted knowledge. Who is taught and encouraged to manipulate others through language and other means. A person who has had their psychy split as a child, so that they will surely become a psychopath. A person who has engaged in rituals with children; terrifying them, torturing them, bleeding them, drinking that blood, raping them and sacrificing the child to their god.

Do we call that person a human?

Quality Info again...
Thank you ;)

"However, a psychopath is a human."

That is quite debatable.

Great info DV.

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