Me & Crypto have a rough relationship
When I first made my website it was to just put all my web my links in one place because running a notepad just for links seemed wasteful to me and I had about 25 links so it'll fill up an entire home screen on my phone. I just used Google Sites because it's completely free...that wasn't the beginning thou.
At the time of posting this, it has been only a few months since I bought my first domain, about 5 years into Crypto earning (a bit over a year break in there) and I'm loving it! I took a year off or so because I do earn little bits at at a time so when I first started handing out referral links, they was a list of links. I kept getting hit with bot flags and I kept getting a barrage of un-motivational comments.
My confidence just died one day, I was locked out of my facebook and I just died inside.
I stopped mining, sold equipment even.
I was working one day and someone asked me if I knew about Bitcoins as if I didn't. I was in shock, I said yeah, talked with them and I offered to trade my coins to them. When I went to look at how much money my little bit was worth I was like, S#!7. I sent the amount in USD$ and I still had some left over. I quickly re-uped my game and took a different look at what I was doing.
Before I was doing small coding jobs to earn the money to get mining equipment, then I found faucets. I got enough for a thumb miner, a device for gui and overlooking both miners I did with my phone. So this time, I focused more on cloud mining.
I want to point out I don't mean like golem and BiOS, golem wasn't public or up back then.
I noticed the price for mining investments were higher now and I just didn't have that much money. So I shifted back to faucets. I find as many as I could and I sorted the crap out slowly. After 3-6 months I started a facebook group, POLROL. Poor Off-Line, Rich On-Line was to get more referrals and after a few months, everyone stopped returning. I had double fist-full of links and I had no outlet.
After a while, I decided to build a website for my links. I started simple but I kept changing it here and there. I made it look better, added pages and segregated my links. I used a link shortner for a while then eventually I got an online gift card for google credits & bought my first domain. I couldn't believe the app paid out and I owned 3D BTC List dot com!
I started with literally, 0.00$USD and already was making real purchases with my techniques. My techniques are important to me. When I was young with Crypto I lost my first few million satoshi to scams and terrible wallets. Now back to real life time of 2017, I'm still fighting the bots & the words.
People still constantly think I'm pulling scams with my site. They think I'm not earning any money. Traders & Crypto whales have made remarks about I'm earning and dealing with small amounts of money. It's true I do deal with small amounts of crypto but I have not invested in Bitcoins with my money. I've recycled through over 57,631,000 $STH!!
I would say I'm still learning. I use YouTube better now thanks to some people giving me information over criticism. I help others, I try everyday, I mine again and most importantly I'm rebuilding my confidence!
Even with low referrals, I've made as much as 3 Million Satoshi in 1 Week!
I earn about 8 currencies and all of this is now being done with my cellphone! HTC One M9 in case you was wondering. I push between 30-100 GB/month on just one device. I also take VR & 360 photos, contribute to approx 4 companies, like Google & Facebook. I follow and deal with Litecoin's Githib.
I also do weekly proof of payments videos just to show the results of my techniques.
I feature wallets like these:
The below video link was edited for free & Posted by Deoblou Corp. #likeD_C & at #D_C
Thank you.