I was Lady Cryptic: WHY I left NEW YORK ~ WHY I'm leaving the EMPIRE ~ I am my own STATE
For real though... We (Americans) are in a society on the brink of social breakdown, a pre revolutionary environment.
Can you feel it?..
Summer C. did a great job as the face for Lady Cryptic, but I felt it was time to leave New York, and leave the country..
Just because we are no longer working together due to my absence does not mean you should miss out on the information I was trying to get out there. Here is a long, and extremely eye opening documentary I put together.
I'm walking away from this cluster fuck of a nationalist brainwashed zombie society that sucks the Federal Reserve's dick. If you can't get out of America I suggest you start hoarding precious metals, that included 12 gauges and 9mms, food and community. Life skills are important too. Call me paranoid, I prefer educated. War is coming. Fiat paper money is failing. Governance will create the mark of the beast. Will you support it?
Watch this in pieces if you need. I created a key.
0:00 Intro, 0:18 Joshua Owens animation, 2:48 Lady talks bitcoin, 3:37 G. Edward Griffin talks the FED, 45:11 Lady woody quote, 47:57 Rothchild, 1:41:17 Lady Rothchild quote - debt, 1:41:39 Gold standard, 1:46:17 Ron Paul to Ben Bernanke, 1:51:25 Freedom to Fascism Arron Russo, 2:05:49 Collapse Michael C. Rupert 2:23:25 Abby Martin 1984 Big Brother, 3:30:10 9/11 Loose Change, 3:34:20 Graham Hancock London Real, 3:44:50 Terrence Mckenna
The truth is stranger than fiction. Manifest your reality.
Digest yourself
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