WTF is going on?
Dear fellow steemers,
WTF is going on?!
This morning I was listening to my daily alt-med, and James Corbett of the Corbett Report spoke about something that has always been a thought in the back of my mind, the news.
News? Like news solicited by the dinosaur media, or the dinosaur social media, or just in general?
The latter of the three is the one I would like to talk about because it encompasses every variety of news that we read, watch, think about and discuss.
The ocean of news that we swim in on the daily is so diverse and rich. One could spend most of the day absorbed, consumed by one or multiple topics...but, maybe that's the point.
Perhaps the box that we have been placed in, is over saturated with news by design.
What is the illusion? What is reality?
Is talking about the economy, bitcoin, aliens, A.I., vaccinations, geoengineering, shadow government, etc. part of the illusion? Is all of this information that we dwell on equivalent to a dog chasing its tail, getting nowhere?
Awww 😊
Perhaps all of these topics are merely distractions regardless of their legitimacy. So what is there to do?
Well, this is how I see it...
Maybe there is a way to stop playing the game and start a new one. I think we all know that revolution will not come from the top down, at least not any revolution that I want to be apart of. The revolution that I have seen in my dreams begins with me and you, changing our minds and painting a different future, together.
Yes. Utopian nonsense. I know. I am a dreamer. But, I'm not the only one!
If you have not heard of Earthship Biotechture, I encourage you to do some research. Is this lifestyle for everyone? Absolutely not. But it is for me. And maybe it is for you.
Am I saying to ignore all of the crazy things going on in our world? Nope!
The psychopaths running the show right now need to be monitored. We have to keep watching, observing every move with a keen eye and strategic mind. Should we be consumed by the stories? In my opinion, no. What good is any knowledge of it is not proactively countered?
It is unity and strategic action that will change social, political, economic and environmental landscapes.
In future posts I will discuss this in more detail, beginning with Earthship Biotechture and how I created my plan to get out of the rat race and become a passive observer.
Most sincerely yours,
Daniela D
Thank you, Joey