RansomWare: Who Gets The Blame? the NSA, BitCoin, or Russia?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

In order to "keep us safe," the Powers That Be secretly put back doors in all our electronic devices and operating systems. What could go wrong, right? Unfortunately, the fluoridated and vaccinated members of society (aka Tax Slaves,) lack the brain function to see the dangers that come with allowing unlimited covert access to the devices that store your important data.

You know the people I'm talking about, they say stuff like, "I don't care if the government has access to my data--I have nothing to hide. I'm not doing anything wrong." It is beyond their ability to understand that in order to give the government unlimited covert access, you also allow anyone else the same access.

Am I blaming the victims here? Yes! We should not complain about what we permit. After enough NSA Whistle Blowers came forward with the same story, WE should have put an end to this and closed all the back doors. Sadly we allowed the Whistle Blowers to be jailed, silenced, and marginalized. We stood up during the National Anthem and believed this was the Land Of The Free and ignored evidence to the contrary.

Hypothetical; let's say the government wanted to help keep your daughter's virginity safe. In order to do this, any girl under the age of 18 is required to be tied to a bed and sleep outside the home so government virginity inspectors can conduct virginity inspections. If this seems like an outrageous example, it is. However, I suggest it's not all that different from allowing complete and unaccountable access to every electronic device you own.

The good news is that WE can still fix this mess. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance--not eternal apathy. As this story unfolds in the coming days and weeks, watch carefully to see who gets the blame. If we can correctly identify the problem, we can easily fix the problem. However, if we fail to get this right, the downward spiral into collapse will only continue.

Is it BitCoin's fault? It's laughable, but you will here calls for the banning of BitCoin because it is the currency of "terrorists" and "evil doers." This is just the sort of False Flag operation that has been used to herd the mindless into giving up fundamental rights that has been used by governments for centuries. They create the problem, wait for you to demand a solution, then they use the public outrage as justification to do whatever they want.

Is it the hacker's fault? Of course, they have some responsibility, but don't be so blinded with anger that you allow the original hacker go free. Don't forget all the laws that were broken to put the back doors in place. I haven't heard anyone blame the Russians yet; but you know there will be calls to bomb Russia soon enough.

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