Drawing up the sides, Square vs Stripe: Let the games begin!!
Well, Stripe has just shot themselves in the foot. This ups the anty in a very interesting way! Square and Twitter on one side, facebook and Stripe on the other... Let the Games Begin!
Jack Dorsey: "We Support Bitcoin; It Is A Path Towards Greater Financial Access For All"
While Facebook has decided to close the page on bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, banning ads about bitcoin, ICOs and other "alternative" financial products, Square is delighted to pick up the market share that Facebook does not care about, and as Jack Dorsey, who is the CEO of both Twitter and Square, tweeted moments ago (in his capacity as boss of the latter), he "supports Bitcoin because we see it as a long-term path towards greater financial access for all."
I hope Facebook will change its politic to cryptocurrencies...
I actually hope they don't! Facebook is currently riding the rails to oblivion and I think that their attitude towards cryptos is just another nail in the coffin.
Agreeing about looking toward an oblivion for FB. That's another reason I'm working hard to draw my community of homeopaths onto steemit. [That and the 'fake-news' inquisition that's on the horizon].
yep the "inquisition" is coming and Faceboot etal area already blocking content in that area.
I agree! Glad to see another who's doing this!
I doubt oblivion is possible to facebook in the nearby future.
I agree with you Dani. I suppose it's hard for those who've not been around to see other platforms implode to imagine FB could ever do so. I can, I think it will.
This is all a game. Orchestrated. Planned. Manipulated.
The message today has been worked over by teams of marketing people and psychologists. It has been A-B tested. This is not happinstance, this is enemy action.
You could very well be right my friend. But even in their bullshittery, there is transparency ;>)
One bad choice, after another bad choice by facebook. Even some of the 'normies' are getting tired of the platform! Thanks for sharing Dani!
So glad you are here ... I listened to you for years ... I am following you here ...
Thanx darlin!!

Nothing will stop Bitcoin ..Not Facebook for sure