43 days until next BTC block reward halving... What should we expect from this event?!
Hi everybody!
My name is Sérgio, and I am a technical analyst with a few years of experience. i will be sharing my opinion on global markets with the community.
The chart above is meant for giving a LONG TERM PERSPECTIVE on the first actual cryptocurrency - BITCOIN. Every time the Blockchain reaches 210'000 blocks, there is a cut in half in the blocks' bitcoin reward. This date usually arrives within 4 years from the previous one.
As you can see, after the past halvings, Bitcoin price surged with strength, in bull markets. This happenned, basically, because the supply of Bitcoin to the world got smaller in a time where the demand was high. I believe that the next halving shall have the same effect on prices, given that there's a GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS STARTING due specially for the FIAT MONEY PRINTING WITHOUT RISING THE GOODS AND SERVICES BEING OFFERED from govermnments. Maybe Bitcoin price won't go up immediately after the halving, but in the LONG TERM, there's a HIGH PROBABILITY that Bitcoin will become more expensive.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This post is not financial advise, as NONE OF THE CONTENT I POST IS. This is for informatonal and entertaining purposes only. Take your own decisions based on your own opinions when it comes to investing and trading.