One more blast from the Past, my thoughts on Bitcoin from 2013.

in #bitcoin8 years ago


Ok so my introductory post included a piece I had written when I first became obsessed with Crypto. You may or may not have read it. It was something I wrote for my friends and family mostly; in an attempt to reach them and share with them my passion. It did not really work out that well. But they are coming around. In this post I am including another piece I wrote in 2013 for my failed blog. The art above and below this post was a header I started to make for my blog. It was titled InfectWord. This will be the last post I make where most of the post is stuff I wrote from the not so recent past. I realize that I am likely "preaching to the choir" with these ideas, but I want to share them anyway. I know not everyone thinks the same as I do and I would like to hear your guys' perspectives and criticisms of my ramblings.


Are we on the verge of a major market crash?

Are we about to begin a 25 year depression?

Is the dollar valueless, perhaps since Ronald Reagan?

Did we ever recover from the 2008 recession, if not, are we experiencing a depression right now?

I find these questions to be important. Mostly because I see my friends and family and other good people working to support the current infrastructure. This is troubling to me because the markets support a planned-obsolescence mentality to create cyclical and habitual behavior by those who participate. All markets are controlled by corporations. Corporations are controlled by shareholders and the endgame is profit. The United States government does not attempt to solve the people's problems. Like all corporations their purpose is to secure profit for those that invest and support their establishment. The U.S. government is supported by the Federal Reserve who loan them currency (the U.S. Dollar) the Internal Revenue Service secure revenue from the working class citizens through confusing litigation and intimidation. Of course the military institutions and the intelligence institutions support the government. But the most important supporters are the working class. The working class is everyone who works rather than lives most of the time. And like those at the top and at the bottom of this pyramid scheme we all have a choice not to support institutions that are designed to support war-profiteering, privatization of natural resources and fear-based mind control.

Despite what your answers are to the questions above, the economy is doing terribly. There is more debt than ever before and there is more unemployment than ever before. The governmental, financial and corporate institutions, and the systems they support, produce bigger problems than solutions. The news media is sure to share with us that corruption is rampant and those who have indispensable amounts of fiat dollars can buy their way out of discipline from judicial institutions. And still those with relationships with these wealthy people can skip by the justice system as well. We are poorly informed on these corrupt schemes only given the tip of a huge iceberg that has been forming since before any one of us was alive. You don't have to know the whole story of this corrupt system to understand and admit that it does not support humanity, love or community. The U.S. government, the central banks and intelligence agencies etc. do not wish to eliminate terrorism from the world and end war. Just like the FBI, CIA and DEA did not attempt to stop the drug trade when they started the War on Drugs in the eighties. The honest truth is when you have a threat like “terrorism” or “drugs” then “we the people” think we need guns and protection and big armies and then ever increasing bigger and better weapons. We must continue to spend and go shopping and use our credit cards essentially feed the beast, the Military Industrial Complex. The “terrorism” they speak of is a result of their own meddling to create turmoil in communities and then manipulate mobs which they strive to create. The War on Drugs has created some of the most profitable corporations in the history of the world and since it began in the eighties, not only has the illegal and legal drug market grown in size, it is also easier to get drugs like heroin, crack-cocaine and crystal-meth today than it was thirty years ago. Again this is merely the tip of the iceberg. The rabbit hole runs deep.

Fear is the greatest tool and power over the masses. We are all fearful of the consequences of not complying with the government and the Fed, the IRS, the FBI and the CIA and with good reason. The news media and Hollywood media does well to show us what they are capable of. Even with deeper understanding of the multi-dimensional paradigm that is occurring one can feel powerless to the powers that be. Everyone must wake up from the dream-state understanding that we must participate in this rigged game of Monoply; that we all have felt obligated to play our whole lives. This is difficult because, the monopoly game is what we know and it is what we are comfortable with.

The beautiful thing about this is that, it means you have the freedom to create and live outside the boundaries of the corporate monopoly game. There are even helpful tools that make it easier for people to live and create. The Internet is a vast platform that allows an infinite number of systems and infrastructures to be built on top of it. Additionally, it allows for the spread of information and knowledge for the least cost and in the most decentralized manner. It is important to understand the significance of this because most of us received our knowledge as children from centralized institutions. Now with the Internet we have the power to make it possible for any child or person in the future to learn everything they need to know or want to know on the Internet; giving them access to a seemingly free unbiased or multi-biased, depending on your perspective, universal library.

At this point not everyone has access to these tools. This can be changed. Thanks to Satoshi Nakamoto and the creation of Bitcoin the Internet now has its own financial infrastructure . This infrastructure has the ability to create currency; currency that is backed by mathematical algorithms and the users themselves. Communities have developed around these currencies and they strive to create projects, software, new inventions and new innovations that support the decentralized model of Bitcoin. The Bitcoin protocol is also open-sourced, the code to create the protocol was given to the users. This is another common practice amongst crypto-communities; sharing their creations and allowing others to build upon them. There are over 500 different crypto-currencies in circulation. Meaning if you do not like any of the currencies that are out now you have access to the tools to create your own.

What does this mean? Why is this important? I have watched news reports on Bitcoin and speeches and discussions and read blogs. I have read the Bitcoin white paper and many personal comments from people in bitcoin and cryto-coin forums and social media websites. I am not an expert by any means, but it seems to me that as a collective conscience, everyone physically, emotionally and financially involved in crypto-currencies knows that Bitcoin will allow us to accomplish Great things. None of us knows exactly how these events will unfold. But everyone involved can take part in the action and reap rewards. The media largely focuses on the price of bitcoin in fiat and how it is not regulated by governments. They also love to mention darknet markets like silkroad which offer illegal goods and services. More importantly as long as it remains decentralized it will be extremely difficult for governments to enforce regulations on a protocol they have no power over. And even more importantly the most popular use of bitcoins is charitable giving.

The regulation of Bitcoin is in the code that makes up the protocol. There only ever be 21 million bitcoins created. Only 25 bitcoins will be created every ten minutes until the next halving. These are regulations put in the Bitcoin protocol insuring that the bitcoin currency is finite and deflationary, as if it were a digital precious metal. (There is no exact number of fiat dollars in circulation, in fact more than 75% of USD only exists digitally) The original Bitcoin source code is changed only by the Bitcoin development team and only at the behest of the community. Over the past five years over 80% of the code has been improved upon and provided beneficial changes to the community. Bitcoin allows for the existence of programmable money.

I would not be concerned with the price of bitcoin in the long-run. Their are approximately 1 million people involved in Bitcoin and the markets reflect a $400 per bitcoin price. Anyone from mainstream economic news will tell you that this price is mostly based on speculation, what they do not suggest is that the speculations could be drastically low. After all, Karen Hudes from the World Bank and Max Keiser from RT news rave that the US Dollar is valueless. If that is the case then what does $400 per bitcoin mean? Nothing. It is simply the current exchange rate and it is based on supply and demand and a lot of speculation.

Over 13.5 million bitcoins have been created. There are currently more bitcoins in circulation than there are users. This a community that enables individuals to create communities and back them with currency that cannot be seized from them easily. It will not be long until the number of users will outnumber the amount of bitcoins in circulation. And when that happens, the question will not be: what will the price of bitcoin be; rather, how much do you think 1 bitcoin will buy you when everyone on the Internet (around 2 billion people) is using it?

The economic infrastructure that we all grew up in, has been created by a system of debt. That debt is controlled by centralized and most of the time, private institutions. This system of debt creates poverty, classism, racism, all other kinds of -isms, also pollution, war, cabals and cartels. The good news is you do not have to support it.

Yeah, that might mean quitting a job, never paying your taxes again, and even refusing to pay off debts.
Truth: there is not enough cash to pay off all the debt.
Why should you waste your time or your money on this debt ideology?
Even former CIA member Jim Rickards is saying to get out fast.

The financial system will crash, has already crashed or is currently crashing depending on how you look at it. The banks will have to update or they will dissipate, because the system of debt is self-destructive more so than it is productive. Synchronistically, the Internet has already solved the problem and provided the tools necessary to transcend this ridiculous monopoly game before it implodes. It is even likely the current financial and governmental institutions adopt the Bitcoin protocol or something similar in an effort to save their system of debt-based control. They are free too.

You do not need permission to use Bitcoin nor do you need to wait on a government to legalize it or authorize it. The community is in high demand for everything and everyone. If you are reading this, using Bitcoin is simply a matter of choice for you. And even though you can look at the complicated details of how the Bitcoin protocol works you do not have to understand it to be able to use it. There are many who are willing to help including myself. But we can only show you the many doors of opportunity, you have to choose to walk through them or create your own.

Bitcoin is not stock, or a commodity, or a business, or a corporation, or a state, or an organization. It is not simply digital currency, but allows anyone to create currency. It is a network and no one is barred from joining.


Thanks for reading.



What is the chance you wrote this right after I posted a 2013 copy of coinmarketcap on my blog. Great minds think a like!!

The chances are good I bet. Were you visiting faucet sites like crazy too then also?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.24
JST 0.036
BTC 99202.15
ETH 3090.40
SBD 3.77