Bitcoin soared to 3200 usd.All time high.BCH down to 230 usd.
Hi all.I told you in my last post about the price prediction of bitcoin and bitcoin cash.Many of the users contradicted me that bch will fall.So now you can see where bitcoin is and where the BACKSTABBER is.It was the fate of bitmain and now they are again mining bitcoin for profit because bch gives them nothing.
Bitcoin Market
Bitcoin has broke all the records and is at 3200 usd.That is all time high of bitcoin.As the fork happened,investors were in to invest a lot of money in bitcoin and most people knew it will rise to moon.Still a lot way to go though.I personally think its no boundary for bitcoin and it will reach more and more price with passing days as Mcafee said.

Bitcoin cash Market
Bitcoin cash is trading at 230 usd average.I already knew about fate of bch.Bitcoin will always be on top.You dont mess with bitcoin if you wanna rise.What bitmain did was baddest one could do after getting the most mining share of PIE.They thought they could manipulate bitcoin market and they tried a lot but could not hold it up.

Bitcoin was,is,and will always be the PEOPLE's coin.No one can get benefit betraying it.So fill your bags and get more cryptos.
Hope you like my post.
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