I like Bitcoin

in #bitcoin2 years ago


Hi, I'm Cryptogawd

I like Bitcoin

I mean even the logo looks awesome

Look at her, she's a beauty, isn't she?

BTC has been there for me through thick and thin and back again
Ever since I saw Bitcoin, i knew she was going places. I knew I should have bought more when I first started hearing about the currency. Because I already knew this coin would change the world.

Once I started seeing more and more BTC ATMs pop up in the shops I frequent, I knew I was witnessing something life-changing right before my eyes.

I just wanted to be where she was. I saw her get popular over the years. I do have regrets of not buying more earlier. But, hey nobody's perfect, not even Gawd. And, you gotta live and learn, right?

Right?! haha

Anyways. I think Bitcoin has a bright future. That's why i'm constantly adding to my SAT stack. This latest bear market we are in really affirms my position and strengthens my belief in the number one crypto, BTC.
Admittedly, I was more about stacking my altcoins before.

But, then…

Things changed

Terra Luna collapsed, which caused the Luna token to flatline overnight. Shortly following that, major DeFi platforms, Celcius, 3AC (Three Arrows Capital) & Voyager, became insolvent and came crumbling down. This domino effect was felt throughout the whole crypto space as a whole. And let's not even get started with the biggest exchange fall of all, FTX headed by the new Bernie Madoff, SBF. I think you see where I'm going with this.

So, now, here we are, in a bear market. I used to believe more firmly in altcoins. But, witnessing the Terra Luna and FTX situation made me step back and analyze the space as a whole. What's more safe, an altcoin with 6 zeros after the decimal point or BTC at about 18k? The former me would say the altcoin.

But, now, the new me says stack the SATs

Granted, altcoins will give me better returns once the bull market does return, if anytime soon. But, with that added potential of higher profits, comes the volatility of higher risks associated with small cap altcoins.

Even large cap altcoins aren't safe at this point as we've witnessed this year. No crypto is safe, perhaps not even Bitcoin. But, out of all the crypto, Bitcoin is the safest.

Noteably, BTCs biggest foe, SEC head Gary Gensler admitted that out of all the cryptos out there, BTC is safest. He confessed the only coin he considers a "commodity" is BTC. This makes BTC unlike all the other coins, including ETH, that he considers a higher risk "security". This admission by Gensler could have great implications once the upcoming crypto regulation becomes finalized and signed into law.

DCA Time

So, in response to this bear market, we have to keep in mind some sage advice from our wiser forefathers of economy.

Fortune favours the bold ~ Audentis Fortuna Iuvat

I interpret this quote as going against the grain and doing what most others are unwilling to do, like buying the dip in a recession haha. This reminds me of another commonly heard term, especially in crypto.
Millionaires are made in bear markets

I don't know the origin of this quote, but it rings true for the current crypto market situation we are facing. These two quotes have kept me laser-focused on my BTC bag. Which is why I've changed my whole strategy into Dollar Cost Averaging daily into Bitcoin. Granted, this could be a bad idea if the market just completely crashes to the floor and even BTC goes to 0.

But, I believe that is a scorched earth scenario and one i don't see playing out

That's not to say it can't happen. I'm just convinced that it won't
Anyways, like I was saying. I have shifted my crypto strategy from focusing on stacking mostly altcoins and now the focus is towards stacking mostly BTC.

I will still dedicate a certain portion of my portfolio to altcoin stacking. Because, let's admit it, some altcoins coins will make it, even though alot won't.

And, also, I mean 1000x is 1000x. And altcoins do that all the time in bull markets.

What that means is, some obscure altcoin can change lives, if played the right way, by holding long term. That's why I'm still investing in altcoins, though not as heavily as I used to.

That may change in the bull, but for now, my permanent tweak to my investing strategy is to always make sure BTC is my biggest bag now

Even when the bull returns, BTC will still be my biggest bag, by design

Once the bear market has settled and bull season kicks in, altcoin season will be back, i'm sure of it. My spidey senses tell me that.

However, DCA'ing into BTC will make strengthen my investing strategy. Because, if all else fails and all other coins go to 0, i'll still have the original coin standing solid in my port. Because, I'm pretty sure, at least my BTC will survive.

NFTs and Gaming

One other area that I am still investing in heavily, aside from BTC, is Gaming NFTs.

First of all, I love games and NFT technology. And, we all know that gaming is like the most popular thing on earth online, besides maybe p0rn haha.

Anyways, the point is that I believe heavily in the P2E aspect that is now taking over gaming.

Blockchain gaming has come a long way since Axie Infinity. There are many new games, opportunities and even scholarships (lending your gaming NFT assets to other players for a split percentage of the profits) coming out every month, it seems like now. This new digital economy could shape the future of how we transact online.

NFT gaming is the future of gaming and I firmly stand by that belief

This space is a huge opportunity for investors and I wouldn't do it justice by dedicating only a small portion of this article to it. I only added this section to the article to give you an idea of some other opportunities in crypto, besides BTC, that I believe in.

I won't go into too much detail on NFT gaming, because, frankly, it's beyond the scope of the article. But, I will do you one better and dedicate a whole upcoming write-up to this white-hot, burgeoning sector of crypto.
So, let's just get back to the main focus of this article…


I will end this piece by saying that I like, maybe love, Bitcoin.

Even, though it took me longer than it should have to truly appreciate the safe haven that is BTC, the important part is that I learned. I learned that BTC is truly king, even though I was trying my hardest to capitalize on the insane runs of altcoins.

The lesson learned is that no other crypto is as reliable as BTC when it comes to preserving its value over the years.
The bear has taught me the hard way to stick to my one true asset that will continue to appreciate over time, much like Gold.

I guess you can call it Digital Gold aka Bitcoin

Well, that brings us to the end of my self-reflection of my investments, haha
Hope you enjoyed it.

Thx for listening to me rant friends.

Til next time, CRYPTOGAWD, OUT

(Disclaimer: Please keep in mind, this is simply my opinion and none of this is financial advice. You should always consult w your financial advisor and DYOR before making any investments, especially in the highly risky and volatile crypto markets)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.23
JST 0.033
BTC 96086.25
ETH 2615.46
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.59