Craig Wright chat on slack last night (04.05.2017)

in #bitcoin8 years ago

Slack talk In which Craig S Wright answers questions on initially through Vlad, then through his own account created at 6:43 AM in logs.

Came across this gem in reddit today, still reading through it because it's so long but so many gems in the chat!!!!

I have no doubt CSW is the team leader of Satoshi with Hal Finney, Dave Kleiman, Wei Dai and other heavyweights as contributers.

Image by @opheliafu


He was claiming... back before all the Satoshi stuff... that bitcoin scripting can be Turing complete. Then, when all the Satoshi stuff happened, Jon Matonis looked at his research and said something to the effect that it was voluminous and significant, and made some remark that seemed to confirm Turing completeness. (I summarized all that here a while ago). Next, Wright's company spent a year filing patents. Now, the other day, I read that Matonis is going to work for Wright's company ( I am much less interested in whether Wright is Satoshi then I am to see where this company of his is going.

Good write up @remlaps, you should repost it on Steem

Thanks. Good idea. Maybe I'll repost it here with an update. Just noticed that was about a year ago, so its a good time for an update.

When I read patents and bitcoin in the same sentence I can't help but think of Blockstream.

I think the patents are to prevent attacks by other companies trying to profit from his and other research. The goal all along was permissionless transactions and free markets, which hopefully BTC ETH STEEM DASH EOS can provide.

Hopefully yes, cause bitcoin obviously failed at it.

I only see it as a gateway to being able to buy other cryptos nowadays.

lol, he had one job to prove he was Satoshi, failed miserable.

Why anyone still wastes time on that person is beyond me.

As for gaining... I gain nothing by proving I am Satoshi.
My family gains nothing. We go into moving again.

I do not get money and I DO NOT want fame

How about THE BITCOIN ECOSYSTEM gaining trust that the 1 million coins laying still since forever won't be abused?

If you didn't want fame, why did you run off to multiple major news sites pretending to be Satoshi and then afterwards failing to prove you are him?

This is just ridiculous and really grinds my gears.

I'm going to go to the news channels tomorrow and pretend I am the creator of bitcoin, by the looks of it, anyone might have a good chance at pretending to be him while having others believe in it.

You can see how quickly he references code and comments from many versions of Bitcoin off the bat, in the time log in chat. I hope he never proves he is Satoshi because as he says he doesn't want to become an authority figure but for free markets to decide for themselves.

Why he has surfaced at certain points in time I don't know. I have seen a 1 million BTC trust that he is named on and that was proven by the MSM. In todays value that is roughly $1.6 billion

All I remember reading was that he tried faking the signature verification and then decided to leave it all be with his tail between his legs. This was AFTER going to Media and making a big fuss about him being Satoshi.
Not to mention he had that other person lie to the public that he showed him in person the signature just cause he knew bitcoiners trusted him.

He's just a big phony in my opinion.

My opinion is he did it to discredit himself and distance himself on purpose. Also to show that MSM does not have the final say in providing evidence, and evidence can be faked. Gavin Andresen, the lead developer who Satoshi handed the project to got caught in the cross fire, as did others

Have you read the same story as I have? Cause it doesn't seem so.

Craig went to Mainstream Media himself to prove he was Satoshi. He had Gavin as his sidekick to tell people he witnessed him verifying the signature.

WHEN the time came to verify the message he did and got called out shortly after on reddit that the verification had a bug in it - thus being fake. Thus Craig being a liar and Gavin being caught lying for him and burning his own reputation at the same time.

Why he chose to do all this is beyond me, why he continues to pretend to be Satoshi is ridiculously retarded.

He claims he doesn't want to be Satoshi, the reasoning for taking MSM through the mud may be for fun or to prove they are not an authority and that you should trust code. He also says that Satoshi could hand the priv key to anyone and would they then become Satoshi.

Seems like he says a lot but fails to prove anything.

You can see how quickly he references code and comments from many versions of Bitcoin off the bat

This says nothing, I've read Satoshis bitcointalk account several times myself, anyone can memorize open-source data and references.

This is why bitcoin will fail miserably compared to Eth, btw.

Not to mention the tech, the limits or how either will be developed in the future.

ETH has a FACE behind their team. People know who created it, know when the crowdsale was and had a much fairer distribution method thanks to bitcoin being there early and showing people the the innovation.

Microsoft aren't idiots going after ETH knowing bitcoin has been there for ages.

I don't know which coin will be the number one in future, maybe they will both be. I try not to get caught up in the celebrity, but I also realise that a name is a brand and I know that Vitalik and @dantheman are pioneers and many IQ points greater than the average.

I hope many implementations of blockchain succeed, we are all hoping for freedom.

but I also realise that a name is a brand and I know that Vitalik and @dantheman are pioneers and many IQ points greater than the average.

Yes, now compare Vitalik's and Dan's talks to Craig Wright.

He has 1 million BTC in trust, lots of patents, lots of degrees. A company nchain which was talked about here I think he is up there.

Damn, your in deep.

Good luck following Craig Wright.

Hahahah I follow many, differing opinions are good. If I cloned myself this second I couldn't agree with everything I said.

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