How to bring normies to Steemit in three easy steps

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Steemit Facebook Friends.png
Hello my fellow Steemians and Crypto investors,

Most, if not all, of you reading this here would agree Steemit is great! We get to express ourselves without blatant censorship by the mainstream social media networks and, best of all, you get paid to do it!

How great is that? Yes, very cool, but why are all your friends still on Facebook gifting their time and talents to that vampire Zuckerberg who’s sucking them dry by selling all their information to the highest bidders (including government intelligence agencies) and not sharing any of the profits.

Well, the answers are simple: Facebook’s network effect is still very strong, your friends probably don’t know about Steemit at all, and to be honest, Steemit and crypto currencies are also kind of complicated for newcomers to understand.

So, what can we do to bring the normies here? I’ve done a fair share of “normie tele transportations” from Facebook myself so let me share what has worked for me and them in three easy steps.

  1. Show them the money

We all unconsciously dread change, so you need a very strong incentive to get people to jump ship. What better incentive than cold hard money? Yeah, it works! Do send your friends links to Steemit Whales who make hundreds or thousands daily by posting pretty photos.

Yes, go ahead and show them the money!

Do not, I repeat, do not send them links to those Whales you follow that only blog about highly technical stuff. Yes, they are super cool and know a lot about crypto but will only scare newcomers and get them to think only nerds can thrive and make money here.

  1. Boost them with a 100%, encourage them to post and reestem them.

    Steem power.png

Ok, your friends are here and they wrote their first post. Now it’s your turn to use 100% of your power and boost their posts! Yes, you brought them here, you have to take care of them, nourish them and get them to grow like those 90’s Tamagotchis, remember those?. They will initially be minnows without any power, but with time and effort, some of them will surely grow, provide great content for the Steemit community and return the favor to you and everyone else.

  1. Don’t let them drop the snowball

Everyone gets initially discouraged here right? We have all been there: No one follows you or reads your posts (except for those pesky spammers), there’s very little money to be made when you are a beginner, all your efforts seem to go nowhere… Well, if you followed and kept step 2 your friends will not feel alone and abandoned. Their posts will have more chances to be picked up by other Steemians so their follower base and steem power will slowly grow.


I usually describe Steemit (and Steem Power) to newcomers as a snowball that you have to grow little by little. The more they grow it, the more it will grow the next time you add a new layer. Don’t over burden them with fancy talks about Steem dollars, Steem power, Steem savings and all of those terms, it will only scare them. Keeping it simple goes a long way!

I hope you liked this post, please reestem and let’s bring those normies in!
Facebook is done! Right Zucker? Haha love you all. Keep steeming!


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Happy crypto investing!

Upvote Resteem follow.gif


Thank you for the well written post. Consider yourself upvoted and followed. I have been bringing as many friends to the wonderful Steemit community as I can. Your advice will be very helpful in doing so going forward. Your best advice is to keep it simple. There are so many details that when I get excited and start talking about all information there is I probably overwhelm my friends. I will try to keep it simple and just get them to be active and interactive. Thanks again for the great post. I hope everyone uses this to help bring more people to this great platform. I know I will!

how can i get more upvotes?

The snowball analogy is a very good one.

The more you interact with other Steemians, the more your own efforts are recognized and rewarded by others.

And the longer those interactions are kept up, the more SP everyone accumulates. So it's a vicious circle but in a good way!! :-)

If there is one piece of advice I would give to newcomers it's this: comment, comment, comment on other posts and build up those relationships.

And comment some more.

Which is how you make good friends such as yourself and @taskmaster4450! You guys are awesome!

Great post, I agree with everything you said. Keeping things as simple as possible is a good strategy so our friends are not overwhelmed.

One of the things that's really different on Facebook, is that Facebook posts rarely are about Facebook itself. However, here on Steemit a very large portion of the posts is about Steemit itself.

On one hand this seems necessary for the platform isn't really self-explanatory yet. On the other hand it also seems very 'evangelical' to the normies.

Maybe we need more simple and fun content here on Steemit to make normies feel welcome, I think.

Agreed, fun content is a must. I'm guilty of this myself, always writing about techie stuff... Gotta lighten up the content a bit.

Well you are a techie LOL

It is easy for me to avoid the bits and bytes since I dont understand them anyway.

Thanks for sharing i will done upvote I always see your post. And follow you!

What kind of fun content would you like to see?

It's up to you, get creative and engage your readers with what you like and think they would like too

Good point although the difference between FB and here is that everyone who is on here has a financial interest in STEEM...on FB, most who are on there posting are not stock holders.

It's not easy for a normie to adopt an ownership mentality. Sheep are rarely great leaders.

That is true...although most on here do get the financial fact that is what attracts most in at this point...hell it is what people are on FB and YouTube that is what people are going to think (I think we should cool the money aspect in the marketing and stress other aspects).

But you are right, the masses are followers....most will arrive here when it is fashionable to do so.

They will arrive here when they see that those who they follow on twitter, fb and youtube are moving to some strange and ugly platform. And where they have some strange and big numbers with dollar sign under their posts.

Yes you are correct @taskmaster4450. Everyone on SteemIt is interested because of the Rewards that they get for every content they post here. I think some of us or most of use still use Facebook. Well I use both. I have specific reasons why I still use Facebook.

I gree to this, but even on Facebook, majority of the followers are just in bandwagon. As in, some of them if this opportunity of steemit is introduced to them, they would be glad since some are struggling financially and are using facebook for passing time.

Another point is on data usage. For the case of 3rd world countries like Uganda, most yourth subsribe for social bundles being cheaper and there is alot of idleness on the as what is shared may not necessarily be beneficial to others.

Steem in my opinion a better platform because you interact with people randomly and I never do that on Facebook. Also content here is more educational. That might just be me because I don't follow that many pages and my friends post strange things haha. Normies do want more fun I'll tell you that since I'm fairly new.

Steem is a better platform in many many ways! I love Steem like Carlos Matos once loved Bitconnect. But yeah, Steem is also very young still, it'll be a great experience having first row tickets when this thing really takes off!

It is interesting to see what else they will add in the future. I see you've been here since June have they made any changes since then?

Version 19 (HF19) was in June, there have been many little tweaks and improvements, but no real fundamental changes. Those will come with HF20 and then HF21 which will bring SMTs if I'm correct. Exiting times!

You lost me. Where do you find more info about HF20 and HF21?

@steemitblog just made a new blog about upcoming developments!

You don't need to write so much things about yourself to have fully loaded profile on Steemit than on Facebook.

Anyway, at some point Facebook was small and when people saw its features, purpose and potential, it started to blow up.

When people will start noticing Steem's upsides, maybe we'll become Reddit of Crypto. Ha.

When I first signed up for Steemit the trending page was full of people arguing about whales and minnows. I also noticed a lot of chatter about Steemit and crypto-currencies. At the time I wasn't interested in those things and it really turned me off. I didn't come back to Steemit for a few months because of it. I only came back because a friend shared on Facebook how much money he was making (show me the money!) :)

Showing the money is always good! Whales adopting new minnows is also very good. Thanks for commenting @treebuilder!

I was actually introduced to Steemit twice: First through my own research, then through a friend. When I first encountered it, I was just met by posts about the platform itself, so I got the impression that it was only the people who had made it who was using it.

vampire Zuckerberg, that's a new one never heard that before lol

Hey @fitzgibbon ive just read your reply to this post and would like to mention im a newbie on here (14 days) and intend to add a lot more colour inspiration and fun content to steemit and encourage others to join in the fun by reposting posts like this to my facebook page (ive already reposted this),i dont think it will be long before the penny drops for the so called normies. 😊

Yes I agree with you.

Something that makes Google for example lose out a lot and may make them lose the whole video side online is because of poor communication. All it would take from YouTube is some real care and they wouldn't lose millions of dollars in value by people moving away to other more caring platforms. All it takes is a little bit of care and it makes people feel valued. Don't want to see Steemit go down into that rabbit hole. Even when there is no exciting new announcement it's still good to show what you are working on. Showing a bit of a human side.

It's truly amazing how great the transparency system is on Steemit and how it makes the whole platform more win-win. Since it creates more real trust. And as you say people are incentivized to behave well since they have a reputation score they want to keep up! This creates way less spam and creates an overall better user experience. We have so much free time these days and taking 10 minutes to care about someone else by producing some value to them will be so rewarding for both sides! I want to see Steemit be the best company in the world when it comes to transparency and communication!

Yes! I definitely think a little more fun content would help. I shied away about a year ago because I mistakingly thought that Steemit was just a forum for cryptocurrency talk after a quick look around.

Nice post. I am new to this space but there is a lot of knowledge being laid around here... better stop wasting time on facebook now.
Though I am a complete newbie.. Can someone guide me on how to be a part of bigger snowball.. :D

I agree! However, in my humble opinion, it seems that the most upvoted and promoted content is cryptocurrency and the photography niche that seems to be very well established in this community. However, anything other than that doesn't take off. However, I do think that will change.

great post....i always try to follow the Crypto investors.....

People are already coming to steemit . Fb lost a million users recently . Steemit saw record registrations .

I am not sure the users who joined here were Facebook people.

My observation is that it could be more YouTube....Google upset a lot of people...and took some money out of their pockets.

You did a wonderful job by posting this quality content here about steemit. Yes, we all love steemit because it paid out to all community who spend quality time out of here and this is GREAT platform in front of bullish FB who wasted our time and talent.

I quit to use FB when I joined STEEMIT completely. This platform has given me second breath to my love. I love this platform much more than myself. Here SP is really acting like a snowball and we should hold it strongly to maintain our position.

I invested some STEEM to power up my profile and I think I did good job because I'm getting benefit out of it. I'm blessed with this community. I'm proud on steemit..:)

Very important topic that you shared. We should appreciate new comer by voting their post and help them interested about steemit. I think it is one kinds of charity by help to earning.

All good points. I try to write my posts in an effort to help the newcomers along.

This is a community so it is no surprise that I agree with the second point completely...take care of the people you bring on here. It is crucial.

Also, get them commenting...that is the golden matter how little one makes on an article, there are riches found in the comment section of each post.

By the way, I just had to laugh...getting a snow analogy from a guy in Miami. The only snow around us is the kind they portrayed on Miami Vice. 😀

Hey, we get snow here in Miami, every century or so, haha. I know, the analogy is so great I couldn't pass on it. I can't think right now of other things that grow like snowballs, moss keeps falling off hehe

Mold on leftovers brought home from a restaurant after about 3 weeks...

That stuff grows very good....

I should have made it 4 steps with that extra one about commenting, too late now, maybe another version later

Like seriously...trying to compare facebook with steemit is like building a castle in the air...facebook is like a struggling kid wanting to meet up with is father.NOT POSSIBLE.........,.nice post bro.....steemit remain the best

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