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RE: Crypto Tips Unplugged: The Dangers of Centralization
i think right now it is more about drug dealing
let see how hard "Hatespeech" (deutsch: Hassrede) is prosecuted in 2018/2019. Tendence: getting harder.
Probably there will be soon tax evasion issues. social welfare for migrants gotta be paid.
did you saw the case of kevin? the guy who threw bacon at a mosk and was executed while in jail in bristol? it's funny, the pakistanis and royals pedo rapists have all free pass, but them....
yeah yeah... will see... one sure thing, those behind the white genocide will pay... one day... be it by their chosen people replacers, or by US...
in both event... they are done. when is the only question.
i heard a 40B euros / year that those guys sucks? while raping...
what I hate the most about the msm, and when I say hate, is I can watch them being turned to hash in a oven in front of me, with a smile, is when they don't care about all those girls raped in germany, uk and co, worst how they cover for the rapists...
happilly with have now the same tools they will use to attempt to censor us, aka AI to scan all their work, and see who are the most domestic enemies...
and if you had asset seizure of the media operative and their financial backers, it makes a big loot, at least worth pursuing....
it's war.