
I definitely know the feeling. I am pretty sure everything is going to be fine.

I hope so too.

Yes, I think we all do actually.

laissez le bon temps rouler!

hey cool a btc atm that akso has ethereum litecoin and Zcash i wonder what software it uses! hey if u hate @craig-grant why are u posting photos on his posts??

I see this alot..people seem to think they have a right to make money off posts where they tralk shit in comments ON the person theyre talking shits about comments!!!

Craig grant didnt ALWAYS have as much money as he did, i remember hen i joined in march he had like 2000 like how I have now! and now hes got hundreds of thousands and so he gives me hope that i can do what he did! Why do u have to try and talk shit about him? why do u feel its ur right to come in here and spread lies? seriously u wouldnt like peopel spamming ur wall nd ur posts with lies about you.....u cant just say somone fuckin forced someone else to cimmit suicide..u cantjust say that shit man...u think ur some intertnet detective that is cracing some cold case/!?!?!

leave @craig-grant and @yuliana alone they didnt do anything to do...rthey never broke any community guidelines here ....they havent hurt anyone theyve OPNLY helped pepople

ANYONE who bought into ANY of the links craig-grant posted has MAD EMONEY

I was skeptical at first, I didnt like how he was acting like we would make money when i thought only HE would make money off his affiliate or referal propgrams for genesis mining and bitconect, but now since buying into bitconnect at $4 and its over $60 now...or genesis mining telling us to get mioning contracts with $1000 bitcoin or $30 ethereum....EVERYONE has made money! EVERYONE who clicked his links mad emoney!!! I only wiosh i would have clicked MORE of his links!!!

I wish i would have setuip al the afiliate programs he did! i wish i would have put MORE money into bitconnect and i wish i would have bought some genssis mnining contracts back in March when craig first popped up on my fed!

EVERYONE has made money with him! EVERYONE! NOONE has lost money with craig-grant so wtf are you talking about?!?!?!

seriously i get ad because he ALSO helps peopel DIRECTLY and anyone can see how much money he just sends to random peopel he meets and befriends on steemit!

thats ONTOP of what hes ALREADY odne for everyone who hes gotten into bitconnect or steemit or genesis ...every program he promotes works out!

But why do peopple decide to hate on him and his family? because they get "shadey vibes" wow so youre going to talk sghit on someone because you just dont like the way they "vibe" with you when youve NEVER even met them?!?!!

wow dont listen to those people man!

@craig-grant deserves every penny he makes, he is an early adoptr and brings in thousands of followers into the systems he joins! It may not seem like he is "earning" his money, but he is earning his money as much as ANY other person. Physical labor does NOT equal hard work...working online is just as useful and just as deserving of pay..and so i understand WHY people dont like Craig but get over yourself and just un follow him dont try to drag his name through the mud and SLANDER him ...dont go around claiming he got someone to commit suicide with no p[roof, and also even if u had "proof" it wouldnt be real because craig lives in the USA were we have a legal system and police departments, if this was true craig would be in jail and hes not, and do you think craig looks like someone who is worried about jail? He is obviously not worried, so please dont spread lies...u should know better...

Nice ATM. I have not seen it in any other place, but here!!! Where did you take the picture? I whish they had one of those in Las Vegas. August 1-3, what's going to happen? Well let's wait. Expeculating is like saying a bunch of lies. If it goes down, like in 2013, it will increase its value like in a few months, like in 2017. If it goes up, we all are going to have more money! Who doesn't like that theory? If it goes like Ethereum Classic, then... we are going to cry and scream!!! Good day Bitcoiners!!!

WHAT??? why u talkin shit aboiut people on their OWN steemit posts??
IT's like people only strike out at those closest to them...theyt only hit who is in range....

i realy doubt that craig grant MADE someone commit suicide....thats caled manslaughter or murder and he would be in jail

u think @craig-grant would just be walking around free mking vieos of his location if he was some fugitive like ur claiming/?!?! wtf man come on dont believe rumors about him, if anything those rumors only help him and make him more popular...

some people just dont like seeing others suceed

Bwhaha!! I know exactly what you are talking about! :)

I am actually going to get together with friends to watch the charts to see how cryptos react to those days :P

Great ~~ !


Only a select will know :D

What do you thing is gonna happen @craig-grant ?

if bitcoin was going to crash because of this,it would hacve already done so! Cryptos are used to splitting up, as long as exchanges have al the new bitcoins that may result, and u can echange between em, then it wont matter! and if anything this "upgrade" will show teh world bitcoij is ready to scle and transaction fees will go down very low and we will have $4000 Bitcointhis august!!!!!! the whole BTC community has been WAITINg for this

once its all done we will have a MUCH easier tyime! when its done ITS DONE

ansd exchanges will amke MONEY exchanging between BTC 1 BTC 2 and BTC 3 and its been a while coming! theyve always needed this and its just part of Gods Plan

Battle Star Galactica man....leave a complex system alone and thinsg start happeneing ...evebtually....chaos theory! fractals dynamical systems theory!

And the timel;ine is alreayd there

we have a timeline pretty much set to split BTC up into muyltiple coins, and theyll all competeband it will be good for everyone!

Price of Bitcoin will go to $10,000 and ethereum will hit $1000

hey maybe the flioppening might happen again!

This could also allow steem to raly shine

we need USDT /Steem paiurs oin exchanges

we also need our OWN steem tpo USD exchanges where we dont need BTC

Very well put , let's wait and see then

I actually don't support any of them , I already violated Craig on his page

The eclipse will be Spectacular!!

i thought u said the eclipse is in september

hey honestly if bitcoin was going to crash it would have already done so

i think BTC will go U, not down, (because lower transaction fees etc) and it wont matter how manyt new bitcoins theer are, as long as the exchanges have them allu wil be able to just esxchange between the two!

so yeah bitcoin will only go up! if bitcoin followed news stories and events like this, everyone would be able to trade on that info! so if anything buy MORE bitcoin before august 1st

seriously, what do u thinl? u think bitcoin will become vaoueless because of an upgrade?? u think it will be LESS valuable for any reason?!?!?! u think people dont know this is happeneiong?!?! I guess people think they are the ONLY people who know this is happeniong as if ythey will be able to make money off this info lol

Honestluly i suspect bitcoin will just go up!

Yes long term up is the only way !!

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