How big is bitcoin, really? This chart puts it all in perspective

From Market Watch
Bitcoin burst into our financial consciousness like a fiery comet, setting the internet ablaze with visions of upending the existing global money system. Yet, by its nature as a cybercurrency, whose legitimacy only exists in the ether, its credibility leaves much room for debate.Read more here: on Wednesday put things into perspective and demonstrated that for all the buzz and excitement bitcoin has generated, it still has a long way to go to be even remotely relevant.
The current value of all the bitcoin in the world is worth about $41 billion, according to the cost-estimating website.
That is undoubtedly more money than most Americans will ever see in their lifetime. But when it comes to bragging rights, bitcoin really is the poor relation.
Also see: Teenage bitcoin millionaire can see the cryptocurrency’s value shooting as high as $1 million
As the HowMuch chart shows, the fattest bubble is for all the money in the world — including bank deposits — which comes out to $83.6 trillion.
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So big!
Great share thx 4 the info
The day is not so far, when cryptocurrency will evolve everything. Nice share!
Cool chart.
tema interesante
Thank you ;p
Bitcoin en 250.000$$ en 2020
nice bubble graphic put things in perspective, just remember bubbles can get bigger or they can burst - let's hope crypto continues to expand to the largest on the chart 😉
Pretty mind blowing when it's put in that perspective. Lots of room for growth, gotta atleast over take Mr. Gates!
excelente tema para compartir