How to purchase NEO (Antshares) from CoinSwitch
CoinSwitch is the first cryptocurrency and altcoin exchange aggregator. We have integrated many leading exchanges across the globe to provide best exchange rates to our customers. Currently, we support over 100 cryptocurrencies and more than 4500 pairs to exchange.
We are now supporting NEO (Antshares) at
Follow below step by step tutorial on how to exchange NEO from Bitcoins (BTC).
Select BTC on the top and NEO on the bottom, enter the amount you want to exchange, then press ‘Continue’.
Choose the best exchange to convert BTC to NEO or choose the one recommended by us.
Provide your NEO wallet address. You will receive your NEO coins in this wallet. If you don’t have NEO wallet then you can create one from This is the official NEO wallet provided by it’s developers.
Here is the BTC address you should send your BTC to exchange. Once we get your coins, they are exchanged to NEO and sent your NEO wallet.
Transfer the amount to the above address and wait for it to convert to NEO. You can always track your transaction on the block chain with our easy to access links, below your transactions status.
Here you go! The transaction is now completed, and now you can check your NEO wallet. Note that although the transaction is finished, in some cases your wallet needs for additional confirmations to display your received funds. All you should do is to wait until your coins are displayed.
Simple and easy. As always.
Please note that the NEO assets can be traded only in the whole number. Any fractions will be discarded. For example, if your converted equivalent amount is 100.23 NEO, you will only receive 100 NEO.
Happy switching :)
Official NEO Wallet Reference:
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