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RE: Bitcoin! What It Really Is, The Beginning Of The End!

in #bitcoin8 years ago

That is the typical utopian view about how money "should" work.
And the end you describe may happen, but I doubt it.

Humans are not all equal. They never will be. Viva la difference.
A crude example, a male human wants a child. That person will have to go through many trials and selection processes to find a mate, or to adopt a child. A female human wants a child, all she has to do is find a man who wants to have sex. Definitely not equal in this regard.

The other piece is that any person is not all things. An art lover wants a painting, but has no ability to paint. And a painter wants more paint but lacks even the understanding of where linseed oil comes from...

Money makes it easier to do barter. But, a computerized bartering system may be even easier.

Then comes the big one, motivation. If you have everything you need at the current moment; food, shelter, fresh air. How would I entice you to use your skill and time to create something I want? A commodity that can later be traded for something I want is a good motivator.

And the last piece is that money is a good measuring tool. What gets measured gets improved. And in this case, I see several moneys coming into existence that each measure a specific aspect of capital. (such as social capital)

Most people's biggest stumbling block when dealing with money, is that they have never seen or experienced it. What we have is currency, and there isn't enough of it. The crash of the 20s came about because the banks pulled in all the money. In many places there wasn't enough money for normal transactions to happen. Imagine one $5 bill being used by an entire town, because it was the only one.

The U.S. federal reserve note comes into being as debt. And there is always more debt then notes. So, begins a perpetual chase for notes so you can pay off YOUR debt. In this game, someone always loses, and the bank always wins.


Answer this, is there anything you do not because you need or want money, but because you actually like it? You don't need to motivate people to perform their talent or skill, people love to do that. Only when we are forced to do it or something else out of necessity does it become "work".

With technological advancement the painter won't need to know how to create paint, robots and computers will. And the painter will paint, because he loves too, and he is free to.

People like to do things, they just don't like spending their lives working for worthless paper so they can get by and someone else can go traveling and painting.

I know its hard to see from where we are now, but I don't just think its possible, I think its the only sustainable outcome for humanity.

People on welfare are capable of doing anything they would put their minds to.
99% of them do nothing more than become bigger couch potatoes.
I hope that more people will wake up and start doing what they really love to do. Find their vision; find their passion. Robert Kiyosaki talks about that all the time. Jim Roan too.
Walk Away from the 97%

I wish I could find this article on real money... a little town in europe issued their own local script, and in doing so had everyone housed, fed and employed. They got tons of public projects done and more. This is what happens when you have real money.

Real money is sustainable. It shows which endeavors are sustainable (they are profitable). It shows where the economy needs extra input (high prices).

It is not money you are railing against. It is currency.
In currency, there is never enough. Everyone is broke or is becoming broke. It siphons off productive labor. It produces malinvestments. It destroys everything it touches.

"99% of them do nothing more than become bigger couch potatoes."

Do you have any statistics to back this claim up? I find it highly unbelievable. I know many unemployed people (being one myself) and no, we are definitely not inactive. I for one have real time issues keeping up the household, parenting two kids (with hobbies) and running a go club and other activities. Same goes with my friends, many of whom are actively finding jobs and/or education, filling their time with hobbies and whatnot.

I don't quite agree with that claim.

Not unemployed. Welfare queens (mostly).
And no, there is no statistics on this. The govern-cement actively buries any statistics on this. But you see it everywhere if you deal with section 8 housing.

Everyone fills up all of their time. It is only wasting time from an outside perspective or a higher perspective. Is my spending time on steemit helping my future potential or is it just wasting time?

I think there are deeper and more complex issues then people just being lazy and not wanting to do anything that results in them being "Welfare Queens" as you put it. Peoples true nature is to thrive, explore and create. If there are people that don't want any of that, I believe its a symptom of the way our societal system operates.

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