My June monthly earnings are 2.011 Bitcoins! Bought over 2 Bitcoins in Steem. Now have over $100k in cryptocurrencies :)
Three months after launching Bitcoin Millionaire it is already into the six figures with Bitcoin. With An increase of $14,435 for the month of June the balance has grown from $88,224 last month to $102,659 as of today. I managed to add 2.011 BTC my total holdings bringing the balance up to 41.031 BTC as of today.
Bitcoin interview added

Bitcoin blog post
So later in the month another altcoin Stellar Lumens was doing another airdrop based on the same principle as Byteball. That was, they would distribute Lumens for any Bitcoin holders. This time I wrote about it before it happened in the blog post here - Get yourself a stellar piece of the Lumens pie.
New Bitcoin Faucet site launched

June earnings
The total gain of $14,435 in the month of June came from four areas:
- $1,397 in website earnings through banner advertisements and affiliate income.
- $1,644 in Bitcoin investments in Bitcoin gambling site bankrolls, posting on Steem and Bitcoin lending.
- $1,957 in Airdrops from Byteball and Stellar Lumens.
- $9,437 in the rise in the price of my Bitcoin balance.
Bitcoin Investments:
In total I made 0.657 BTC ($1,644) from investing in 4 different Bitcoin gambling bankrolls, Steem (social media cryptocurrency) and Poloniex (lending Bitcoins). That 0.657 BTC was made on a total investment of 28.678 BTC giving a Bitcoin investment return of 2.29%. Currently I do not have much invested in any sites as I am waiting for the next Byteball airdrop and Poloniex has been a bit sketchy. So as of today I have 10.956 BTC invested as per below:
- KingDice: 1.265 BTC
- YoloDice: 3.161 BTC
- SafeDice: 2.831 BTC
- Steem: 3.664 BTC (worth of Steem)
- Poloniex: 0.035 BTC

What’s next in July?
The big item for Bitcoin in July is the potential activation of SegWit, which I will not go into detail on. However if SegWit activates smoothly and the Bitcoin transaction costs decrease, we could see another bullish month for Bitcoin! Let's wait and see :)
In July I want to try a Poloniex lending bot out to see how it compares to manually lending coins out. Once I test it out I will write about the experience and see what is the better option; manual lending or using a bot.
Lastly the next Byteball airdrop is on the 9th of July which I will be linking as many Bitcoins to as possible and you should do the same too!
Which lending bot are you testing? Consider using -> It's new, it's a free and it's a awesome lending bot :D
Great question! I am going to do some research and try a few out :)
Well done- another great month!
Cannot complain - $14,435 is nothing to sneeze at!
Awesome....I am glad your efforts towards your goal are paying off and you are gaining momentum....I have just started recently, and have been trading cryptos and gotten started into mining.
Your posts are pretty inspirational for me....I like seeing other's succeed :)
That is great to hear :)
Tell me more about your mining? Cloud or with hardware? What cryptos? I mined years ago but never found it profitable since....
I'm impressed. Adding some crypto every day but not near your level.
Good stuff @funkit :) Feels like a game of pacman with cryptos at the moment!
Yeah. Gobble em up 💸💰💵💴💶💷
Thanks for your rapport! Your going in the right direction. Maybe soon your username will reflex your portfolio!
Thanks! That is the end goal of the website :)
Great work !
Keep it up, I always have a good read of your posts to help me with my trading. 👍🏼
Thanks @fracturedsounds! What are you trading at the moment?
Most recently traded steem and steem dollars but lately I've been looking in to less know coins and putting some small investments in the Ines I think may flourish in the future. :)
Good stuff. That's some good diversity in investments. I'm over here with only a couple percentage points in the positive for June 😂
You didn't jump on the Stellar Lumens and Byteball airdrop?! That was a free couple of %
Don't forget the next Byteball one is on the 9th of July!
Maan, i am a crypto-guy myself. Just realized i am not following your journey! I immediately changed that. You are followed! :-)
Great :)
WOW I still have a long way to go, but I hope I'll be up there soon too :)
I think you have a high chance of getting there from Steem! Your photos are awesome!
Thank you!! Yes, I'm trying, I've used this page for just a month and two weeks actively. But I made the page at the end of the summer last year, And then I did not use it. But now I try this steem to use .
Awesome! Steem needs more people using it like you :)
Thank you!! At the moment, this steem is my only income, And steemit helps me make more photography, and if this go more big, I can make film photography here too. this I want very. I think this would be cool to make film photography here.
Well done @btcmillionaire, I wish u the best in the future.
Thanks - you too.