Some thoughts on cryptocurrency accountability

in #bitcoin7 years ago

To everyone blaming Trevon James or CryptoNick or someone else...YOUR one of the larger problems with the current course of society. You need to find blame with someone...anyone else, except yourself. You and you alone decided to invest in a lending platform, you pushed the buttons on your phone or computer. Not the dopes shilling the product...YOU. All of you sheep keep looking for protection from the big, bad wolves that you listen to and then you lose your money.....not knowing your inviting the worst wolf ever into your space when you complain and push away any personal responsibility from yourself. The government is the ultimate wolf and by filing class action lawsuits and writing your congressmen, you give them the reason, but more importantly the ammunition to come riding into town to "save" the taking more personal freedoms away because we can't possibly protect ourselves and make decisions that we OWN. No, of course not. Do some research on what government's have done in the name of protecting their people. All of our freedoms and rights in the Bill of Right's have been circumvented at one time or another with the reason being our "protection". Cryptocurrency is the first real attempt in decades that challenges the monetary system we are forced to live under, no less enslaved under. It's a rigged game we are not allowed to win. Sure they hold lotteries and the like to keep us all going and hoping for a change. That is simply a feeble attempt to keep the masses in line and showing up for work time and time again as they wouldn't be able to function themselves if all the cog's in the wheel decided they were fed up. It's time to wake up people....start seeing the forest for the tree's. This is bigger than any one of us, crypto could very well be the ammunition needed in a revolution long past overdue. Not one built upon violence or tyranny, but a less-rigged monetary system that is truly decentralized and free of the same tyrannical control today's monetary systems feed upon. I love the sense of community this crypto space comes along with, for the most part. In any industry....there are rats and thieves. It comes with the territory of wealth, you have to look past that part as well as see through the bullshit of trying to regulate crypto to stop money laundering and terrorism which the biggest culprits of said crimes are the very ones trying to regulate the space. They have been mastering this game for years and years and we fall for it hook, line ans sinker continually. It's time for REAL change. This is all of our opportunity.

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