New altcoins this week #1 Aug 29 - Sept 04, 2016

in #bitcoin9 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemers!

Digest of new altcoins this week for active traders and investors.




Bitcointalk thread:

Beats - X11 - POW - No ICO - Music on Blockchain



Bitcointalk thread:

BeginnerCoin [BGNR] Free, Open-Source, Beginner-Friendly Cryptocurrency

BeginnerCoin is a free, open-source project designed to help lower the barrier to entry to cryptocurrency technology for the general public.

Cryptocurrency can often be imposing to new users. It is initially difficult to comprehend and wrapped in a cloud of technical jargon.  The barrier to entry isn’t insurmountable, but we aim to lower it further and make it more accessible to anyone interested in learning in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
We wish to provide a stepping stone to attract new users and developers to realize and harness the great potential represented by Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.
Our goal is give anyone with even modest computing ability the opportunity to try, experiment and play with
cryptocurrencies without any risk of loss. We aim to give newcomers the confidence to use cryptocurrency software in their day-to-day lives and to conduct business. We are here to facilitate transactions to give all newcomers a true, hands-on experience in a risk-free environment.
We hope to open the eyes and minds of the general public to the incredible world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency at no cost or risk... and to incentivize their involvement to join us in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.


  • 135,000,000 BGNR Cap
  • 100 BGNR Mined Per Block
  • 10 Minute Block Time
  • 210,000 Block Halving Rate
  • 92,000,000 BGNR in Block 1
  • SHA-256 PoW Mining Algorithm
  • Merge-Mineable with Bitcoin

Bitcointalk thread:


BitCloud (BTD) is POW\POS scrypt based coin and can be mined with ASIC miners or with ATI and NVIDIA GPU. Premine is 0 %. (only fair POW + POS)


  • Algorithm Scrypt
  • 20 Millions Coins PoW
  • 10000 PoW blocks
  • 20 block confirmation
  • Rpc port 8330
  • P2p port 8329
  • 60s block time
  • No Premine
  • PoS begin at block 1
  • PoS interest: 10% per year
  • Min stake time: 2 hours
  • Max Stake time: unlimited
  • POW Block reward: 1 - 10 000 = 2000 BTD coins


Bitcointalk thread:

COSMOS [COS] internet of blockchains

Cosmos is a project with an ambitious mission: To create a network of distributed ledgers that will solve long-standing problems in the cryptocurrency and blockchain communities.

The Cosmos network consists of many independent, parallel blockchains, called zones, each powered by classical Byzantine fault-tolerant (BFT) consensus protocols like Tendermint (already used by platforms like ErisDB). Some zones act as hubs with respect to other zones, allowing many zones to interoperate through a shared hub. The architecture is a more general application of the Bitcoin sidechains concept, using classic BFT and Proof-of-Stake algorithms, instead of Proof-of-Work (see our whitepaper for more details).
Cosmos Hub
The first blockchain in the Cosmos network is the Cosmos hub. The Cosmos hub connects to zones via the novel IBC (inter-blockchain communication) protocol and keeps a record of the total number of tokens in each zone. Because all inter-zone token transfers go through the Cosmos hub, you can transfer tokens from one zone to another, quickly and securely, without the need for a liquid exchange or a trusted third party between zones.
The Cosmos hub can connect to many different kinds of zones, as long as each zone speaks IBC. As a result, Cosmos can support a variety of currencies and scripting languages like those found in Bitcoin, Ethereum, ZeroCash, CryptoNote, and more.

Bitcointalk thread:

FLASH | it is like gmail for crypto - pre-sale STARTED!

FLASH is a blockchain based platform that enables users and developers to leverage this powerful technology for social media, websites, blogs and e-commerce sites. As easy to use as webmail, FLASH is a great way to introduce your friends to crypto-coins and to build in rewards to your web pages and services.


Pre-Sale Token info on Counterparty:

Get Pre-Sale Tokens here:

Bitcointalk thread:

Frost [FSX] Blockchain Applications | Sidechains | Coloured Coins


  • 2.5M Supply
  • No ICO/Premine
  • 1000 FSX per block
  • 64 second block speed
  • PoW ends block 2500
  • 10%/year interest
  • RPCport is 8304
  • 20 block coinbase maturity
  • 3 block transactions


Bitcointalk thread:

LBRY Credits [LBC] POW P2P Media & Content Distribution Platform No ICO

POW P2P Media & Content Distribution Platform. No ICO
LBRY Credits decentralized digital library controlled by the community.

Ever wanted to make Crypto Moolah (LBC)  just by watching videos online?
Ever wanted to make more Bank (LBC)  for content you created?

We're here to help.
Why waste your hard drive space and bandwidth when you could turn it into Cold Hard Crypto Cash BABY! BAM!
Got skillz?  Publish your content on LBRY and get payments straight to your on board wallet.  Price it anything you want!
Just wana watch videos?  Every video you watch stores the files on your HD in "blobs" like Bittorent and when others view the video and get that blob from you, PROFIT!  BAM!

Bittrex Market:
Cryptopia Market:  
Poloniex Market:

Bitcointalk thread:

NoLimitCoin [NLC] for Fantasy Sports Game
[SHA256d] [PoW/PoS] [ICO]

NLC is a coin that will be POS/POW hybrid. It will pay POS 2% and mining total will be 1.5% annually and drop 10% per year and lock after 9 years. D adjustment in every block.

Most of the Premine is set to be sold and management will keep only a portion of the Premine that will be explained in the ICO site TBA. Funding will mostly go back to a stabilization fund to support the price. We’ve already got Fantasy Football for NLC up and ready. A set percentage will go back to developing the rest of the Fantasy Sports games like Soccer, Baseball, Basketball and Hockey as well as other sports can continue and demand for the coin can happen for the other sports also. It is estimated there will be over BTC2000 ($1,200,000) at the exchanges when the season ends from coin sales to players on January 7, which will be the proceeds from sales that will be used to create a market at the set prices. At the start BTC100 has been deposited by the investment arm of No Limit Fantasy Sports to support the coin a the (usd) .002 price once it starts to trade in Sept 2016. That will be the sale price at the Fantasy game and the price you can cash out with at the exchanges we list in. We will soon announce the exchanges. Price will track the exchanges once the coin is listed but CyptoFantasy Sports will price the coin as follows:
Target launch prices in US Dollars.
Prices will increase every month for the coin. If exchanges show the coin higher, we will sell at exchange rates. If its lower, we will keep these rates.

The new currency NoLimitCoin (NLC) will be used by Fantasy Sports game this NFL 16-17 season. The coin will also target other fantasy operators that want to open to digital currency transactions.


NLC officially launches today. NLC has been implemented to power No Limit Fantasy Sports platforms Variations for the game will be online within 1 week of launch day at and will provide the crypto world easy access to the fantasy games that are already so popular. 

Local laws will be followed and will not be available where prohibited.


  • Block size: 2mb
  • Block time: 2 minutes
  • PoW Algorithm: SHA-256d
  • POS/POW hybrid
  • POS 2% per annum
  • RPC Port: 6520
  • p2p port: 6521
  • testnet rpc: 16520
  • testnet p2p port: 16521
  • Wallet addresses will start with “N”, to differentiate pubkey from other cryptocurrency networks  (pubkey=53)
  • PoW Block reward will reduce as complexity from mining difficulty increases.
  • D adjusts every block.

Bitcointalk thread:

Omicron - Dividend-Issuing Cryptocurrency - IAO has started

Omicron (OMC) is a digital blockchain-based asset that accrues interest through two mechanisms: minting and BTC dividends. It is the first step towards having an unbanked investment world where an independent digital currency asset yields returns in an alternate medium of exchange. OMC plans to be a major inflation and investment vehicle for the cryptocurrency community as well as various brick-and-mortar entities.


Omicron will be a blockchain based asset, and a clone of Bitcoin. Minting through the wallet will yield 5%/annum, compounding on a daily basis. The clients that will be released on Sept 17 will have a fresh overhaul to the interface, and there will be future modifications to add simplicity to OMC-BTC address linkage and addtional add-ons. Fullstack developers will be paid and employed to implement said features. The main focus of Omicron is to provide a suitable and superior investment vehicle than dividend-issuing companies. With this in mind, there will be no brand new technical developments made for OMC. Modifications will be ported from other cryptocurrency clients to keep OMC top of the line.

Bitcointalk thread:

SaveTheOcean [STO] PoW/PoS | Free Distribution
Bounties | RoadMap 

If we would like to answer this question with one sentence it would be this: Raise awareness of Ocean degredation. 

Here are few facts why our oceans and oceanic ecosystems are in danger

  • The oceans are overfished. 90% of the ocean's big fish are gone because of overfishing, and the remaining 10% could be gone in as little as forty years.
  • Illegal fishing and destructive fishing practices, like bottom trawling
  • The world's seafood consumption rate has been growing twice as fast as the population
  • There are tons and tons of plastic in the ocean. It breaks down into smaller pieces, but never goes away.
  • It's estimated that 60-80% of all marine debris is plastic.
  • 64% of the ocean lies beyond the jurisdiction of any nation, and there are no fully protected reserves in these waters

What are our goals?  

Our main goal is to get "Crypto-Lands" people attention over the danger which surrounds us and our environment.

Many hundreds and thousand people are involved in Alternate Cryptocurrencies nowadays. By creating a strong based movement and organization hopefully we can incite at least a few users to pay a little more attention on how we are living and how we are going to leave our planet for our successors.

Free Distribution:   
Jr.Member       -   250
Member          -   500
Full Member     -   750
Sr.Member       -   1000
Hero Member   -   1250
Legendary      -   1500


  • PoW/PoS Hybrid
  • X11 algorithm
  • Total supply ~ 150.000.000
  • BlockTime - 60 sec
  • PoS starts at block 2880
  • PoS reward - 10% yearly
  • Min. StakeAge - 8 hours
  • Max. StakeAge - 30 days
  • Premine - 6.6%
  • RPC Port - 4556
  • Default Port - 4555

Bitcointalk thread:

TomorrowCoin [TMRW] Scrypt Algo | PoW
Bitcointalk Member Rank Giveaway 

Pre-Mine Giveaway Distribution: 257,308.625 TMRW Total

Tier 1 Bitcointalk Member Giveaway (Sr. Member, Hero Member, Legendary, Staff): 147,033.5 TMRW Divided between total participants. (Opens 4th September 2016 - Closes 11th September 2016)
Tier 2 Bitcointalk Member Giveaway (Member, Full Member, Sr. Member, Hero Member, Legendary, Staff): 73,516.75 TMRW Divided between total participants. (Opens 18th September 2016 - Closes 25th September 2016)
Tier 3 Bitcointalk Member Giveaway (Jr. Member, Member, Full Member, Sr. Member, Hero Member, Legendary, Staff): 36,758.375 TMRW Divided between total participants. (Opens 2nd October 2016 - Closes 9th October 2016)


Bitcointalk thread:

Trumpinsane Coin 

I said I would return with a simple coin-share conducted at the link below, not on bitcointalk. INSANE is fully mined now and 100 per cent PoS. I am taking  2 per cent for all the hard work. That leaves 98 per cent to share with 98 or less people.

So no hard sell here, I am just passing on  the opportunity should you care!

I will make a list, hopefully very shortly, and that is that. There is no need to make a fussy thread, because the coin is out of my hands into yours and others.


  • Algorithm: X11
  • Coin Name: Trump Insane
  • Acronym: INSANE
  • Reward system: Fully PoS
  • Interest: 2 per cent
  • RELEASE DATE: NOW, (September 2016)
  • INSANE supply: 21,000,000+
  • rpcport: 4867
  • port: 4866
  • Premine status: 100 per cent
  • INSANE giveaway: 98 per cent

Bitcointalk thread:

XONECOIN [XOC] Reliable chain | Cloud Revenues Platform | D.G.P.

XOC has been distribuited among community who believe in freedom and  open mind vision about technologies. Open-source software (OSS) is  computer software with its source code made available with a license in  which the copyright holder provides the rights to study, change, and  distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose. Open-source  software may be developed in a collaborative public manner. Open-source  software is the most prominent example of open-source development.   


  • RPC PORT: 55446 
  • PORT: 55447. c++ Crypto. Build using QT 5.3.2 Static version. 


Bitcointalk thread: 

Zion - Project Zion - CryptoNote-Based Tor Network Currency

Zion is a cryptocurrency based on the Monero platform, which was forked from cryptonote a secure, private, untraceable cryptocurrency, which will be the primary sole used on the upcoming Tor marketplace codename Zion Marketplace, which is currently being purpose build, developed and vigorously security audited.

Throughout the project i will refer to Zion the currency as Zion, and Zion the marketplace as Zion Marketplace. For those wondering, this project was renamed from MoneroClassic to Zion after a number members from the Monero community showed distress, and after careful consideration I've decided to steer away from using Monero in the project name, but give full credit for the codebase. I have great respect for Monero and its developers.


  • PoW algorithm: CryptoNight 
  • Block reward: Smoothly varying 
  • Block time: 240 seconds
  • Difficulty: Retargets at every block

Bitcointalk thread:

ZONECOIN [ZNE] NO-PREMINE. NO-ICO. A coin with a mission!

Zonecoin was built on the basis of facilitating trade between 2 parties whilst at the same time reducing the amount of time it takes for a transaction to complete. This is coin is geared to retailers and sellers who require this.

Whilst we want retailers to adopt this new coin many retailers we have spoken with over the past year have spoken negatively about cryptocurrency as a whole and many agreed that either the system needs to be re-defined or overhauled as a result of the negative press Bitcoin has received.

Bitcoin was supposed to be most secure coin following our market research however press reports have not confirmed this.

So basically ZONECOIN is here to bridge the gap and bring more people into cryptocurrency as a whole making the crypto eco-system greater than it could be.


  • Algorithm: SCRYPT PoW | PoS
  • Total Coin Supply: 21,000,000
  • Initial Block Reward: 50 ZNE
  • Coinbase Maturity: 20 Blocks
  • Transaction Confirmations: 6
  • Last PoW Block: 100,000
  • PoS Coin Age: 8 Hours to PoS
  • PoS Interest: 10% (Per Year)
  • Target Spacing: 64 Seconds
  • Target Timespan: 1 Block


Bitcointalk thread:

Wish you all profit trading!


This is great content. Maybe if you provided some instructions for mining the coins and included a logo for each coin you would get more votes?

Thanks! I will think about adding a coin logos in next issue. This reviews series will be in digest format and i cant add here full information about each coin because the post size will be a huge. You can easy find additional information about any coin by clicking a "Bitcointalk thread" link.

Ok, great. The problem with mining is that the information and software provided upfront are often incompatible with hardware, lack documentation suitable for newbies or have other issues.

These combined obstacles are a big reason why so many shy away from mining anything but the big coin names, so if someone came along and was blogging about how to set up mining for beginners it could be well recieved.

I would write about it myself, but I'm just not knowledgable enough / don't have the time to get into it at the moment.

Many people go away from mining when bitcoin price dropped last year. This was troublous times and many altcoins were abandoned by developers. Now the situation on the altcoins market is much better.

I should say that the best way to setup mining farms is to ask the coin developers in bitcointalk threads.

Thanks for posting this. The LBRY website and opportunity look really good. Steemians will really want to look at the LBRY website. Do you know how we can get invitations to LBRY? This is an excellent interesting post.

Thanks a lot! You can try this link

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.12
TRX 0.23
JST 0.030
BTC 78668.07
ETH 1866.87
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.81