New altcoins on exchanges #5 Sept 07-09, 2016

in #bitcoin9 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemers!

Digest of new altcoins on exchanges for active traders and investors.

TRIG Token [TRIG] 

Decentralized Ledger Means No Central Control or Reporting, Yet Absolute Ability to Enable/Disable, Track and Secure Weapons 28-Day TRIG Token Crowdsale to Begin Thursday, August 25 (ATLANTA, August 19, 2016) – Blocksafe (, the first blockchain-based system to provide secure access, personal monitoring and control to owners of firearms using smart gun technology, will build out its Blocksafe blockchain using Lisk sidechain technology and will issue a new token for use on that chain called “Trigger” (TRIG). To fund this effort, the Blocksafe Foundation will conduct a 28-day crowdsale, commencing on Thursday, August 25, at 11 am et.

“Blocksafe represents a revolution in managing access to firearms through the creation of a blockchain for smart gun technology,” said Blocksafe founder and CEO Kevin Barnes. “This will allow for gun owners to secure, manage and control access to who can use their firearms, disabling stolen weapons, while maintaining a decentralized database that has no central point of failure or control.”

Triggers will be the token that makes the Blocksafe blockchain work, and it will work with a planned array of smart gun technologies such as magazines, locks and other Trigger-enabled hardware including 3rd party and user-created hardware that can be 3D printed or manufactured.  

Of the 100 million Triggers that will ever exist, 30 million will be offered during the token crowdsale, which will be co-hosted by Bittrex (, the leading global alternative cryptocurrency exchange.  The crowdsale takes place over 28 days with a first-day bonus of 20 percent and accelerating price throughout the sale:

  • Thursday, August 25, 11 am et, 8000 TRIG per bitcoin (24 hours)
  • Friday, August 26, 11 am et, 6400 TRIG per bitcoin (lasts 6 days)
  • Thursday, September 1, 11 am et, 6000 TRIG per bitcoin (7 days)
  • Thursday, September 8, 11 am et, 5400 TRIG per bitcoin (7 days)
  • Thursday, September 15, 11 am et, 5000 TRIG per bitcoin (7 days)
  • Thursday, September 22, 11 am et, crowdsale ends.

For more information on the Trigger crowdsale and Blocksafe blockchain, please visit (crowdsale page…).


Bitcointalk thread:

BitLuckCoin [BTLC]

BitLuckCoin is a new cryptocurrency, it was launched in  2016 by a restricted team of passionate crypto-enthusiasts. It is based on the promising Ethereum technology (currently the 2nd most valued cryptocurrency in the World after Bitcoin) and aims to provide its own ecosystem thanks to a different vision. Over the months, and after various events in the life of a young product such as a cryptocurrency, BitLuckCoin is now moving to a bright future thanks to an ever growing team of talented people.

BitLuckCoin funding is done via an operation called premine. All of the funds are secured and distributed over a long period of time to ensure long term development.



ShadowCash [SDC] 

The Shadow Project is an open source project aiming to be the core of privacy, where people will build decentralized applications. 

ShadowSend’s anonymous cryptographic transaction protocol uses dual-key stealth addresses, traceable ring signatures (presentation of the anonymous cryptographic transaction protocol which utilizes the above mentioned cryptographic principles). We explain how Shadow introduces a much higher level of privacy and anonymity to the network while still preserving the core principles of trustless decentralization, unforgeability and double­spend prevention. We also presented performance data of our scheme including proof sizes, signature generation times and verification times in our ShadowSend Whitepaper.


  • Block time: 60 s
  • Difficulty re-target: every block
  • Nominal stake interest: 2% (PoSv3 – static inflation annually)
  • Min. stake age: 8 hours (no max age)


Bitcointalk thread:

Bitshares [BTS]

BitShares - Your share in the Decentralized Exchange

Built using the latest in industry research, BitShares 2.0 offers a stack of financial services including exchange and banking on a blockchain.

The BitShares platform itself is run and maintained by the BitShares community–an open consortium of individuals and organizations committed to providing universal access to the power of smart contracts.

Working together, this community has designed and developed the BitShares platform to include numerous innovative features which are not found elsewhere within the smart contract industry:

Price-Stable Cryptocurrencies - SmartCoins provide the freedom of cryptocurrency with the stability of the dollar

  • Decentralized Asset Exchange - A fast and fluid trading platform
  • Industrial Performance and Scalability - Graphene is capable of 100,000 TPS when we pay for the network to go with it
  • Dynamic Account Permissions - Management for the corporate environment
  • Recurring & Scheduled Payments - Flexible withdrawal permissions
  • Referral Rewards Program - Network growth through adoption rewards
  • User-Issued Assets - Regulation-compatible cryptoasset issuance
  • Stakeholder-Approved Project Funding - A self-sustaining funding model
  • Transferable Named Accounts - Easy and secure transactions
  • Delegated Proof-of-Stake Consensus - A robust and flexible consensus protocol


Bitcointalk thread:

WARP will be delisted

Due to the fact that developer has left the WARP project and it will no longer be supported, this coin will be delisted from Exchange in 1 month.

We can't support coins without developers due to possible security issues. We can't bear sole responsibility for such coins. So please withdraw your WARP until october 5. Deposit of WARP is unavailable from now on.

ZlotyCoin [ZLC]

We are introducing New Crypto coin, which based in Poland.Yes you read right, we are from POLAND. Our currency name is Zloty, so we developed a crypto currency to participate with rest of world and share our Polish community with the rest of world.Total Zloty supply will be: 40000000zl. Premine is 5%, Total Premine amount 2210526 zl coins. 1700000zl will be on ICO from this premine.Amount from ICO sell will go to Zloty Foundation to develop it on next level. Rest of 5210526zl will be for BOUNTY, Giveaway, External Developer. After ICO we will expose source code of zl Coin.


  • Algo:Scrypt(PoW/PoS)
  • Block reward:100 coins
  • Total coin supply:40000000
  • Last PoW block:420000
  • Transaction confirmations:6 blocks
  • Maturity:20 blocks
  • Spacing:64 seconds
  • Timespan:1 block
  • Premine %:5%
  • Premine Total Amount:2210526 coins
  • PoS %:5% per year


Bitcointalk thread:

Bit Cloud [BTD]

A BTD is a medium of exchange like normal currencies such as USD, but designed for the purpose of exchanging digital information through a process made possible by certain principles of cryptography.

Cryptography is used to secure the transactions and to control the creation of new coins via Proof-of-stake protocol.

Why Bitcloud?
While Bitcoin is for sure not a bad choice let me explain why Bitcloud has more apeal:
While the bitcoin might raise in value the coming years like 2 to 3 times its worth today, the Bitcloud is expected to at least 10-100 times the todays value.
Why, you might ask? . We are No premine\No ipo coin. BTD was fairly divided through POW phase.
BTD is still few days old. Our journey is at the beginning . Development continues as well as our user base.


  • Pure POS now
  • -Algorithm Scrypt
  • -10.7 Millions Coins after PoW
  • -10000 PoW blocks
  • -20 block confirmation
  • -Rpc port 8330
  • -P2p port 8329
  • -60s block time
  • -No Premine
  • -PoS begin at block 1
  • -PoS interest: 10% per year
  • -Min stake time: 2 hours
  • -Max Stake time: unlimited


Bit Cloud Dice:  

Bitcointalk thread:

FCoin [FX] 

F Coin is a new ecological decentralized cryptocurrency  which seeks to purify the air and water in big cities all around the world. It has a fully decentralized payment system, operating on an open accounting blockchain technology and uses the proof of work and stake technology.


  • Scrypt PoW/PoS
  • Time blocks: 600 sec.
  • Block reward: 1400
  • Halving rate : 300000
  • Premine: 147 600 000 (15%)
  • Total coins: 987 600 000
  • PoS: Yearly Interest 40%
  • Min.Coin age: 5 days
  • Max age: 90 days



Bitcointalk thread:

SaveTheOcean [STO]

If we would like to answer this question with one sentence it would be this: Raise awareness of Ocean degredation. 

Here are few facts why our oceans and oceanic ecosystems are in danger

  •     The oceans are overfished. 90% of the ocean's big fish are gone because of overfishing, and the remaining 10% could be gone in as little as forty years.
  •     Illegal fishing and destructive fishing practices, like bottom trawling
  •     The world's seafood consumption rate has been growing twice as fast as the population
  •     There are tons and tons of plastic in the ocean. It breaks down into smaller pieces, but never goes away.
  •     It's estimated that 60-80% of all marine debris is plastic.
  •     64% of the ocean lies beyond the jurisdiction of any nation, and there are no fully protected reserves in these waters

What are our goals?  

Our main goal is to get "Crypto-Lands" people attention over the danger which surrounds us and our environment.

Many hundreds and thousand people are involved in Alternate Cryptocurrencies nowadays. By creating a strong based movement and organization hopefully we can incite at least a few users to pay a little more attention on how we are living and how we are going to leave our planet for our successors.

Free Distribution:   

  • Jr.Member       -   250
  • Member          -   500
  • Full Member     -   750
  • Sr.Member       -   1000
  • Hero Member   -   1250
  • Legendary      -   1500


  • PoW/PoS Hybrid
  • X11 algorithm
  • Total supply ~ 150.000.000
  • BlockTime - 60 sec
  • PoS starts at block 2880
  • PoS reward - 10% yearly
  • Min. StakeAge - 8 hours
  • Max. StakeAge - 30 days
  • Premine - 6.6%
  • RPC Port - 4556
  • Default Port - 4555



Bitcointalk thread: 

Veltor [VLT]

Veltor is focusing on network stability, efficiency and long term scaleability.

I am looking to implement something like a Lightning Network, solving the so called Lightning Network’s Failure Mode. That would also provide viable transaction confidentiality without bloating the blockchain.

This also completely eliminates the drawbacks of longer block time.

Longer block time, I argue provides greater stability and efficiency.

I have a few other ideas that could make good use of longer block time as well.


  • Algo: Thor's Riddle (Shavite, Skein, Shabal and Streebog-512/Gost)
  • Block time: 30min



Bitcointalk thread:

VictoriousCoin [VTY]

Victorious Coin (VTY),tagged as The Cyrptocurrency that Empowers aim to be simple but unique coin.  One of its goal is to build a community filled with services and products that it can enjoy.

We have partnered with one community and will continue to seek partnership that can and will enhance the usage of Victorious Coin.To meet this goal, Victorious Coin design a funding where both the developer and investors will be in a safer zone.  This program is called Interactive Coin Sales (ICS).

Different from ICO and IPO where the sales of coin  is announced, fund collected, Coin distributed and wait for exchange before Investors start to trade and the whole roadmap be started,  Interactive Coin Sales   enable people to:

  •     Test if the Developer will deliver before giving all out their support
  •     Trade the Coin at the very start after they bought the coin
  •     Have profit during the whole Coin Sales Period
  •     Exit immediately at 50% lost. Because of the Buy support that will be implemented during the sale period
  •     Gain more profit after the 1st ICS by leaving certain prices open before the next batch ICS
  •     Enable Investor to decide to continue or stop supporting the coin because of the lapses between the sales .
  •     Continuation of the project depend entirely on the Community and supporter of the Coin.

Click the banner on top of this post  on bitcointalk and join our community and request your free 1000 Victoriouscoin (VTY)


  • Algorithm Scrypt
  • Hybrid PoW/PoS
  • Block reward 10000 VTY
  • Last PoW Block block 2000
  • Initial amount 9.8B
  • Coinbase maturity 20 blocks
  • Transaction confirmations 6 blocks
  • Annual Stake 38%
  • Minimum coin age 8 hours



Bitcointalk thread:

Wish you all profit trading!


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This is a great insight into CryptoCurrency and helps new investors understand what is out there. Thanks for sharing. I am happy to share this on Twitter✔ for my followers to read. Following and looking forward to reading more of your posts. Cheers. Stephen

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.12
TRX 0.23
JST 0.030
BTC 78668.07
ETH 1866.87
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.81