1 | BitShares | https://telegram.me/g33416306 |
2 | vDice | https://telegram.me/joinchat/EHTlBwbUO0xGJlKuSncFyw |
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29 | Ripple | https://t.me/Ripple |
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31 | Polybius | https://t.me/polybius_rus |
32 | PeerPlays | https://t.me/peerplays |
33 | PascalCoin | https://t.me/pascalcoin |
34 | Onplace.io | https://t.me/on_place |
35 | Mysterium Network | https://t.me/mysterium_network |
36 | Monaco | https://t.me/MonacoCard |
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38 | Patientary | https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEIwBYQZhHCgl1RxgQ |
39 | ZrCoin | https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEDj28WzzuNh5j6tVg |
40 | Edgeless | https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEBTy7K9KXQcQsyozQ |
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43 | Ethbits | https://t.me/EthBitsChatroom |
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45 | Darcrus | https://t.me/darcrus |
46 | BitCad | https://t.me/bitcad |
47 | Back To Earth | https://t.me/backtoearth |
48 | Airbitz | https://t.me/airplatform |
49 | WeTrust | https://www.telegram.me/wetrust_ico |
50 | EquiTrader | http://t.me/Equi_Trader |
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