Coinbase - Latest SCAM - Why I'm Leaving Coinbase

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Hello fellow Bitcoiners and wannabees...
Image of Coinbase Fraud

This article is my personal story of WHY I refuse to use any longer and am peacefully walking away. It was a nice relationship and marriage, but the bitch turned out to be a psychopathic irrational and non caring robot after all. I have discovered that CB uses "customer" support robot armies which I postulate are constructed and designed with loops traps and distractions, and which all evidence collusion to plot plan and scheme to derail the adoption of bitcoin - which we know they cannot contain for much longer. These behind the curtain, running the robot wizardry of CB, have absolutely zero chance of having any measurable effect in slowing the mass adoption of paradigm changing technology such as bitcoin. Exactly opposite of the desired effect will occur, as millions will soon wake up-to the fact that many of the entities such as Coinbase, are owned and controlled by the same "powers that were" responsible for our miserable banking and governmental regulating systems. This whiplash will further propel Bitcoin into the light and spread truth, prosperity, vitality, peace and freedom throughout peoples inhabiting the planes of Earth...

So here is the story... I have been using bitcoin for many years and have an well established account with Coinbase with high limits for daily withdraws buys etc. I achieved this by complying with all the draconian BS associated with getting an account into such a state, being a good boy, submitting my documents to their robots (Netverify). First off, the entire KYC AML rules laws etc are a lame last ditch attempt by the miserables to control us. These provisions have absolutely nothing to do with knowing anything about the customer, nor preventing money laundering, terrorism etc. I recently tweeted links to this story regarding recent historically verified scandals deep in the heart of banking land
Please follow me on Twitter @BitcoinTeo to get more perspective on my interpretation of what is happening in the BTC space. In this story, we see that the root of most of the troubles we have in this world is related to the same groups of thugs in suits called today's bankers. If you add to this info, the bail-ins, cash confiscations, and bank closure hostage moves that have occurred since 2009, the bonuses paid to these bankster criminals, and the events unfolding in Greece, Cyprus, Venezuela, Argentina, India, Suriname, and many more... it is plain to see what is really happening. The game is up with the invention of Bitcoin, and people in the millions are waking up the sad truth that today's monetary systems are nothing more than true elaborate Ponzi schemes designed to trick us into thinking that paper backed by absolutely nothing has value. For many like me, it no longer does. I no longer believe... and therefore govern myself with my own mind and what I deduct and reason to be reality. I peacefully choose bitcoin and other cryptos because I see them as a way out of this madness and perhaps our only hope of taking back some decency within what we call our society.

Back to the story... so the other day... I went to add another bank account onto my CB account, an account in good standing long time customer, as if that means shit to any of these corporate minions nowadays. I added to the CB account interface back office another bank account I own and I wanted to tie to the system so I can fund more bitcoin purchases. Sounds all peachy so far? OK - so like the PayPal scheme, when one adds a new bank account they ask you to verify 2 small deposits they make into your account. This all sounds fine and dandy until I login to the account in question and find there are not 2 but actually 4 deposits made - see this proof
OK so seeing this I think perhaps they made a small error, I choose the 2 last deposits to report back to CB in order to ge this account verified and added. Then CB slams my dick in the door, figuratively of course. I report these 2 small deposits to a CB robot, programmed to receive... "we can check out any time we want but we can never leave...." So what happens next is I get notified that I have not chosen the correct deposit amounts - even though all of them were for the same amount - and MY ENTIRE ACCOUNT is BLOCKED from buying and selling bitcoin. Lets review this for just one moment... I had a great account in good standing, buying selling bitcoins. Then one day I want to add another bank account to the existing bank accounts and debit / credit cards I have on file. Their robots generate $ deposits not 2 like they said, but 4 - and no matter the response one provides back to the robot, the account get LOCKED. The entire account - I could see perhaps denying me the ability to purchase anything from this new bank account until these deposits are verified, but NO that is not the game here. CB in their infinite wisdom chooses to block my entire account from buying selling, effectively damaging me and preventing me from buying more bitcoins to protect my future and that of my family. I engage in a customer support ticket asking to get my account unlocked - this happened immediately on the same day as the account lock What ensues next is an endless loop of customer support robots posing as people to resolve this matter of the account lock which results in them asking me for my identification AGAIN - which I have provided on many occasions. This loop continues until we get too frustrated, exhausted, tired and elect to close our account. Meanwhile, they achieve the intended goal of preventing people from accessing bitcoin, and gain another day to flail and launch a lame ass coins such as #fedcoin or similarly doomed #1984coins.

One may wonder is this just an isolated incident? Is this just one case of a customer getting a deposit amount wrong and then complaining because the ID verify system is not working properly? I will provide more to the story next...

So I was telling my brother the saga and he mentions to me his friend is in a similar situation with his CB account - he attempted to submit a bank account just like me - and lo and behold - 4 or 5 deposits came to him as well, not 2 as indicated... and he has the same exact LOCKOUT happen. When I heard this story I had my proof . W hat is happening is that CB has been hijacked. I have proof that they are intentionally making their robots reply with 4-5 deposit amounts so that you cannot possible get the answer right, and therefore they can LOCK accounts and prevent people from buying Bitcoins. You see the more money they can prevent from fleeing the fiat ponzi system the longer they can preserve the system. The system is doomed yet they do not see it yet. These lame attempts to prevent free people from doing with their money as they wish is a CRIME. I want to expose this so please forward this story all over earth. CB needs to be exposed! I am personally closing my CB account never to again return. I will not recommend them but even better I will actively warn others from dealing with these criminals. If you have had a similar experience, please do not hesitate to comment and pass along to your social media pals.

Of course you may think or feel that these are the crazed rambling of yet and other conspiracy theory retard who thinks the banks and big government big pharma are all in cahoots together in order to control and rule the world. I invite all comments concerns and heckling - even I invite the trolls to pile on and defend CB and these bullhshit KYC AML cloaked speed bumps CB and other minions are being forced to erect. Please bring your comments and pass along this truth! Vitality and blessings to all who read this.

PS - I am an expat living outside of the US of America geographical bounds most of the year, however, when I return I plan on filing a lawsuit against these CB robot practices as they are in fact damaging, prevent me and others from buying bitcoins, and need to be stopped. Please stay tuned as I will post links to my "common law" lawsuit I intend on filing - and will provide links to it with instructions on how you can do the same... Imagine the fun we can have if ALL the CB clients sue them in every state and country in which CB operates... think they will control their robots better next time?


Bitcoin Teo
footnote to story re bank scandals:


When you get that common law lawsuit going let me know. I also have a well documented case of them dropping the ball for no reason. There are other better options out there.

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