HashOcean and it`s fraud
I used to have HashOcean as a website that I used for Bitcoin mining. They had very high returns , but at around June 26th , they disappeared. According to other articles , the Hashocean.com website has stolen $ 55 Million USD from it's users. A website just like HashOcean ( Bitsrapid.com ) also went down a few days later.
I emailed them 2 days before the payouts stopped. I asked them what were they`re plans. They said that they were trying to keep profitability at the same level. Then when i noticed I did not see receive the payout , I emailed them again. I never got an answer.
People are saying it was a hack , others are saying it was a Ponzi Scheme. I was following a twitter account of ethical hackers, that were helping the unhappy customers of HashOcean. Right now they are helping the authorities. They have made progress into finding the truth. They warned customers to not pay any Bitcoin to any Facebook pages claiming they are HashOcean offering refunds.
Hashocean.com is down. Supposedly there is a new website " HashOcean.cloud" That claims the Bitcoin mining company is moving to China. Nobody knows for sure if they are real. If it were them ,any smart business would have said that their investments would be going to another country .
For now , I guess we will all see what the authorities have to say about this Mining website.