A Warning Message From Time-Traveler For Our Cryptocurrency Generation
A Warning Message From Time-Traveler For Our Cryptocurrency Generation
It was the second half of 2013 when I by accident came across to this warning message from time-traveler who arrived from 2025.
Time-TravelerImage Source: Image from Pixabay. Credits to geralt for time-traveler, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.
It was, in fact, an article I found over four (4) years ago on Reddit written by a person who named him/herself (on Reddit) as Luka Magnotta. The article was published on August 31, 2013. (It took me quite amount of time now to find it among my old bookmarks.)
It was an interesting read at that time (2013) as Luka was talking from the perspective of the year 2025 about the years 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2025, all of which seemed like a distant future at the time when I was reading it for the first time.
Time MachineImage Source: Author's derivative work with image from Pixabay. Credits to DasWortgewand for time-machine, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.
The story he/she was telling sounded a bit like, I believe, Jules Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" must have been sounded to the majority of its first readers in 1870 when the book was published.
I don't think many people back then, at that distant 1870 already knew that "Sub Marine Explorer" was the first submarine who only four years before (in 1866), controlled by the crew managed to dive successfully, cruise underwater, and resurface.
Very likely, the majority as well didn't know that true Nautilus, very alike the creature - submarine Vern was describing in his book, France built even earlier (70 years before) in 1800 or even less the first submarine had been made, in fact, 250 years before Vern's book was published, in 1620 by Dutch engineer Cornelis Jacobszoon Drebbel.
All of this might be self-understandable if we take into consideration that people in 1870 didn't have Internet, didn't even have the telephone (as it was invented six years later, in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell), and accordingly, the news was traveling very slow.
You might be asking yourself now...
But, what all these have to do with us today?
BitcoinImage Source: Image from Pixabay. Credits to allanlau2000 for bitcoin-coin, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.
I was triggered by recent events around Bitcoin which had a huge jump, only in the past month (from around $6,000 to current $16,000), we have just witnessed.
As well, led by old Latin proverb told to us by Cicero "Historia magistra vitae est." (History is a life's teacher.), that should provoke us to study past and use it as a lesson for the future; I was inspired to dig, find and read again that warning message from the time-traveler I have stumbled upon over four years ago.
MessageImage Source: Author's derivative work with image from Pixabay. Credits to Ridderhof for background-text, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.
In that message, Luka Magnotta, as the time-traveler, was telling how Bitcoin would behave in the coming years. So, in 2013th he/she said the Bitcoin would reach the amount of $1,000 US two years later, in 2015. We can say, he was somewhat wrong about that one as Bitcoin from $100 in August 2013 managed to reach $1,000 for the first time, only three (3) months later, at the end of November 2013.
After that, it dropped down and during 2014 was circling around $400 with few summer jumps to around $600. 2015 in the mid of January started with another big drop down to $200 and the year finished by Bitcoin reaching again $400 in which range was fluctuating the first half of 2016.
The first big jump started again at the very end of May 2016, reaching back the $1,000 in the first few days of 2017.
For 2017 Luka said Bitcoin would reach the amount of $10,000.
Bitcoin Jump UpImage Source: Author's derivative work with image from Pixabay. Credits to geralt for bitcoin-stock, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.
Somewhere in the mid of January this year (2017), only 12 months ago, when Bitcoin dropped below $800 it didn't seem very likely that it would reach $10,000 or even less $16,000 by the end of the year, but it did.
Luka said that in 2019 Bitcoin would reach the price of $100,000 and in 2021 $1,000,000. He/she said, from that point onwards, it would be impossible to express the Bitcoin value in dollars as the dollars wouldn't exist anymore, and the only existing values in which the wealth would be measured is land and cryptocurrency.
And you might ask now, what's the problem with that and...
What we should be warned about?
BitcoinImage Source: Image from Pixabay. Credits to geralt for bitcoin-coin, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.
A few days ago @prufarchy, in his "The Bitcoin Transformation" post said...
I never thought I'd live to see the banking system afraid.
He also said...
I watched MNC's (Multi-National Corporations) overtake the legislative processes of other countries through manipulative financial schemes that did nothing to benefit the host country.
And I can't agree more with him.
In other words, the occurrence of Bitcoin followed by all the other cryptocurrencies, in some or even many ways, became not only our chase but even a scream for freedom. It became a way, we all believed or still do, that would liberate us from big player's and big brother's control, from manipulative and controlling corporations, banking cartels and governments.
But what if we are wrong or at least not entirely right?
Time-TravelerImage Source: Image from Pixabay. Credits to Greendragon-Gecko for steampunk-time-clock, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.
In his/her warning message, Luka Magnotta said that many governments were secretly buying Bitcoin, trying to ensure their resistance. Their large volume Bitcoin purchases caused even more significant value increase of the Bitcoin, but despite that most of the governments don't exist anymore (in 2025) as those Bitcoins ended up on private accounts of greedy government employees who vanished afterward.
He/she also said that the leading institutions which hold the most considerable accessible Bitcoin amounts (in the year 2025) would be ASICminer, The IMF's currency stabilization fund, Government of Saudi Arabia and The North Korean government.
The economic growth would be only -2% per year as most of the people would hold enough Bitcoin to last them for a lifetime what would eliminate every incentive to invest the money.
He/she also said...
After seeing the enormous damage done to the fabric of society, terrorist movements emerged that sought to hunt down and murder anyone known to have a large balance of Bitcoin, or believed to be responsible in any way for the development of cryptocurrency. Ironically, these terrorist movements use Bitcoin to anonymously fund their operations.
Most people who own any significant amount of Bitcoin no longer speak to their families and lost their friends, because they had to change their identities.
Maybe we could agree that Luka Magnotta in his/her Reddit article "I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing" exaggerate and paint many highly unlikely things, possibilities and outcomes.
But what if...???
What if this quite intriguing four years old (SF or not) story is still trying to show us the other side of the coin we can't see somewhat blinded by our goal?
Turning back to the Jules Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" book that I mentioned at the beginning, and whose story, back then, very likely seemed equally science fictional (because most of its readers haven't been aware of submarine existence and discovery) as Luka's story might appear to us today, and also recalling onto old Latin proverb *"Historia magistra vitae est." - while I'm trying to build a better future, I'm asking myself what are the lessons I should learn from history?
LibraryImage Source: Image from Pixabay. Credits to Mysticsartdesign for library-sky, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.
Despite the telephone, mobile phones, tablets, computers, all other high tech devices and Internet connection that we have at our disposal today that makes us feel we could reach any needed information anytime, the question is - Is that really so?
Are the main achievements and discoveries most important for humankind still very well hidden from us, kept in secrecy and accessible only to a few of elite ones?
What if we are making our decisions and planning our actions, in fact, in the very predictable ways because of such partial knowledge and awareness?
How much out of the box and how much broader and deeper we should think and act to change that if that's so?
And last but not least, what if instead of building a better and brighter future which would liberate us from all the barriers and chains in which we are now, in fact, we are just walking deeper into a very well designed different trap which proportions and perhaps entirely opposite than expected outcomes we can't see either imagine or even less comprehend yet?
Binary TrapImage Source: Image from Pixabay. Credits to geralt for binary-null-digital, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.
Authored by @ana-maria
Luka Magnotta's Reddit article - "I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing"
Cornelis Jacobszoon Drebbel
That is somewhat creepy to think about :-X Time to stash away as much BTC as possible on hardware wallets!
Those who know how to think need no teachers.
- Mahatma Gandhi
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