Is bitcoin the villain?

During the last few weeks, the cryptocurrency scenario has been shaky, and its main representative, Bitcoin, has suffered a spectacular fall and has dragged the other digital currencies with it, making those who have already invested in it tremble. they are now questioning the future of digital assets.
To make matters worse, comments from economist experts who, far from supporting Bitcoin, seemed to throw stones with the intention of damaging their image, such as Benoit Coeure, member of the European Central Bank committee, have not been slow to come to light. , who said that although Bitcoin at first aimed to be a brilliant idea, with the passage of time has not been the solution that everyone expected and now it is showing the result of having opted for it so much.
"Bitcoin was a smart idea - unfortunately, not all smart ideas are a good idea," he said at a meeting held at the Bank for International Settlements in the Swiss city of Basel.
And although the idea of Bitcoin representing the role of villain in the current world economy (something like Rosemary's baby) is funny to many, Coeure seems not to be surprised at the idea, and that according to his own words "In more in a sense, Bitcoin is the malignant origin of the financial crisis ".
He explained that the creator of the cryptocurrency, Satoshi Nakamoto when creating the Bitcoin genesis block, integrated a headline in the New York Times, dated January 2009, in which they talked about the rescue of the banks in the United Kingdom.
To all this climate are added the regulations that the Securities and Exchange Commission in the United States has initiated against cryptocurrency projects, which has generated the sale of millions of digital assets in the opinion of Kyle Asman, partner and co-founder of BX3 capital, a firm in charge of advising crypts.
It does not look good the week for Bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies, there are those who believe that the price rise will come soon as in January of this year, others less positive say that the price will stabilize and there will be at least a small profit, although all the above It is still speculative, we must not lose hope, since nothing is written.