Day 16 update of the LITECOIN SegWit Network Vote (signalling) - to decide to fork to big the voting here (see link) + BTC/LTC Comparison Chart! (SERIES)
19% of the 75% required votes have now come in to make the switch. See updated chart below.
On February 3 this month, Litecoin miners began to signal (vote) on the Segwit integration. (Segregated Witness)
Some of you know that I have been personally watching the Litecoin market and news, knowing this was coming for about 2 full weeks now.... why????
Generally Litecoin has been called the "silver to Bitcoin's gold" -- because the 2 crypto currencies share so many common features and coding. That is why the BITCOIN community is watching the progress on this vote on the network.

Litecoin Upgrades include:
Fix malleability,
Possible block size capacity optimization. (Likely meaning more transactions processed / block and speed up the transaction queue.
Furthermore, implementing Segwit means the Lightning Network can be applied to the Litecoin protocol as well.
( The Lightning Network: A protocol made to increase the speed of transactions & assist Bitcoin’s current tech. limits in regards to scaling on the network as-is. It is commonly known that right now, it can only process fewer than 10 transactions per second, vs. the thousands that other payment processors are handling currently. )
It is pretty cool, you can watch the network/miners' (voters) process here! --
This is the site and chart I use below for my series updates and paste the numbers unedited right into my post here for you.
The threshold for it to implement is 75% of miners/witnesses/votes to approve it and then it will kick in. (see the 4th line from the bottom on the link above there)
It should be noted that Litecoin developers as well as the currency’s creator Charlie Lee have all endorsed the soft fork, and the community is pretty excited about it. I know I am for the reasons stated above.
Is Segregated Witness Active? No
97/576 (16.84%) blocks signaling in the past 24 hours!
Activation period #2 block range (8064) 1153152 - 1161216
Current block height 1154565
Blocks mined since period start 1413
Current activated soft forks bip34,bip66,bip65
Current pending soft forks csv,segwit
Next block retarget 1155168
Blocks to mine until next retarget 603
Next block retarget ETA 1 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes
Segwit status started
Segwit activation threshold 75%
Segwit miner support within the last 24 hours (last 576 blocks) 97 (16.84%)
Segwit miner support (percentage of segwit blocks signaling within the current activation period) 264 (18.68%)
CSV miner support within the last 24 hours (last 576 blocks) 102 (17.71%)
CSV miner support (percentage of CSV blocks signaling within the current activation period) 272 (19.25%)
The Segregated Witness (segwit) soft fork has started signalling!
Litecoin creator Charlie Lee said recently ( Jan. just in the last few weeks):
“So you may wonder why I’m pushing for Segwit,” Litecoin does not have a block size problem. — But with Segwit and Bitcoin’s current block scaling deadlock, I see a potential for Litecoin to help Bitcoin break through this deadlock. Litecoin can take a lead and be a positive force in the cryptocurrency space. We have been drafting behind the Bitcoin race car for many years. It’s about time to take a turn out front.”
Excerpt from here:
Charlie in mid. Feb. 2017 here gives a more detailed overview just below in of what this SegWit talk is all about, since some honestly, just don't know -- and that is why I started this series, truth be told - weeks ago. To better inform people and keep the template the same every week, for the new people finding my posts and learning!
Charlie Lee on Twitter (very active there, I like him for that too) -
More basics about Litecoin 101:
Widely regarded by many to be the strongest blockchain, second only to Bitcoin’s security and hashrate.
Litecoin coding which is nearly identical to Bitcoin was released on Github by Charlie Lee in October 2011.
Since that point, the network has increased considerably in terms of hashrate which is ~2,973 GH/s this week and Lee sees the experiment of using Litecoin’s fairly large network as an excellent proving/testing ground for Bitcoin as such.
Just recently, many of us on Feb. 3, 2017 this past week, either had problems or knew people that did when 3, 896,000 Bitcoin worth of transactions were mired in the BTC mempool and the crypto currency's transaction queue was bogged right down for over 24 hours.
- That is why many are watching Litecoin deployment of Segwit as it could bring great hope for the future of Bitcoin etc. - That currency as we know, is currently divided (in a big way) as to how to handle the currency's future and forks and decisions, the arguments have been ongoing and legendary for some time now.
I am hoping this network vote goes well and "signals" great improvements across the board for everyone and every currency, especially addressing the Bitcoin concerns!!
Check this chart out comparing the 2 Crypto's head to head and a personal note..... when you are looking on Coin Exchanges, when was the last time you saw Litecoin NOT in the top 5 coins traded.... and the worst --- top 10?????

If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.
Bitcoin - 18J6RRuzX4V7b2CDbx7tWZYNBLkkGWsvWX
DASH - XgZvsvSZgPkNbmGbRhc3S1Pt2JAc7QHwiS
Monero - d8ecb02c09f70ec10504b59b96bc1f488af28b05933893dfd1f55b113e23fbff
Ethereum - 0x3Ad69Ff057C9533ca667B2d7E3E557F5eeFd4477
Ethereum Classic (ETC) - 0x5ab2b08d4ce8d454eb9d1ecc65c6d8b0c5f9784c
LiteCoin - LKdsnvSXk9JW99EiNicFMGKc1FXiBo9tUE
Stratis (STRAT) - SNsJp6v1jXvKWy4XcXSXfNQ9zhSJJppJgv
Synereo (AMP) - 1KnrL6wFHaT4gjJ2YJ5f6WmKTDJNsaBS8s
Expanse (EXP) - 0x819b9cce8630ab638198eabfd7496786c20d629a
ZCash (ZEC) - t1aCPEYELkGaf3GtgGTiCEDo7XfPm4QEwmL
Charlie Lee - Creator of litecoin tweet recently on this being at almost 20% approval voting by miners for #SegWit --
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
I have been talking and listening to a few knowledgeable people in the Crypto world about this matter and most agree that Litecoin is one of the few altcoins that will survive in the future due to its unique relationship with Bitcoin. And if this softfork comes about and proves to be successful then it will pretty much secure its future.
And yet, as you say, it is all quiet on the western front.
Why is that?
I think the reason for this is two things.
First, the majority of traders are impatient and are driven by the "quick buck" mentality. Thus they will only jump on board with Litecoin if and when they see a movement. A day in crypto-trading can feel like a week.
Long term patient traders like myself who play the long game are prepared to wait and are invested in Litecoin anyway because they know it is stable
Secondly, Litecoin was one of the first altcoins and since then there has been an an explosion, so generally people see it as boring compared to alt coins such as Monero. This will change as time goes on when the majority of alt coins begin to vanish into the sunset.
Thanks for the update Barry, always appreciated.
I agree with all your points, literally word for word in come cases.
-- and though I am newer to all this than many people.... I have worked very hard to get to know the basics and what is going on. LTC continues to sail along doing it's thing, being functional, never too high.... never too low and with a ton of volume moved, used by people and traded every day.
To me, that is currency.
TY very much for taking time for some great comments as always AA. I do appreciate it.
Always enjoy your posts Barry.
Great job you are doing and you always get 100% of my voting power
Thanks. I do appreciate you.
@fyrstikken asked for community people to try a project with him to UV everyone, at 1% for awhile, because of the voting and rewards issues here, so I joined him for awhile as he runs this bot.
I imagine many people are upset at seeing my 1% votes but I am having issues in life many do not care about and this helps him while I spend time offline as it happens here and there with my health issues.
I see, that is interesting not heard about that.
I worry about your health Barry, I hope you are getting enough sleep these days.
Body cant heal without enough sleep. I learned that the hard way.
As always, take care my friend.
The LSS is no on that. And has been for awhile, I know the damage lack of clinical/proper sleep - believe me.
I relly appreciate the concern man. +1
My linkback via the Twitter on my page there for this post:
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Shared on Linked In
Link 2 -- Separate post standalone
It is so quiet for this topic as we approach the 20th day of this SegWit process, which is flying along, expected to pass the needed 75% threshold easily, the numbers and Litecoin founder Charlie Lee said y-day on his twitter feed.
Very good work @ barrydutton.Thank you for regards.
Thanks for the comments, have a good day @germanlifestyle.