Waves launches LiteCoin & Zcash Gateways!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

we’ve added two new gateways to Waves Client – Litecoin and Zcash! This will enable Waves users to store LTC & ZEC and trade these assets against other tokens on the DEX.

Having successfully launched BTC, USD, EUR and ETH gateways, Waves has now implemented two new gateways within the lite client — opening more possibilities for decentralized trading.

Both gateways are now live in the client https://waveswallet.io/

thıs ıs a huge step for beggınıng to waves. thıs wıll brıng lots of opportınıty to altcoıns developpers. on all exchanges you can trade coıns wıth just what exchanes allows. for example you cant trade lıtecoın wıth xmr or euro or yuan on polonıex also same on bıtrex and all. but thanks to flexıable waves platform you can trade lıtecoın and zcash wıth all tokens ın waves platform. you can use ltc/usd - ltc/eur- ltc/waves- ltc/mrt- etc etc.

you can trade any tokens wıth all tokens thansk to waves platform.

and wıth new ınterace of dex there wıll be much more gateways and much more altcoıns on platform. and thıs wıll change the game.

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.13
TRX 0.22
JST 0.030
BTC 83092.76
ETH 1888.10
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.79