in #bitcoin5 years ago (edited)


Dear mum and dad,
I understand how fast and dynamic the tech ecosystem has changed since the days of Hitler.

How communication during your time was way beyond the word hard. For example, I recall how grandpa traveled to the most troubled countries to fight in the world war. I remember his sharp voice describing how he longed to have carried a radio call just to stay in touch with grandma and find out how his children were fairing.

The only option was writing letters. Due to the heavy artillery that could shoot down a plane of any size, such letters hang on the hope of thin air to ever make it home. Grandpa kept a positive mindset that all was well back home.

I comprehend the fact that in the 40s mobile phones were a thing of the future, and who at your time ever thought portable phones would be invented.

Unlike me, I control the world by the power of my phone. I receive texts, calls within seconds and stay active on the internet whenever I want.

Dear mum and dad and other parents, the 21th century is like a window that has been left open for us to take advantage of.


My fellow millennials and I use our phones to broker deals and make money. How? There are multiple streams of income that can be made online not limited to only using the computer. On many occasions, you have walked on me in the sitting room firmly glued to my phone while I was looking through some Facebook and Instagram pages scouting for the latest products or services I would recommend and get a good commission on.


It will take me a whole day just to talk about how youth are making crazy profits from the internet. I have met colleagues who are richer than their parents. These guys just wake up and spend useful hours sourcing products and ideas that can make their bank accounts grow more in revenue.

So what kind of businesses do some of these kids do including me, One, All the social networks have a promising return on investments, for example, I can be hired to act as a social media manager for any firm or business. My role is to keep the social media pages active and fresh with engaging content that grantees healthy KPIs. With that in mind, I have to keep both eyeballs on the pages to see and monitor what our clients or followers are talking about and report to my superiors. In case of any crisis, I have to be armed to steer things back into the firm’s preferred narrative.

Two with our mobile phones, for people into designer clothes and wear we post them on our social media pages for our followers to see and purchase what they would find appealing to their emotions or style of dressing. While you bump into me scrolling through pages, just know that I am keeping on tabs about the latest trends in fashion.

Three, my favorite is dropshipping and affiliate marketing. Basically what we do here is to source for products or services in any niche, open up an online store, create ads and bombard these ads to interested clients all over the globe. Once a customer clicks on the Buy icon, I get a notification and I have to confirm the sale on my other end. I can confirm with my laptop but it can’t fit in my pocket. I simply swipe through some icons and voilor, I confirm and let know the client that the product is on the way.


Four, the crave for digital coins has taken the world by storm, ever since bitcoin rolled in on the market. But these coins work on the unpredictable stock exchanges. My friends and I refer to the current situations of the market just in case we want to sell or buy some coins. What other better way to keep updated by using phones. And last, the word Vlog was recently adapted into the English language. Simply video blogging. In this situation, you just get your phone and make a video about you or anything that would command high views on the internet. Once am done recording, I edit a bit upload to YouTube for my followers and the whole world to see. Depending on the number of views and subscribers, if my channel has been monetized YouTube is supposed to pay me for that particular video.

There are countless ways we use our phones to make life better. I bet now you understand why I can’t be divorced from my mobile phone, though I agree, I must have some discipline on how I use my gadgets or else they will end up using me.

I agree sometimes I go overboard and completely shutout the world around me, like last time when we went to that family gathering, most the people of my age were deeply soaked in their phone doing nothing but posting pictures of the event and chatting. At least I was making money. Nonetheless family comes first and I promise to change my ways.

Now that put out of the way, I assume you get a glimpse of what my life will be without my mobile phone in my hands.

Yours Sincerely
Ecom Entrepreneur (J.A)


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