in #bitcoin7 years ago


The title of this article is totally true. It is possible to go from zero to three bitcoins in a month without investing one euro, I did it. I do not say without investing anything because time we also invest it and I do not say without investing money because if we consider both the altcoins and bitcoin money, taking into account that under this system we will have to make both investments, it would not correspond with reality . What we are not going to invest is fiat money and we will start from scratch, without tricks.

Ok, we want three bitcoins, we do not have money and we only have one pc, an internet connection and time. Where do we start?
In this first article we will start by, from scratch, get in two weeks 0.10 bitcoins only through the so-called faucets.
These first two weeks are going to be the hardest but also the least dangerous. I mean, we started from scratch, so we have nothing to lose but on the other hand at this point I have to say that there are no miracles, we are going to have to chop a lot of stone, which translated means that we will have to move a lot, be pending PC, open pages, watch videos, play games, open accounts, in short, invest what we do have, time.

There are many websites on the internet that give us satoshis (1 satoshi is 0.00000001 bitcoin) for doing different things, from simply being logged on to your page, going through ads or videos every so often until you play games or promote them. They are called faucets or taps.

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Let's be honest, they are not the panacea, the prizes are ridiculous and putting together a single bitcoin would probably take us months, but the goal is only to get in these 2 weeks 0.1 bitcoin and that is not so difficult, although it is laborious.

Note: There may be those who do not want to fulfill the objective and only want to use the faucets to win some satoshis with which to have fun in a web of games, bets or casino with bitcoins. I have grouped five of the best in this entry.


Returning to the central theme, as I said the possibilities are almost endless or I'm just going to talk about some of them here, which seem to me better, which have worked for me, which are secure in payments and have better relation time invested / benefit in my opinion. With them, in two weeks of quite effort and with some trick we will achieve our goal.

In this article we check if the objective is or is not possible and if it is, in what terms and with how many hours dedicated, through an analysis of the performance of each faucet.

The first, the best, the ones that do not have to do anything. Just register, be logged in and periodically claim your satoshis.

Eye, because they have ceased activity delete from this list chronofaucet and quickbitcoin. In two recent articles I have added several more faucets. In the first one they all have a periodicity of 1 hour and you can find them here. In the second they vary between 5 and 30 minutes, you will find them here.

-Moon Bitcoin This page is very good, we register with bitcoin or email address and we will generate satoshis without doing anything, just be logged in. It also offers the possibility of, through a link on the page, opening an account in the Xapo wallet, sending you the prizes directly there every time you claim them.

Just to do so multiply your prizes by two, in addition to the same Xapo gives you 5000 satoshis for opening an account with them and works really well as a wallet, effective and safe. This faucet is totally recommendable.


Those who come next, are good but not so comfortable because they are not just counters but pages that are giving you prizes for viewing ads, videos or banners, so we will have to carry out actions with different periodicities to receive the satoshis. In any case they are safe and the prizes seem quite interesting. I said, to chop stone.

-BitsforClicks A website where you register, you give a bitcoin address and you get a list of pages with ads to see in which each ad has its reward. You go in, on average about 20 seconds each, and once you finish they give you the satoshis. The rewards of the ads go from more to less, from 300 satoshis to 1 and once you finish until the next day you will not have to enter again, with the rewards folded. Very serious and very reliable, maybe the most cumbersome thing is that you have to solve a captcha to see each of the ads.

-CoinAdder This has no mystery, you register and you get a list with about 100 daily ads that you have to go see. All last 30 seconds and all have the same reward, 50 satoshis. At the beginning they give you 500, from there you accumulate and when you want, you pass them to your wallet. Reliable and without problems.

-CoinHD In this Web the thing changes a little. They pay you to watch videos after solving a captcha but the duration of them, the theme and the rewards vary from one to another. You can also increase the rewards if you share (not the video but your page) or if you comment the video on YouTube.

I do not like much its operation because it is a little chaotic and the fact that a video lasts 1 minute and another 20 misplaces me a bit but they pay well and after all, you have it with the audio downloaded in another tab and you are doing . The withdrawals are from 6000 satoshis. At the beginning it is difficult to arrive but it is going to be more slowly and the truth is that in the end it is the most profitable.


-BitcoinZebra Here you do not have to register, you just put your bitcoin address or your email (in this case double the prizes) and every hour you click, solve a captcha and give about 400 satoshis to the address you have placed, without any mystery Well yes, although the prizes in principle do not dazzle you have an interesting dice game where you can multiply by two.

-FreeBitcoin This website also gives you awards every hour but it works a little differently from the others. Requires registration with email and bitcoin address (since I have Xapo use that whenever I can and so I have control of what I'm receiving) and the operation is based on a game in which you solve a captcha and give a click, then a random number comes out and depends on which one gives you a prize or another, I have to say that closer to 1000 than to 10,000 satoshis.

The fun of this website is that you have a fun double or nothing game where you can try to increase the prizes (others also have it but this is automatic and configurable), although I do not recommend abusing it since it is quite easy to lose everything if you get hooked .

-BitVisitor This is a simple page where you do not have to do anything special, just see a 5 minute ad and that's it. For not having no registration, only your bitcoin address and when you have 60 bits (6000 satoshis) sends them directly to the wallet. At first it gives less and takes a few days to collect the first but then it is encouraged and you can get 2 or even 3 payments in a day if you use it a lot.

-WeekendBitcoin In this Web you first introduce your wallet, then you register and nothing else, every hour you get 1000 satoshis. The peculiarity is that the weekend multiply the prizes and give you up to 10,000 a certain number of times. It's pretty good and serious but you have to be alert every hour.

-Bitcoinker This page is very good, if you have xapo wallet you enter the email associated with it and they send you the payments there. It is claimed every 15 minutes and the prizes are very juicy since you can choose between a fixed one of 1000 satoshis or play with luck to win a little more ... or a little less, but 1000 satoshis every hour is a really interesting prize. It is a web without complications and recommended but requires attention because claiming every 15 minutes can be tedious.


-LooTool I add this new faucet since in this niche the renovation is constant and we must adapt. To start claiming your payments you just have to enter a bitcoin address, a full registration is not necessary. You have a counter that alerts you every 5 minutes, then you only have to solve the mandatory captcha and start adding.

Satoshigarden This website is also extremely easy to use. It does not require registration, you just enter your bitcoin address and every three minutes you solve a captcha and they give you a variable number of satoshis. That easy. When you put together 10,000 you can withdraw them to your wallet. No trap or cardboard.

There are infinity of faucets, hundreds of them and of all the classes, periodicities, levels of rewards and reliability in the payments. It is not the objective of this article to list all of them but only some of the ones that I have used to get in two weeks those 0.10 bitcoins that I need to be able to use them in exchanges and convert them into three bitcoins in another two weeks.

With this objective, it is up to the choice of whoever wants to follow me in this adventure to use only these, these and others, one that suits him better by availability or simply the one he likes the most. Of course, these work, are proven, are good and well worked will leave us very close to the goal in two weeks.


  • Since I see that this entry receives many visits I will make a list with all the faucets of the two subsequent entries in case someone simply wants to use them without going through them. I recommend taking a look at the entries as I make a description of each faucet.


  • King Bitcoin - Bitcoinspace - Bitcoin Bubble - Btc60 - Btc-faucet - Hentenaar - CMMonitor - CoinBrawl - Aquabitcoin - Dicerix - Getfree - IceBitcoin - Bitcoin Zoo - YourBitcoin - WeLoveBitcoin


  • Alienfaucet - ChronoX - zzBitcoin - FastBTC - Jupiterfaucet - LuckBit - Marsfaucet - Moonclaim - Neobitcoin - Satoshicity - Satoshicountry - Satoshinsky - Saturnfaucet - Shotbit - Sunfaucet - Venusfaucet

Maybe later I'll make an article about more faucets, or about those games like roulette, double or nothing or say games with which we will win more or less but become terribly addictive. It's worth having them in mind too.

But we now have the weapons to, with much effort and much patience, succeed in multiplying the satoshis until reaching the goal. I did it, so it's possible.

My recommendation here is that the faucets are grouped by periodicity, those of each hour together, those of once a day, which we have to click every half hour or every fifteen minutes. We need a lot of organization, time and desire to work.

But that's just what we do have, right?


great read my friend. i'm in a bit of a financial rut, and I have the time to try these. i will report back with my own findings. thanks again!

excellent, you will find good results .. a hug friend.

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