Bitfinex to ban US customers!
Read more here.
Long story short, they will be phasing out service to the USA very soon.
If you're in the United States and you have funds on BitFinex then you should withdraw your funds as soon as possible!
Read more here.
Long story short, they will be phasing out service to the USA very soon.
If you're in the United States and you have funds on BitFinex then you should withdraw your funds as soon as possible!
Shame on them
New goal: leave the USA
How else can I buy iota by exchanging other currency for it?
There are only two other IOTA exchanges that I could find:
I hope this helps.
I think it should write US TO BAN Bitfinex that the former is taking more and more control on crypto trading.
Very good point. It seems that more and more exchanges are being forced out of american markets by the US Government.
Fucking A!
very amazing
The US Gov sets the bar high...
just below the sewage pipes.
nice, i like the it post thanks,

i like bitcoin, because it is profitable coin .i like your post friend