This is a little Experiment, to Test how long it need a Person ho read this Post stole my Bitcoin/Satoshi
Hi You,
with this Post i want to Test you´re knowledge and honesty about Bitcoin and mankind wich use it.
Under this Text, i give a Private Key of the Bitcoinblockchain, with a Storage of a few Satoshi.
They will be Today not enough rentable to stole,
under sell His or Her Soul,
for a few pennys...
I want to see how long it needs,
and wich kind of Person stole it.
I give a little few inside the wallet,
with 5 Dollars today 14.09.18, in Satoshi.
I hope i see that this money,
never leave the Adress.
I know, how stupid i can be?! :-)
But Money on the street,
is not the same.
I think first time, to pick up Money from the Streets need less energy and time,
than stole a Bitcoin Key and Transfer the money over lot others
Adresses to disguise the Transaktion.
Other i would see your interessting for a Experiment like this.
I have many other ideas for us, to try in the future.
I hope you Like my Post.
Not Vote like meaned.;-)
But your wellcome to show it,
and with engouth likes from you,
i give a Part of it to the Adress
and make the Temptation bigger. ;-)
Letz begin the Projekt^^
Private Key follows this days in this line.
Updating this Post, if the Coins do not be stoled, follow with the time. :-)
Hah dont post your privs
Yes, with no anything of a reaction for this post for a few days, i thought about it. :-)
I do this next time, dont be worry. :-)
Would you get them satoshis?^^^^^^
Yeah I would, now the question is would I give it back to you? hah.. probably. Karma is a bitch.
lol funny thing, a few years back a news reporter flashed a paper wallet priv key on live television in 4k and within minutes someone sweeped that account.. so yeah not a good idea to post private keys.