A Big Video Game Companies Ready To Adopt Blockchain
A big video game companies ready to adopt blockchain technology the short answer not yet and there's really two reasons one technology one economic. So on the technology side blockchain really isn't ready for Big video game scale. I've talked about this in other videos, but it's too slow today and it also lacks a lot of the tools that people building a let's say a big video game would need to access so the technology Immature Now even if it was ready, there's a bigger problem. And that's the economic one big video game companies are afraid of how blockchain might change their business model. There's an old business role don't mess with what's working. Right?
They sell these virtual items with some perceived scarcity now, there's no way to know how scarce those Items really are because there's no Juggle ledger to track them but people put value attached value to these virtual items big video game companies make money and they're happy. So the worry that a lot of video game companies would have is if people can buy from each other by using blockchain to transfer items back and forth. Why would they buy from the company and that is scary? Model, it's predictable and Happy with it. So to introduce a new technology would be to disrupt that and possibly have an unintended consequence. So for right now, they're sitting on the sidelines could one company decide they're going to go forward and adopted and in let's say the next couple of years sure, but I think that would only come from either greed. They've discovered a way to really monetize using bark saying or fear, maybe their business is starting to Decline and they're going to try anything now this Doesn't mean that no one is going to build video games on blockchain in the short term. In fact, it's already being done. But who's doing it while new entrance what we call Indie developers independent game developers and they're able to do that or willing to do that because frankly they either just building a game out today or they have a small game very little installed the technology. There's no big profitable Enterprise. There's no big profitable franchise to protect and serve. So they're willing to experiment with new technology even given the risks so big video game companies. They're going to sit on the sidelines for a while. They're going to wait it out much as they did with mobile. They waited until the business model was proven the technology was stable and then they went in and started building lots of video games for mobile users think that's what's going to happen.
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