How To Earn Bitcoin Blogging
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How To Earn Bitcoin Blogging
Dean February 7, 2015 How To Earn Bitcoin Blogging2015-11-13T11:18:46+00:00 Bitcoin 30 Comments
Owner, Editor, and lead writer for Cryptorials.
Cryptocurrency writer and trader since 2014.
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Bitcoin is digital money, so it should come as no surprise to you to learn that people earn it in many of the same ways that you would earn the traditional fiat money issued by your country’s banking cartels. One of the best and most popular ways for regular people (i.e. non-technical or semi-technical people who can’t program their own apps and stuff like that) to make money online is through blogging.
Blogging is not a get rich quick scheme. In fact, becoming a successful blogger can often be a very long and slow process. You will need to put in a lot of effort to gradually increase the amount of published content you have, build up an audience, and develop relationships with advertisers. But it is very rewarding and also very flexible – you can put in just a few hours per week to earn some extra beer money, or you can work full time to earn a living as a blogger. Of course, you can also work whichever hours you like without having to be up early in the morning to commute to a dull grey office.
Earning Bitcoin by blogging is no more difficult that earning any other kind of money. There are two things that you will need – a successful blog and the right monetization strategy.One way to do that is to start a blog on a revenue sharing website – and there is one called Bitlanders which will reward you in bitcoin for your contributions on the site, in the form of written blog posts, videos and other stuff. That is probably the easiest way to start earning bitcoin by blogging, and can be great fun, but won’t earn you a fortune. The rest of this article will focus on settin gup your own blog – because that is where the real money lies.