Quizando_ Voor Influencer Marketing

in #bitcoin6 years ago

What is Quizando?

Quizando is a propelled test conveyance framework that gives players the chance to acquire genuine trade to take part out different riddle diversions.

When it dispatches in 2017, it is the principal result of its kind on the planet and it remains completely remarkable right up ’til today. Albeit just in beta testing mode, Quizando has assembled a following activity with a huge number of new players buying in to the stage each month.

We as of now offer three kinds of amusements, yet there are numerous different sorts of diversions and varieties that are prepared to be sent when the stage is overhauled and expandable.

The truth of the matter is that our establishment is sure income and gaining cash from the very beginning makes us the main administrator in the huge, yet possibly undiscovered, amusement showcase.

Our recreations list incorporates:

Men at long last stand

A fascinating test can see a huge number of individuals contending in the meantime, noting the very same inquiry. Players are avoided until the point when we come down to the last man standing.


This is our most social amusement where players fabricate their own riddles and test companions, family, different clients or even entire outsiders with a test on a particular subjects with particular lengths. Also, pot increments when there are more individuals included! The more members are enrolled to play, the more cash the member fits the bill to win.


These are straightforward, functional, diagram based amusements that keep running over a fourteen day term and can be played whenever of the day or night.

Quizando Live – Industrial Disruptor

Quizando is an extraordinary item that will show signs of improvement as we redesign our innovation. It will create tremendous income and gigantic income dependent on the straightforwardness and simplicity of its diversions.

In any case, Quizando Live will take the stage to the stratosphere

Quizando Live is the place persuasive individuals, of all shapes and sizes, can sort out their very own Last Man Standing riddles progressively through video joins. All of a sudden, individuals with little, medium or even extensive web based life have a brisk, straightforward, and simple approach to profit from their adherents.

They won’t need to invest a ton of energy making recordings and expectation the world chooses to watch them. They set up a test, promoted their adherents, and profited promptly. Quizando Live take care of their most serious issue all at once: how to transform their supporters into real money.

Quizando has turned out to be a practical business and budgetary model, yet the expansion of Quizando Live won’t just convey it to an unheard of level of income, it will change the lives of the individuals who impact it. all inclusive.

What’s more, as we change the lives of persuasive individuals, they will reinforce and fortify Quizando. As we pull in more persuasive individuals, they will draw in an ever increasing number of players until the point when the entire stage achieves key masses, players and imperative benefit.

Why Influencers LOVE Quizando?

Accept Joe X for instance, with 100,000 adherents. He is as of now spending a few hours arranging, composing, shooting and altering recordings that he transfers to his YouTube channel. Your income for that video relies upon your perspectives and still, at the end of the day, it’s far-fetched you’ll profit except if it’s spread. Accept Joe’s video is seen 100,000 times. He wins about $ 280 in publicizing income from YouTube.

In any case, if Joe holds a Quizando test, and figured out how to get only 1 percent of the supporters, he would win $ 350 in not more than minutes. Furthermore, there is no restriction to what number of questions he can store – at some point, one hour on the off chance that he supposes it is beneficial.

The income for these direct tests is partitioned as pursues: 35% for the coordinator, 35% for the champ and 30% for Quizando. All of a sudden, Joe X figured out how to profit from his supporters who essentially did not open up to him previously. He can communicate with them and ensure they return for additional. He has a legitimate business close by and may even be a future like a certifiable superstar.

Much more decidedly, 35% of the income created returns to the supporter of Joe X, keeping them intrigued and intrigued.

YouTube’s biggest autonomous band

Web based life Influencer

The most saw autonomous band on the planet

11.5 million endorsers of YouTube

4 billion perspectives on YouTube

“Quizando furnishes web based life influencers with the open door not exclusively to interface with their fans curiously, adroitly and personally, however to enable them to profit from the experience, in an inconceivable path on different stages “

Boyce Boulevard on Quizando

“We are satisfied to declare that we will join Quizando as a board situate. We trust the capability of Quizando is huge. Everybody adores tests, tests and difficulties, and Quizando has figured out how to play. Besides, Quizando Live conveys a one of a kind individual touch to the stage that we accept will genuinely resound with the compelling individuals, internet based life and fan base.

Big names – regardless of whether from conventional stages like TV and motion pictures or from online life stages like YouTube and Instagram – are frequently searching for better approaches to interface with fans actually. . Quizando furnishes internet based life influencers with the open door not exclusively to cooperate with their fans curiously, keenly and personally, yet in addition to enable them to adapt their experience, as per The way can not be on different stages.

We trust that an ICO will make the capital and buzz that Quizando needs to grow its stage, and will position the organization in a way that will greaterly affect internet based life and contact more extensive groups of onlookers. . We are extremely satisfied to join with the organization and we anticipate seeing it develop firmly in the coming months! “


At the core of Quizando will be its tremendous network.

By their temperament, Quizando and Quizando Live are about who – who sorts out the riddles and who plays them. Hardly any different stages can give the level of intelligence Quizando conveys to the table – both as far as rivalry, rivalry and direct contact.

We will probably manufacture a universe Quizando, a gathering of individuals who love tests, recreations, tests, profit, contend and frequently live it up.

We will unite this network to play on our stage utilizing a multi-layered methodology including:

Utilize specific represetatives from the web based life world who will assemble their fragmented gathering of people on the Quizando stage.

Riding on the distinction of our rivals and putting the beads in fan gatherings, urging these fans to join and play on our stage.

Make remunerate framework for players to urge others to take an interest

Make a prizes program for the individuals who rely upon the quantity of amusements they play on the site

Make the absolute greatest test diversions with prizes will rapidly achieve the measure of life changes

Present the diversion with genuine, substantial honors appealing to those without budgetary motivations

The QUIZ strategy will be utilized

With regards to making a QUIZ token, we have a staggering objective – to ensure our token isn’t just important, yet it is likewise broadly utilized on the Quizando stage. Thus, the restart variant of Quizando will have a biological community intended to give the QUIZ proprietors a scope of advantages. Players will have the capacity to store and pull back cash in their diversion wallet in both customary money and in QUIZ. In any case, to support expanded utilization of tokens, the individuals who send QUIZ will get Rewards that they can use on selective substance. This will incorporate exceptional prize recreations, acclaimed bewilders, great prize riddles and free turns on chosen baffles in the house. All through the stage is restarted, We will urge players to purchase QUIZ and utilize it to make their cash to exploit these extraordinary extra highlights. We need QUIZ to be utilized, acknowledged and acknowledged from our first day.

Utilizing QUIZ on our stage gives you:

Access the restrictive Last Man Standing riddles

Play free on exemplary riddles

Chance to take an interest in exceptional big name baffles

Access baffles with physical prizes

Chance to win QUIZ in gathering recreations

Here are the audits I present to all of you in discovering data and knowing the QUIZANDO venture as of now being controlled by their group, if there is any absence of clarifying this article, don’t stress, I have set up a connection for you to get exact data. data and obviously you will have the capacity to talk straightforwardly with their organizer or group, at the connection.

Boyce Avenue joins Quizando as worldwide improvement commences.

One of the world’s most generally pursued music groups has concluded an association in a Malta-based organization as it gets ready to dispatch a progressive new gaming stage.

Boyce Avenue , the American pop and musical gang shaped in Sarasota, Florida, by siblings Alejandro, Daniel and Fabian Manzano — have taken a value stake and underwriting manage Quizando, the Malta-based test diversion entryway that is at present experiencing major worldwide improvement.

The American band has an incredible 11.5 million supporters on its YouTube channel. Their music recordings have been seen a stunning 4 billion times, making them the most saw free band on earth. The Boyce Avenue YouTube channel alone is among the main 200 most pursued channels worldwide over all themes while they are in the best 100 gushed specialists on Spotify.

“We had faith in the idea of Quizando since we were first acquainted with it a couple of months prior. Subsequent to testing the site for a long time, the group are presently during the time spent further building up the stage and we concluded this was the ideal time to get required as investors,” Daniel Manzano clarified.

As a feature of its redevelopment, Quizando will present another form of the amusement particularly went for illuminating various difficulties looked by the online influencer network, in particular the absence of monetisation openings.

“We discovered this component of the new Quizando to be to a great degree energizing. We would prefer not to give excessively away now, however it will really reform the way the w

To Know more Visite

Website :https://quizando.io/

ANN Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4963520.0

Whitepaper: https://quizando.io/whitepaper

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/quizando/?fref=ts

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quizando

Telegram: https://t.me/quizando

My bitcointalk profile details,

Bitcointalk Username: rathnayake

Bitcointalk URLhttps://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1503176

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