A Warning Message From Time-Traveler For Our Cryptocurrency Generation

in #bitcoin7 years ago

A Warning Message From Time-Traveler For Our Cryptocurrency Generation

It was the second half of 2013 when I by accident came across to this warning message from time-traveler who arrived from 2025.

Time-TravelerImage Source: Image from Pixabay. Credits to geralt for time-traveler, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

It was, in fact, an article I found over four (4) years ago on Reddit written by a person who named him/herself (on Reddit) as Luka Magnotta. The article was published on August 31, 2013. (It took me quite amount of time now to find it among my old bookmarks.)

It was an interesting read at that time (2013) as Luka was talking from the perspective of the year 2025 about the years 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2025, all of which seemed like a distant future at the time when I was reading it for the first time.

Time MachineImage Source: Author's derivative work with image from Pixabay. Credits to DasWortgewand for time-machine, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

The story he/she was telling sounded a bit like, I believe, Jules Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" must have been sounded to the majority of its first readers in 1870 when the book was published.

I don't think many people back then, at that distant 1870 already knew that "Sub Marine Explorer" was the first submarine who only four years before (in 1866), controlled by the crew managed to dive successfully, cruise underwater, and resurface.

Very likely, the majority as well didn't know that true Nautilus, very alike the creature - submarine Vern was describing in his book, France built even earlier (70 years before) in 1800 or even less the first submarine had been made, in fact, 250 years before Vern's book was published, in 1620 by Dutch engineer Cornelis Jacobszoon Drebbel.

All of this might be self-understandable if we take into consideration that people in 1870 didn't have Internet, didn't even have the telephone (as it was invented six years later, in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell), and accordingly, the news was traveling very slow.


You might be asking yourself now...

But, what all these have to do with us today?

BitcoinImage Source: Image from Pixabay. Credits to allanlau2000 for bitcoin-coin, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

I was triggered by recent events around Bitcoin which had a huge jump, only in the past month (from around $6,000 to current $16,000), we have just witnessed.

As well, led by old Latin proverb told to us by Cicero "Historia magistra vitae est." (History is a life's teacher.), that should provoke us to study past and use it as a lesson for the future; I was inspired to dig, find and read again that warning message from the time-traveler I have stumbled upon over four years ago.

MessageImage Source: Author's derivative work with image from Pixabay. Credits to Ridderhof for background-text, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

In that message, Luka Magnotta, as the time-traveler, was telling how Bitcoin would behave in the coming years. So, in 2013th he/she said the Bitcoin would reach the amount of $1,000 US two years later, in 2015. We can say, he was somewhat wrong about that one as Bitcoin from $100 in August 2013 managed to reach $1,000 for the first time, only three (3) months later, at the end of November 2013.

After that, it dropped down and during 2014 was circling around $400 with few summer jumps to around $600. 2015 in the mid of January started with another big drop down to $200 and the year finished by Bitcoin reaching again $400 in which range was fluctuating the first half of 2016.

The first big jump started again at the very end of May 2016, reaching back the $1,000 in the first few days of 2017.

For 2017 Luka said Bitcoin would reach the amount of $10,000.

Bitcoin Jump UpImage Source: Author's derivative work with image from Pixabay. Credits to geralt for bitcoin-stock, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

Somewhere in the mid of January this year (2017), only 12 months ago, when Bitcoin dropped below $800 it didn't seem very likely that it would reach $10,000 or even less $16,000 by the end of the year, but it did.

Luka said that in 2019 Bitcoin would reach the price of $100,000 and in 2021 $1,000,000. He/she said, from that point onwards, it would be impossible to express the Bitcoin value in dollars as the dollars wouldn't exist anymore, and the only existing values in which the wealth would be measured is land and cryptocurrency.

And you might ask now, what's the problem with that and...

What we should be warned about?

BitcoinImage Source: Image from Pixabay. Credits to geralt for bitcoin-coin, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

A few days ago @prufarchy, in his "The Bitcoin Transformation" post said...

I never thought I'd live to see the banking system afraid.

He also said...

I watched MNC's (Multi-National Corporations) overtake the legislative processes of other countries through manipulative financial schemes that did nothing to benefit the host country.

And I can't agree more with him.

In other words, the occurrence of Bitcoin followed by all the other cryptocurrencies, in some or even many ways, became not only our chase but even a scream for freedom. It became a way, we all believed or still do, that would liberate us from big player's and big brother's control, from manipulative and controlling corporations, banking cartels and governments.

But what if we are wrong or at least not entirely right?

Time-TravelerImage Source: Image from Pixabay. Credits to Greendragon-Gecko for steampunk-time-clock, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

In his/her warning message, Luka Magnotta said that many governments were secretly buying Bitcoin, trying to ensure their resistance. Their large volume Bitcoin purchases caused even more significant value increase of the Bitcoin, but despite that most of the governments don't exist anymore (in 2025) as those Bitcoins ended up on private accounts of greedy government employees who vanished afterward.

He/she also said that the leading institutions which hold the most considerable accessible Bitcoin amounts (in the year 2025) would be ASICminer, The IMF's currency stabilization fund, Government of Saudi Arabia and The North Korean government.

The economic growth would be only -2% per year as most of the people would hold enough Bitcoin to last them for a lifetime what would eliminate every incentive to invest the money.

He/she also said...

After seeing the enormous damage done to the fabric of society, terrorist movements emerged that sought to hunt down and murder anyone known to have a large balance of Bitcoin, or believed to be responsible in any way for the development of cryptocurrency. Ironically, these terrorist movements use Bitcoin to anonymously fund their operations.

Most people who own any significant amount of Bitcoin no longer speak to their families and lost their friends, because they had to change their identities.

Maybe we could agree that Luka Magnotta in his/her Reddit article "I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing" exaggerate and paint many highly unlikely things, possibilities and outcomes.

But what if...???

What if this quite intriguing four years old (SF or not) story is still trying to show us the other side of the coin we can't see somewhat blinded by our goal?

Turning back to the Jules Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" book that I mentioned at the beginning, and whose story, back then, very likely seemed equally science fictional (because most of its readers haven't been aware of submarine existence and discovery) as Luka's story might appear to us today, and also recalling onto old Latin proverb *"Historia magistra vitae est." - while I'm trying to build a better future, I'm asking myself what are the lessons I should learn from history?

LibraryImage Source: Image from Pixabay. Credits to Mysticsartdesign for library-sky, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

  • Despite the telephone, mobile phones, tablets, computers, all other high tech devices and Internet connection that we have at our disposal today that makes us feel we could reach any needed information anytime, the question is - Is that really so?
  • Are the main achievements and discoveries most important for humankind still very well hidden from us, kept in secrecy and accessible only to a few of elite ones?
  • What if we are making our decisions and planning our actions, in fact, in the very predictable ways because of such partial knowledge and awareness?
  • How much out of the box and how much broader and deeper we should think and act to change that if that's so?
  • And last but not least, what if instead of building a better and brighter future which would liberate us from all the barriers and chains in which we are now, in fact, we are just walking deeper into a very well designed different trap which proportions and perhaps entirely opposite than expected outcomes we can't see either imagine or even less comprehend yet?

Binary TrapImage Source: Image from Pixabay. Credits to geralt for binary-null-digital, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

Authored by @ana-maria

Luka Magnotta's Reddit article - "I am a time-traveler from the future, here to beg you to stop what you are doing"
Cornelis Jacobszoon Drebbel


This will never happen. Bitcoin will be worth much less in 2021 or so. Who will let decentralized money to control the world?

This is for sure an option and another possible outcome. It's hard to predict anything from this point without being a "certified prophet." 😉🙂


All very valid questions to bring up @adsactly.

I think it is going to be a combination of the two for a few years. There is going to be a tug-o-war going on between the traditional and the disruptive. Cryptocurrency is that disruptive force. People are already starting to create and produce more which benefits then directly as opposed to a huge corporation. We will continue to see this shift.

Bitcoin isnt the only game in town which is a good thing. Back in 2013, bitcoin was really the only name. Now we have many legit coins. Also, and most importantly, we are learning the process. People are going to realize money is created out of thin air. That is a big difference. Once people start to understand that process, they are going to be on the path to freedom.

Is Bitcoin the sacred cow? No. It is one path. If the elite buy it up, the rest of the populous can switch to something else. The possibilities for legitimate currency is endless.

You post brings up a valid point....the establishment isnt going to go easy. They will fight tooth and nail.

You are spot on with this. Especially back in 2013 as bitcoin being the only name out there in terms of cryptocurrency. I tried to make a list here on my website probably around 2014-2015 in an attempt to make a list of scam coins. The work was overwhelming and I eventually gave up. Mind you I've purposely neglected to update the list, as I was literally wasting too much time on it. Now there's a wide variety of legit coins to choose from.

Fascinating article and excellent response. Im very curious to see how various poqer brokers (governments, industries, social elites, etc) respond.... any currency relies on social traction and the belief in value. Will be exciting to see how this plays out.

I really enjoyed your comment very much! I like the way how you are thinking. Germans would say (I'm not German but the expression is circling in my area too) "Zucker coms zuletzt" (Sugar at the end, meaning the best at the end.), to me was when you said...

...the establishment isnt going to go easy. They will fight tooth and nail.

However, thank you for the kind words regarding the article. 🙂

"coms" would be spelled "kommt". but looking into this phrase, it appears to be an older form that might have been used in the time of the Hungarian/Austrian Rule of Croatia? In modern germany you might say : "Das Beste kommt zum Schluss" which has 200k google hits vs the Zucker with about 400 hits.

You are right! 🙂 And thank you for correcting. I have never been good in German (unfortunately - but there is still time to learn 😉), and by now I forgot even that smallest amount of some knowledge (especially when spelling comes into the question) I had many years ago. Despite that, I use above expression quite often. But now I taught some more and something new! Thank you! 🙂

I am very interested in gettint started in Crypto currency. Is therea link you could point me to on how to get started?

The fact that they will fight is scary, i hope it will be more figuratively than literally. I mean they have taken from us for long enough we should really be the ones fighting them off.

Indeed,,, let us take it very easy,,, if somebody would trust that explanation pf that writer on Reddit and did a stable plan in 2013 to invest heavily in Bitcoin then his or her situation will be more than better financially by today,, and this is very clear,,,, one path can be better than too many.

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Interesting... It's quite the coincidence that many of his predictions have been accurate so far...

Thank you for digging through your history and bookmarks to find the original reddit post. After reading his post and then coming back and rereading yours, I realized that you didn't take much of an opinionated stance on this "time traveler's" warnings. You presented all the information with both sides of the argument in mind. Which kudos to you for doing so but I'm interested to hear whether or not you believed in his accusations...

Also, thank you for linking @prufarchy's post. It was brilliantly written. One part of it really stood out to me, he wrote:

What the Bitcoin brochure doesn't tell you is that, by buying and hodling bitcoin, you're entering into a new phase of your life where economics, finance, marketing, distribution merge with technology and become topics you regularly peruse.

If Bitcoin is changing the world, it's changing us right alongside it... and for the better, for once.

And I could not agree more.

I hope this doesn't sound trite, but even Steemit has done that for me within the past several days. Participating in a platform that's based upon the blockchain and crypto has exposed me to new ways of thinking. While I appreciate the original post, I also appreciate your thoughtful contribution.

My personal opinion when it comes to Luka's predictions regarding BTC price rise, it sounded possible to me as back then same now. It maybe wouldn't happen precisely as he/she predicted it, but sooner or later it would hit those numbers (of course, with some ups and down amplitudes in between).

When it comes to how it could affect a human society in whole and what kind of changes may provoke, I'm afraid it could easily be misused, especially if we take into consideration human greed and increased lack of empathy for another human being. In other words, I think it would a lot depend on us and in which direction we would take it.

I like very much the comparison with the fire for all such things. Meaning if we treat it (the fire) right it would serve us exactly as we want but if we are not cautious enough and if we neglect its power we can easily end up burned.

GREED was a big part it is what is making DAOs and Dapps possible,,, with the "killer App" know as Bitcoin. But it needed to happen that way because the world culture is one of competition and self serving behaviors. If it had started out as anything less than a Pavlovian collar and chain mechanism it wouldn't be getting the attention it is today. But Bitcoin and "money" is the LEAST IMPORTANT POSSIBILITY for DAOs and Dapps,,, these don't create "Anarchy", they create distributed "agreements" that people can join or ignore,,, the adaged "GOVERNED BY CONSENT". This will not lead to KAOS it will lead to autonomous freedom and the ability to self actualize instead of being stuck on the lower levels of the Maslow's hierarchy.

What is going to catch most people off guard is that this new culture will REQUIRE "Personal Responsibility" and we know most people love daddy and the protective father figure that looks over and guards them from themselves. This is a good thing though,,, this is part of the process of SPIRITUALLY "growing up".

This is a very interesting perspective on the crypto phenomenon. even if you don't take this time traveler account in a nominal sense, it is known that human intuition can often exceed cerebral prediction of future events, much like Cliff High's program gets a lot of projections right. what matters is not the price of Bitcoin in dollars but rather the implications of such a price fluctuations. thing that are suggested here for example:

  1. The dollar equivalent price of Bitcoin would be irrelevant as soon as the majority has it.
  2. Powerful institution and individuals do not need the guise of government to maintain their power. inter-government institutions like the IMF could still operate at a time when world governments cease to.
    I think, maybe like when the Roman empire collapsed but western hegemony, iconised in the form of catholic Christianity continues to wield power even to the present day. these institutions can exist without the formal facade of government, as long as they govern de-facto.
  3. Is Bitcoin the crypto....... RESERVE CURRENCY?

Yeah, it's really interesting how many questions that "crypto phenomenon" (as you call it) opens. By writing the article I was more focused to open some questions for thinking and reviewing than trying to suggest anything else, as it's really very hard to predict anything. We don't know are we going to be here tomorrow or this guy from South Korea or somebody else would blow us all away.

This is the most Interesting blog Iv'e read in my life thank you very much for that tremendous read!

I honestly believe very strongly that Bitcoin will take over the dollar system, its going to happen and there's no stopping it. There are also other coins to store away aswell,

Dash: In my opinion is what bitcoin should have been!
Monero: Will explode next year due to it's dark web usage
NEM: Will also explode next year
Lumen: We must remember lumens is now partnered with IBM and are working on amazing payment system for crypto currencie also Korea has now implement lumen in there country = BIG MONEY
Ethereum: As soon as this kittens bullshit wears off we should see our beloved eth follow its big brother to the moon!

Mostly agree with your choices. Any alt-coin that has valid purpose and use is seeing a huge updrift in price.

One missing from your list, which I believe is going to be very big is SALT.

Look it up. SALT uses blockchain assets to lend you fiat, so you don't have to cash in the coins and pay capital gains taxes.

BRILLIANT !! SALT will be huge, because it serves a very useful purpose

Steem is not on the list. I would put Steem and Eos on my list. Ethereum and Bitcoin are old tech. Their scalability problem will kill them in the long run. All cryptocoins will psychologically take a blow from that and the MSM will scream the bubble has burst.

I read this comment of yours and logged in just to upvote you (doubling your wallet, I would upvote you even more if I could) and write you this. You are 100% correct in that Steem needs to be on the "must-buy list" (provided it will be sanitized by my UA hardforks, read my articles please), as well as EOS (provided it will go live as v1.0 and prove to work). Add IPFS to that as well, being at the core of EOS' infrastructure.

Start blogging here! I want to read more from you!

Edit: my upvote also made your rep go up from 25 to 26! :P

Scipio I agree with EOS WHAT A COIN THAT IS! consider yourselves lucky to be in on these coins nice and early. With steem id rather earn it that purchase it but no doubt its going to go nuts.

COB - free trading/exchange platform
IOTA - free transactions (wallet to wallet)
EOS - the operating system for the "Distributed Internet Platform/Programing Language"

I see these as 3 big "underlying techs" that will change the landscape. There are many other GREAT IDEAS for Tokenizing and revamping old business models to make them more efficient and more attractive. The possibilities are only limited by our imaginations


Awesome. I'm also bullish on ADA and DOGE LOL.

It's happening: http://operation-dragonslayer.com

Oh there you are again ;) go SALT!

Dave i agree with you it actually is on my list after Palm beach confidential released it, amazing coin

I think cryptocurrency will take over a significant share of the market but physical cash in hand will still maintain some value. I worry though that the value of everything that is not cryptocurrency is as risk, the value of property, the value of businesses, the value of cash itself, the value of any good. Cryptocurrency is about to take a big portion of the market share. I guess the answer is liquidate (or at the very least diversify) your assets and buy Cryptocurrency.

Agreed 100%. Cash will still maintain some value but the value compared to the cryptomarket will be ridicules. This crash is inevitable we just have to wait now.

what do you mean by moneros dark web usage?

@violet Its a coin usages by dark web users just like bitcoin was in the early stages.

@adsactly great post! I've actually heard of this story. But you given such profound understanding of other instances which makes me think that in a way we might be creating our own grave. I'm sure you've heard about how the bankers want to have a one world currency, bitcoin could possibly be a small way for them to get control. Assuming they become in control of the market. Best wishes :) - @splendorhub

Thank you!
Well, it could be that we are creating (as you said) "our own grave" but it could also be that we are not. As well, I believe that at every point in time in our lives we have the option to make choices and decisions that would take us in one or the other direction.

When I was writing this post, I was thinking more to inspire the readers just to think and review things instead of just taking it for granted in the way they are sometimes served to us.
In other words, if we observe something only from one perspective not taking into consideration the other possible or existing ones we could easily be misguided. I believe if we observe things from more than just one or two perspectives we have much bigger chances to make right choices and decisions.

Regarding banks and governments, I don't know what they are planning but I'm convinced they are looking for some way out for themselves from that cryptocurrency wonder that hit them unexpectedly.

Bankers and government are used to having everyone under control, and when they realize that they are loosing that control; yuup!... (I agree with you) they will look for other ways to find that control. Thank you for your comment :)

and though I do see the vision and the goals - I fail to see how Bitcoin is implementing them. It is a slow, costly network that is deeply split in opinion and has no structure. Do not get me wrong - I both agree with the TimeTraveler (to some extent) and with most of the comments, but I do not see bitcoin winning the race. Why run a bitcoin node - when Dash actually incentivises you to do so? Why trade bitcoin if the transaction costs are at 20$ right now and transaction times +60 minutes? Also, the "hash-flash" after the segwit2x cancellation (30% of the hashrate moved to Bitcoin cash) shows that the system might not be as decentralised as we all think, there are big mainly Asian clusters - the mining isn't decentralised that is for sure. Implementing a "central" entity to ease the burden of the Bitcoin blockchain -in my opinion- goes against everything that Bitcoin should stand for. Finally, but this is a downside many cryptos share: Proof of work! Even Visa and Deutsche Bank (some would say the evilest company in the world) process your transactions at a lower environmental impact.

@ana-maria - you wrote a lovely article that was very inspiring, but you wrote about a product (bitcoin - not blockchain nor cryptos!!!) that I think has no future. I am not hating - I am just pointing out that we need to reach the next step in our journey, Bitcoin got us this far, but it is time to mature and move on to a currency that works in the spirit of Bitcoin.

Did he happen to tell you who would win the next 10 Super Bowls or World Series'?

Hopefully he left a PDF of Grays Sports Almanac?

In other words, the occurrence of Bitcoin followed by all the other cryptocurrencies, in some or even many ways, became not only our chase but even a scream for freedom

This is a very dangerous perception.

It is anything but.

Have a look at my recent article to understand why.

Or check this one out, I saw it being discussed by some people.

Please understand: Bitcoin, Litecoin, 99% of the "cryptos" out there, they have nothing to do with freedom and privacy.

Many people thought they did, many more still do, but understand this.

These are not private, they don't help privacy: they make the task of spying on everyone who uses them EASIER THAN IT HAS EVER BEEN.

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