Bitbay going to launch decentralized Exchange which will support deposit viasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitbay7 years ago


Dear Members,

BitBay 3.0 demo release date
Sunday, September 17th.
The launch date of BitBay 3.0
Saturday, September 23rd.

We are pleased to inform you that the long-awaited coming of our day. Next weekend you will be on the latest version of our platform - BitBay 3.0. It is the result of months of work by our team and countless hours of testing. We want to share with you the necessary information on the planned migration to version 3.0, during the event that you feel totally comfortable.

Due to the significant fluctuations Bitcoin in recent days, the date of introduction BitBay 3.0 has been moved in relation to the earlier announcement. We took this decision based on your feedback and concerns that restrict access to the platform during this period could be very disadvantageous to you. We do not want to unavailability of the platform at the time of fluctuations caused the loss of our customers.

Moreover, bearing in mind your suggestions, postanowiśliśmy before the introduction of the new version of the platform, zaprezentowć it to you in the form of a demo. We encourage you to test it, make comments and share with us your feedback about it. We hope that through this final version will be even more closely tailored to your needs.


Launch date demo version 3.0 BitBay

Sunday, September 17.


3.0 Date of introduction BitBay

Saturday, September 23.



From 00:00 hours on 09.23.2017 r. To a maximum of 10:00 on the day 23.09.2017. Platform will be completely unavailable.



All customer funds are completely safe and need not be withdrawn at the time of migration. The data are fully and securely migrated to the new platform, this applies to:

  1. all the customer data from the platform 2.0
  2. full set of accounts, including 2FA and verification
  3. account balances - both in FIAT currencies and crypto,
  4. exposed bids,
  5. commission (many of you have lower turnover due to - you do not have to fear that they will be raised)
  6. favorite accounts
  7. persons invited affiliate program and commissions accrued in it,
  8. card to your account,
  9. API settings.


Log in to Version 3.0

After migration to version 3.0 login will be carried out using the same data used to log in to version 2.0. For safety, at first logon stagnation you asked to make the password change.


The change addresses the crypto payments

NOTE addresses to make payments cryptocurrency change. Accounting for payments made on previous addresses will take place until October 1, but it will be followed with delays. For this reason, immediately after starting the platform in version 3.0, we recommend to log on and download new addresses to cryptocurrency payments.


Access to data from version 2.0

After the launch of the new platform, we will enable access to the previous version, so that you can copy and archive account data. Detailed information on this pass in mailing and Articles 3.0 after the start.



For all your appki work correctly, the API version 2.0 will be supported until 31 October. In the case of use it gets small changes, which please to prepare: the method of "trades" will not support the parameter "since", and also in response to "tid" it will not be meaningful (the return value will always be 1). API 2.0 will also reverse the sorting of transactions was serviced. Therefore, we recommend the overvoltage new API, which will also include the WebSocket communication. New API documentation will be made available with the new version.


new kryptowaluty

After starting the platform at your disposal will be as follows kryptowaluty: Bitcoin Bitcoin Cash, litecoin, Ethereum, Lisk, Dash GameCredits. Within 2 weeks we will also be made available: Monero. Every 2-3 weeks we plan to add another kryptowalty. At any further we will inform you in advance.


Operators payments PLN, USD, EUR

Bank accounts for payments in currencies PLN, USD and EUR will not change.
Operators payments PLN, USD and EUR will not change at runtime version 3.0, but soon you will share deposits and withdrawals using: Payza and Perfect Money payment will be restored and the Express with Dotpay.
Over a period of about a week they will only be suspended deposits using credit cards.


Assist customers during migration

Throughout the period of migration, as well as after its completion, our support team will be fully at your disposal. If you have questions, feel free to contact us.


We hope that with us you will enjoy the new, improved version of our exchange. We would also like to announce that BitBay 3.0 is just the first of a series of new products our team. For over a year working on news, which we hope will soon present you.

Best Regards,
team BitBay
Dear Users,

We are happy to inform you That the day That we have been waiting for is just ahead. During this weekend you are going to get the Possibility to use the newest update of our exchange - BitBay 3.0. It is the effect of our team hard work, that took us months of careful testing. In order to make you feel comfortable during this event, the want to share with you essential information about the upcoming migration is version 3.0.

Significant fluctuations are due of a Bitcoin exchange rate in recent days, the release of 3.0 BitBay has been postponed. We made this decision based on your opinions and Concerns That limited access to the platforms during this period could be very unfavorable for you. We do not want the platform to be inaccessible at the time of price change as it could cause losses for our customers.

Furthermore, based on your suggestions. We decided it present you a 3.0 demo before launching a new version of the platform. We Encourage you to test, comment, and discuss your opinions with us. We Hope that this will make the final version even better.


BitBay 3.0 demo release date
Sunday, September 17th.
The launch date of BitBay 3.0
Saturday, September 23rd.



Since 0:00 on the 23rd of September 2017 up to a maximum of 10:00 on the 23rd of September 2017 our platforms is going to be unavailable. If the menage to finish Minogue Earlier changes, then the access to our exchange will be possible sooner.



All our clients' funds are completely safe and there is no need to withdrawn them before the migration period. Data are going to be fully and safely migrated to the new platform - it Applies to:

  1. All personal information from 2.0 platforms,
  2. Account settings with 2FA and verification,
  3. Account balances in both currencies and FIAT cryptocurrencies.
  4. Previously placed offers.
  5. Commission rate (many of you have lower fee due to your trading volume - you do not have to worry That it will Increase)
  6. Favorite bank accounts,
  7. Users invited through the affiliate program and commissions connected with them,
  8. Cards details.
  9. API settings.


Logging in to version 3.0

After the migration is logging in version 3.0 will require the same date That were used to log in to version 2.0. Reasons for security, you will be asked to change your password during your first log in.


Change of address cryptocurrency deposits

CAUTION! Cryptocurrency deposits addresses ARE GOING TO BE CHANGED. Booking transfers send to previous addresses will take place up to the 1st of October. However, delays are possible. Reasons for this, 3.0 Immediately after launching platforms in highly recommend to log in and download new addresses for cryptocurrency deposits.


Access to data from version 2.0

After launching the new platform will make it possible access the data from the previous version so as a copy and archive account data. We will share more information and articles via email after the start of the 3.0 platforms.



In order to make all your apps working properly, the API forms 2.0 platforms will be supported until the 31st of October. If you use it, the "trades" method will not support the "since" parameter, and in the "tid" response it will not be valid (the returned value will always be 1). The 2.0 API will also not support a reverse transaction sorting. The Therefore, we recommend using the new API That will include WebSocket communication. Documents regarding to new APIs will be given along with the new version.


New cryptocurrencies

After launching our new platforms, you will be given the Possibility to trade in cryptocurrencies Following: Bitcoin Bitcoin Cash, litecoin, Ethereum, Lisk, Dash GameCredits. Within 2 weeks period also we will be Monero introduced.We are planning to introduce new every cryptocurrencies within next 2-3 weeks. We will inform you about adding them in advance.


Service for providers of PLN, USD, EUR deposits

Bank account numbers for PLN, USD and EUR deposits will not be changed.

Deposits service providers regarding to PLN, USD and EUR are not going to be changed at the start of version 3.0. However, we are going to introduce deposits via Payza and Perfect Money. What is more, express deposits via Dotpay are going to be restored.

For around one week, credit cards deposits are going to be suspended.


Customer support during the migration

During the whole migration period as well as after it our support team will be at your service. In case of any doubts that you 'have a small please contact us.

download (1).jpg

We hope that you 'will be happy with us along with the new superior version of our exchange. Furthermore, we would like to make a remark 3.0 BitBay That is just the first product of the upcoming new series prepared by our team. Right now we are working for a year over the novelties That we hope that soon introduce.

Best Regards,
BitBay team


That sounds great.

And if you're looking to upgrade your english content to increase your credibility in the english speaking market, I be happy to talk about that and see what arrangement we could come up with.

Bitbay is just awesome! I am sure Bitbay will give more push to crypto

Bitbay Slack dont know what this is all about. already has a decentralized market place working NOW however ;-)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62066.10
ETH 2419.11
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66