GUESS HOW OLD I AM / win steem.
Today is my birthday. WOOPEE ... not really. I am not one to celebrate getting older.
Anyway the first one to guess my age today will get (One Steem ) sent their way.
I have not shown a picture of myself since joining Steemit over a year ago. You will have to guess from all the posts I submitted. Good luck and ................... Happy Birthday to me.
living with a colony of cats
close to the age of 65
either retired (probably 'no', too many mouths to feed - lol!)
or, working from home
I'll guess... 63.
Regardless, Happy Birthday to you! And, many happy returns of the day!! PS. The cake with a question mark (courtesy of was a nice touch. ;-D
No, not 63... But I am retired at 56. Thanks for all the kind words. @aerialpegasus
Well, you are very blessed to be retired so young, I think. My father retired at age 55 after 33 years of work; he was retired and enjoying life for 35 more after that. He was riding horses until age 91 - he passed away just before he turned 92. So, love life, love animals, enjoy the good friends, family and animals you have in your life, and take good care of yourself. Sage advice from someone older than you, who will never retire because horses are expensive. LOL!! Have a great birthday week - this is just the first day of it! ;-D
Thanks I older than 56 ..
So! No one has guessed your age correctly yet?
Not yet, but now I am X years and 2 days. lol
With retired at 56 everything gets more complicated hehe
Narrowed down to 57 to 100 ... He he
The Golden Number is 58 hehe
Sorry young lady, not right.
Happy birthday! 😀🎂
I wish you all the very best and my guess is 62.
Thanks @nelinoeva No not 62.
I have to admit, this isnt easy :) OK I think you are retired to have have time for 10 Cats :) So you might be 60 -65
Or you have your own business and working from home + taking care about the kitties. So lets say 60 - 65 for now :P
No range have to pick an number 1-100.... lol
Hhhh thats more difficult. Lets say 65 :D
And Happy Birthday !!
Wrong!..... but close.
67 :P
No sorry. :-)
Well I would say: 10 cats + a reputation score of 58 = 68 :D
So am I the genius :P
Good deduction but wrong answer. lol
Happy Birthday to you ;)
I would say 40...
No, but thanks for the guess. Just a hint you are way off.
So do I get a second chance since I was way off?
Sure go for it. :-)
I would say 63 now :)
No sorry. My secret is safe from you now. lol
You got to give me a final chance :)
Only two chances. lol
Happy Birthday!! I'm gonna guess a young 62! 😊
Happy birthday, I don’t know how to guess your age. You are definitely a male, living with a nation of cats, something implies that no one else lives there. Some things tell that you may be an older person but your blogging activity and the style tells the opposite. You recently posted a photo with your legs on it, so you can be between 30 and 60. My activity on Steemit is lower than usual, so I maybe missed something. Come on, give us a hint! :) happy birthday again
Take a guess... one to a hundred. lol ... Thanks @dumar022 Almost everything you said about me is correct.
61 (almost all...)
Almost all is really all. Have woman friend but does not live with me. Wish I was 61.... ha ha
Happy Birthday!
My guess is you are 60.
Thanks, no not 60.
Happy Birthday Mike & Many More 🎂
My guess is 64
Tho I wanna say 57 or 59, surely not 9 or 99
I think you are kinda close to our age, not gonna say
our ages, you gotta guess LOL
Thank you ... No not 64 and not 57 or 59. Running out of numbers. :-)
Do we keep guessing till we get it right?
Only a few numbers left lol 61?
I'm thinking @deerjay got it right lol
No one right yet. Your second guess is wrong. I guess my age will stay a secret. :-)
You are ageless! :-)
🐱 😺 😸 😹 😻 😼 😽 🙀 😿 😾
Oh oh to HIGH!!! lol
I think we all used up the range of numbers ¹ ² ³
58? the number of your rep! :-)
Nope... very cold.
It is better than Sunday's Lottery Game :D
Thats the most difficult question! 55?
Sorry no. ...A hell of a lot easier that guessing the lottery though. :-)
Happy Birthday!
I was thinking somewhere in 50 but comments here saying no...
I think someone elso answered it right already ;)
No one got it right yet, you can have a second guess but no more. :-)