My Vlog - My birthday
Greetings steemian friend.
August 29, 2018 Yesterday I turned 32, everyone who knew it continued to give a happy birthday and even from a special person in my life. My gratitude for being given the opportunity by God to breathe and good health. I hope that on this 32nd anniversary I hope to be given ease of fortune and get married quickly.
This video was sent by a special person in my life, Aulia Armaya. Thank you for friends who gave me a greeting and prayed for me on this birthday. Thank you also to friends @steemit who have appreciated each of my content, you are amazing.
Don't forget Upvote and Follow @bonesumpal, hopefully your days will be fun.
Wassalam, @bonesumpal.
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▶️ DTube
Happy birthday @bonesumpal
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you @sikitingkebo
Baarakallah fii umrik @bonesumpal, semoga selalu sehat dan bahagia dunia akhirat..aamiinn
Btw..ultahnya samaan ni sama anak saya yang kedua..Divia 😍
Amin, terima kasih buk..
Selamat ulang tahun juga buat Divia...
Ini ada kue, tolong dicicipi, semoga panjang umur, dan jodohnya cepat dapat.😀👍

Amin,, terima kasih banyak buk @aronnaawe
Amazing... hahahaha
Subhanallah, bahagia sekali saya...
Alhamdulillah, kuenya enak kan.🙏
Uenakkk banget buk @aronnaawe
Selamat milad @bonesumpal, wish you all the best
Amin, terima kasih buk @rayfa
Happy Birthday, @bonesumpal.
We wish you all the best.
Thanks for promoting arteem server here.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you @arteem
Sukses selalu buat @arteem
Selamat Ulang Tahun, bang.
Kuehnya minta sama bu @aronnaawe ya .. Hehe.
Thank you brother...
Iya kue nya minta sama buk @aronnaawe
Okeh. Semoga makin berkah umur kita, bang @bonesumpal. Amin.
Amin2... hehehe
Hbd bang @bonesumpal
Terima kasih @ainee
Happy Birthday my friend! Wish you all the best!
Thank you @pupu93