Why Natural Birth Is So Important!

in #birth7 years ago (edited)


How can we ever know how powerful our bodies are if we do not trust in their abilities, to create, to birth and to heal!

Each one of us are limited by our own self belief, our own self doubt. Doubt that has been put on us, down through generations. When we were told that we needed to listen to others over ourselves.That in order to really gain knowledge we had and still have to follow the 'experts'. We have to be able to prove our point by referencing some one else's point of view.

This huge shift away from self, leading us away from our inner wisdom and putting the focus outwards, directing us towards others to solve our problems and give us all the answers.

The very first step towards any healing needs to start with self. Self acceptance and self love. No one can do that for you, no one can make you accept who you are, who you have become, just like no one can make you love yourself. So many people do not realize this and as a result push the responsibility of their health onto others. This is a lot easier than taking a look at where you are in your life, than taking responsibility for the way in which you have been living your life. We need to take so many different factors into consideration when we look at the state of our over all health. Yet we have come to expect a quick fix when we become unwell, treating the symptoms instead of getting to the cause of our illness.

Image Source:https://confessionsofafruiteater.com/fruitarian/we-are-self-healing/

Seeing a fever as a cause for concern, instead of the reality that our body is actually working to heal itself. The rush to bring a fever down is actually stopping our bodies own ability to heal. So many have lost faith in their own bodies ability to heal itself and it seems to only be getting worst.

The reality is that so many people would rather take poison that actually take responsibility for their own bodies, for their own health. Because it is more convenient and because they have come to believe that the only way for them to improve is to consult with others. There is no need any longer to listen to your own body because you can now go and see and 'expert' and let them tell you what is wrong and how to fix yourself, a quick fix that is. No body wishes to experience pain, so instead of sitting with themselves and taking the time to figure out why this pain has arisen, we numb it and ignore it and continue on. All the while ignoring our bodies call for attention.

One of the most natural things that all animals in the world do is to create life and then for the females to carry that life and birth it. It is a sacred act as old as every living being. It is something that women's bodies are made to do, are very capable of doing. Yet it is fast becoming a medical procedure for humans that is being interfered with and is now becoming harder and harder for women to do naturally.

Obstetrics is the highest paid medical profession in the world. Once a woman now enters a hospital it is becoming more and more unlikely that she will experience a natural birth. If her labour is not progressing fast enough for the hospital staff, she will become induced, injected with a synthetic hormone to speed up the birth. But this injection causes the baby's heart rate to increase and from there follows an cascade of interventions that can end up in a Caesarean section.

On top of this the mother no longer produces the hormones she needs to birth her baby, as this synthetic hormone confuses the body and stops it from releasing it naturally. This has huge effects on the mother and baby. Both the mother and baby undergo such a elaborate dance, a dance that has been happening for thousands of years. Yet today that knowledge that natural dance is being pushed aside and we are taking away one of the most natural and empowering acts from women. So many women are misinformed about birth. They do not believe that they could possibly birth without medical intervention. They feed into all the fear that is being put onto them.

Birth is a sacred act, it is something to be respected and honoured. In order for a woman to birth naturally, she needs to be able to listen to her own body, to listen to and communicate with her baby and to be in a safe and secure environment. She needs to be healthy and happy, to take responsibility for her own health and the health of her baby. When this happens then she will become more empowered.

If we lose the ability to birth our children naturally then we will lose yet another connection to our natural selves. Whether you are male or female, natural birth needs to be protected. If we are to heal the earth, we have to start with healing birth. How birth is being treated in the world today is a reflection of how we are being treated.Birth has become something that is now mostly controlled and babies are being brought into the world full of pharmaceuticals.Is this really the way in which we want to see the world going? Is this really the future we want?

1st Image Source:https:https://www.birtheatlove.com/freebirthaffirmationsprintable/

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Somebody I know did a natural birth at home with no midwife. She said she did a lot of studying and the doctors do a lot of stuff wrong.

I had an unassisted birth with my last daughter and there are so many things that are being done to women in hospitals that are purely done in the hospitals best interests and not the mother and baby. there is a high turn over in maternity wards so there is always a push for births to happen within a certain time fame.

another awesome post! So true <3
I've 10 more weeks until I'll experience it myself

Wow how AMAZing..... how blessed you are!

thank you @lovablesoul, 10 weeks will fly by, if you need any info or anything please feel free to contact me, enjoy the rest of your pregnancy xxx

Thank you so much :)

The very first step towards any healing needs to start with self. Self acceptance and self love. No one can do that for you, no one can make you accept who you are, who you have become, just like no one can make you love yourself.

This is exact thing came up in my yin yoga practice today. Its an ongoing process.

Im horrified at how many woman check in for caesaereans or epidurals without even being willing to listen to their bodies or the fact they are powerful and woman have been doing this for a long time. This idea came up in The Handmaids Tale series 2.. gosh this show is GOOD for examining womens issues... powerfully, and against her expectations, SHE DID give birth without intervention and i just sobbed.

thank you lovely one, I have read the book the handmaids tale but haven't seen the series, I am always a bit reluctant to watch anything that has been made from books, but maybe I will give it a go. Hope you are well, lots of love coming at ya xxx

I read the book a million times and used to feel the same way about film versions, but now I think they just add to the narrative. Atwood consulted with them for the series and they did an incredible job - it was just incredible. The second series comtinues where the book finishes and its amazing. Very very bleak though.

mmm, well said trucklife-family. Im happy to say most of my friends have had home births.. although my brother just had his first son in a hospital.. Ugh! I heard the newborn is on antibiotics as the mother had an infection.. what a start! ;-(

thank you @eco-alex, oh it is a shame to hear of babies on antibiotics, but this is the world some live in, my 3 have never had any and I hope it stays that way xx

Very good to spread this vital truth! Well done! Wholesome birthing and before that sacred sexuality and conception are I think the keys to healing the world! Things that go wrong in these stages leave deep, deep marks in us, that would be so much better to prevent then to heal afterwards.

yes that is so true @wombloom, you should write about that I would love to read your truth on sexuality and conception, thank you Clara xx

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thanks so much @ahabresteems I am honoured, I will check that out x

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Beautifully written @trucklife-family. That very first sentence is so powerful! We will never know if we don’t allow our bodies the chance.

I was so amazed when I learned that fact that when we get a headache that’s our bodies way of telling us something is wrong and that it’s trying to heal itself. But as you said we don’t like pain and are so quick to suppress it that we don’t even give our bodies a chance to do it’s job.

Birth surely is sacred and special...thanks for promoting Natural birth!!! Resteemed!

Thanks @crosheille, I love to write about birth and about the power of our amazing bodies, we really have no idea how powerful they are. I am learning all the time and love to share what I learn and believe. thank you for you lovely comment and the resteem xx

I still do not have the guts to do an unassisted / homebirth. It did cross my mind with my first but the more i learned about the risk involved the more i lean towards a hospital birth. I do not think I can handle the pressure from society if ‘something’ goes wrong. What I did was to look for doctors who respected my wishes and allow intervention to be as minimal as possible. That said it’s not easy to find one like that and in my recent case my doctor changed her mind at the last minute and insisted for me to get induced around week 39 because my sugar level was a litttle higher than usual. I was lucky to be able to find another doctor close to week 37 who respected my decisions.
Thanks for sharing this. More women should be empowered of their birth right.

thank you @ladylei, it is so important for women to have the choice in how they wish to birth and to be aware and informed about their rights and their bodies capabilities in the end we make the best decision for us and what matters most is that the mother feels safe and nurtured when the time arises xx

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