Why the big push to control this planet now...
I was wondering why all of a sudden the big push to control the people of the planet now is the priority.
This could be done like the slowly boiled frog as has been the way for hundreds of years. Now in 2020 and forward the control system has been employed (masks, 'vaccines', biological weapons, confinement, etc.)
I look at it as an onion with many layers of complexity. The outer layers are control through governments and law enforcement groups. Another layer inward would be corporations and the military industrial complex (5 eyes). Another layer would be the 13 families. Then maybe another layer would be parents and covens. Yes, they exist or existed. The layers go deeper. So, one could look at the situation / problem as a 4 D chess game where time is a component which ties in the 'now' part of the title of this posting.
So I gave it some thought and could only come up with one reason why this war has escalated so quickly - exponentially.
There is an event coming of which all the powers here cannot control. Something extra-planetary. A schedule which is being forced upon the service to self community that has been in control here for eons. A situation that will remove them from power permanently or for at least a thousand years into the future. This event has been documented in at least one book I know of and most others do as well. That will be a research subject for anyone reading this.
It would also explain all the earth changes that are occurring at an exponential pace. There are also signs in the skies all over the planet of flaming bolloids, fire falling from the sky, extreme floods, blood red waters animal life die off and it goes on and on and on.
So what could this planetary event be?
I will follow up soon.
Any comments?