Shortage of CO₂ leading to shortage of water purification.
As the oil prices crashed, ethanol-producing (biofuel) plants stopped production. One by-product of those processes was a huge amount of captured CO₂, and as a result there is a now an emerging shortage of CO₂ gas.
CO₂ is, of course, used in the production of many beverages, but it's also often used in water purification processes, ensuring that water from reservoirs is potable before distribution.
As SARS-CoV-2 viral particles linger in sewage, and there is a small chance of backflow or cross-contamination without treatment, it might be an idea to keep some water purification tablets in your pantry.
You can always filter the chlorine back out again via a Brita filter, to have your cake and drink it too.
Boiling is another option, but it may not reduce turbidity and settling of any sediment as much.