By the way of deception (social engineering attack at crypto-exchange – a story part)
I borrowed this article’s title from a book I’ve read many years ago when I was a high school student as it perfectly describes the situation I met yesterday with at “Binance Support” Telegram channel. I became there a target of very “nice”, yet simple and not original social engineering attack aiming at my 0.03 BTCs. As I personally believe this experience might be beneficial for other, especially newbies I decided to publish it here … ENJOYYYY!!!
Oh wait a minute..., before we start let me also mention that
- this article is not anti-Binance as below mentioned kind of attack might happen at any Crypto related Telegram channel (and believe me these attacks are happening there quite often)
- this article is not anti-Telegram too although its strong focus on privacy rather helps scammers of all kinds. I do respect privacy it delivers to its users and personally enjoy it too
- detail analysis will follow in another article
So let’s go…..
After update of Binance Desktop Client for Windows on Wed, Dec 13th 2017 I was not able to login into Binance. It froze at 2FA phase, showing message “loading…” only. Despite this I was still able to login into web version – no problem there with 2FA. In order to solve this problem I turned to “Binance Support” Telegram channel and publicly declared that. My acronym is JM ...
He asked what the problem is and suggested a solution „we suggest you can reset 2fa\“, but then discontinued to communicate.
During this conversation another chat with Customer Support 1003 appeared. So on the left side I suddenly had 2 windows with “Customer Support 1003” rep. I found it very strange as I have never met with this at Telegram before but continued to communicate to see what’s gonna happen…
The second Customer Support 1003 was active – he started to get know what is going on.
He also started to get know whether I’m already in a contact with other support guys.
He found that I still have no resolution by them, so he went for me! He proposed me a “solution” – a “RECTIFICATION” … hmmm. It sounds good, doesn’t it? OK. Fine, let’s go.
He went on…
Wtf? Wait a minute. Paying? No my dear supporter I’m not an idiot. You are a scammer man!.
Let’s check it more…
Original Customer Support 1003’s (on the top) vs. SCAMMER’s profile (below), differences highlighted.
Now it was clear, so let’s play games…
And there going to the finish of the conversation …
So that is it.
Maybe you are curious why I had him on-line for so long. In the meantime I tried to alarm people from Binance Support Telegram channel but I had no luck, no one out of 3 I contacted were online and reacted. I also tried to contact Chinese BINANCE support at WeChat in English but they did not react too. I was alone during the incident.
Luckily I also turned to BNB Angel „Jack Hipeek“ of my home BINANCE Czecho-Slovak channel who helped me after a while (Many Thanks).
I also notified people at BINANCE Support channel…
When everything was done an original guy from customer support woke up.
I also checked the wallet of a scammer and as u can see there apparently were some victims…
And that’s the end of the story part.