
Some of their users were hacked, and Binanced handled it so well as to recover the stolen funds and even freeze the hackers funds.
And no, withdrawals are not on hold, I have withdrawn today with no issue.

the withdraw fees for binance are pretty high.

Depends on what you are withdrawing. Some coins will have high fees by their nature. You can withdraw NEO from Binance for free. Buy 1 NEO, withdraw 1 NEO, receive 1 NEO.

Well.. I would say that if users get hacked on Binance then Binance got hacked.. Lets not fiddle diddle around that fact! I read myself from some users that they never even touched their own API settings or keys or code.. nothing.. and still got all their funds sold off and auto bought into ViaCoin..
So Binance GOT HACKED.. they handled it quickly though as you mention. I agree with you from there. But users on Binance and therefore Binance got hacked... It is Binances responsability to deactivate vulnerable settings from ordinary user accounts that might not know how to use the internet totally securely. Binance is responsable in a long haul..

Binance did not get hacked. Any users affected had typed the binance website address in incorrectly and went to a fake site. At the fake site they typed in their "username" and "password". This gave their username and password to the phishers. The phishers then collected enough accounts and on a specific day or days started manipulating the market.

The only fault that Binance had.... as far as I have heard could be said, is that they themselves didn't buy up all the domain names(web addresses) which were similar or could be typed in incorrectly as "binance".

But again, no, that is not a hack. That can't be called "getting hacked."

Just double check your facts. False or misunderstood news is just as bad as FAKE news.


Right. That is the way I understood it too. It wasn't a hack. But phishing.

Okay, if that was the only things going on I agree with you! Catching someone ellses username and pass and using it is then only the user getting hacked or phished..

Thanks for clearing that up!

On the other hand, it can only be possible then because these users were not using google authenticator or other 2 factor security!?? Unless they somehow managed to hack the 2 factor also for the accounts? I doubt that though.. Probably users without 2 factor enabled.

But to be true I did read about people talking about the API keys. Maybe just myths being spread.

Thanks friend. I agree that I do not KNOW for sure, we are all just trying to get things straight together here! cheers! I will follow you. Anyone who want to, please follow me and help me get started quickly here!


Google's data collection and behaviour in YouTube have a lot of people questioning and not using any Google services. Or they may just not know about it. I am a relative newb and have never used two factor security.

They didn't need to touch their api settings, they just gave their account details to the wrong person, who did it for them.

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