SARS-CoV-2 and the Contentious Bioweapon
Over the years, we’ve all been trained to believe that a bioweapon is a deadly pathogen, engineered to spread like wildfire and wipe out millions. We’ve been fed endless stories about dangerous viruses causing dreadful diseases; there’s been a stream of news about outbreaks of various kinds, warnings about terrorists creating something on a computer, and a movie industry peddling the idea of contagion.
These narratives have helped sustain the ronascam by fuelling the fear of covidians, but they’ve made anti-covidians dismiss the bioweapon theory because there’s been no evidence of a deadly pandemic.
The logic seems to be that if there’s no pandemic, there can’t be a bioweapon, and there’s probably no such thing as SARS-CoV-2. But what if mild disease was always the plan? What if it was designed to take out people who were already knocking on death’s door? Isn’t that just what the Reset needs?
The official narrative is that most people have no symptoms and it’s mainly the old and/or sick who are dying; so if this is just partly true, what we have going on is a kind of part-mild/part-fake pandemic! There had to be a virus to begin the ronascam and to sustain it for so long, because scientists would have had nothing to study otherwise! This virus spreads well but is rarely lethal, so they’re running a psy-op campaign to maintain the fear.
The no-virus theory might be another psy-op because it’s been very effective so far.
A new kind of bioweapon
If you wanted to kill a lot of people, it’d be easier to put something in the water supply, or add it to food or medicine rather than releasing a deadly pathogen that could get out of control. So far, the vax seem more like bioweapons than any virus, when you consider how many people have suffered because of them, but they could either be a different kind of bioweapon, or the deaths and injuries could be ‘collateral damage’.
SARS-CoV-2 is a far more subtle bioweapon that’s managed to create long-lasting, widespread, social and economic effects. A political weapon like this is …. less obvious to people who would normally raise the alarm, mainly because they’re on the lookout for the classic kind of lethal contagion, like the stuff you see in movies, but also because the effects of the weapon are so wide-ranging, and so complicated. There’s so much to talk about and it’s all very contentious.
But at the end of the day, all bioweapons are designed with a political goal in mind, and SARS-CoV-2 has allowed the technocrats to orchestrate the Reset.
Why it had to be contentious
It’s as if Bill Gates predicted the rona as a bioweapon when he gave a speech in 2017 and floated the idea of a “contentious” type of flu. He said:
“…the next epidemic has a good chance of originating on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus, or a contentious, contagious and deadly strain of the flu.”
Well now, the only way this kind of flu could ever be contentious (or debatable) would be if people couldn’t agree on just how contagious it was, or how deadly it was.
The elusive disease they call covid seems like a slightly contagious and vaguely deadly form of flu. And it’s very contentious indeed. From masks and lockdowns to police brutality, the existence of viruses and what’s in the vaccines, there’s always something to rage about because we all know this is crazy, there is no pandemic, and it’s all being done for the Reset.
For the technocrats, the only way to launch the Reset was with a very subtle bioweapon that plays upon this concept of a contentious form of flu. It’s given us a lot to talk about, and it’s created an awful lot of confusion. The new disease had to be mostly mild for the ronascam to work. The last thing they needed was rampant disease, because if people were dropping like flies, it’d only be the sick ones who’d be quarantined and the whole thing might have been dealt with in a rational way, partly because you’d be able to tell who was ill and who wasn’t. We’d have all joined in and it would have been quickly resolved. Instead, the technocrats needed to stage a mild/fake pandemic where anyone could be seen as a threat, even when they’re not ill; only then would people agree that everyone needs a health pass, so they’re assured of who is ‘safe’ to hang out with. The whole thing relies on fear of the invisible, for now and ever more.
The disease created by this bioweapon had to be:
- vaguely defined
- mostly asymptomatic
- similar to other illnesses
- vax-able (with a pre-planned solution)
- long-lasting or endemic
- zoonotic (said to come from animals)
- targeted to remove key demographics (the sick and the old)
- anticipated with alarm for many years, so it’s easily hyped
Covid ticks all the boxes!
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